
Twiddle Your Thumbs & Wait For Phase 3?

Brian Ripple  |   Tuesday Dec. 1

Bozeman has a vibrant art scene, but it is hurting. Many artists thrive on and need recognition. This is why we have movie openings, art galleries, and art walks, and this is why we have live music and concerts.As a musician, a huge majority of my…

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The Local American Saloon

Angie Ripple  |   Tuesday Dec. 1

Craig Seguin may not be a cowboy on horseback, but he often performs a multitude of ranch, I mean restaurant-related tasks as the owner and head chef at Belgrade’s Local American Saloon. Craig is skilled at using the tools of the trade to…

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December Cover Artist: Kelly Hartman

Tuesday Dec. 1

Kelly Hartman grew up in the mountains, quite literally, in a tiny valley just a half a mile from Yellowstone National Park. Her parents are wildlife photographers, so she spent much of her childhood hiking through the woods on the search for the…

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The Multiple Counter Offers

Tim Ford  |   Sunday Nov. 1

Last month, I wrote about how buyers can try to be competitive in multiple offer scenarios. As we continue to see new listings generating multiple offers, we’re also seeing an increase in the use of the multiple counter offer form. This form or…

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How Wildfires Can Benefit Montana’s Birds

Sunday Nov. 1

Before it’s over, this year’s fire season will devour a record number of forest acreage across the West. This year, Montana has largely been spared, excluding the residents of Bozeman’s Bridger canyon, and as residents of the state…

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When Craft Beer Became Hand Sanitizer

Sunday Nov. 1

The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic caused a surge in demand for hand sanitizer across Montana. As drugstore shelves were cleaned out and then sat empty, hospitals and front line workers were directly and perilously affected by the shortage. Enter…

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Peaks, Peace and Poetry

Kevin Brustuen  |   Sunday Nov. 1

“When despair for the world grows in meand I wake in the night at the least soundin fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,I go and lie down where the wood drakerests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.I…

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Gratitude Is The Attitude

Angie Ripple  |   Sunday Nov. 1

This year has been hard, so while brainstorming what to write for this month’s Editor’s Note, I decided the best way to balance the instability I’ve been feeling is with some gratitude. November is an obvious choice of months to…

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November Cover Artist: Aaron Zulpo

Sunday Nov. 1

Aaron Zulpo paints stories. His subjects ranged from personal, historic, western, and fictitious adventures. His desire is to delight the audience creating images that are understandable while being visually complex to stimulate the act of…

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Sidewinders American Grill

Angie Ripple  |   Sunday Nov. 1

Sidewinders in Bozeman has been serving the community since June 2017, holding firm to its founder’s Marine Corps values of “leaders eat last” and “take care of your people.” Sidewinders is a family-run business that…

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Michael Jochum  |   Sunday Nov. 1

Over the course of my 50 year career I’ve always contended that the studio is my home away from home. It’s where I feel the most power, and a profound sense of peace. The dissection of the recording process, the almost surgical attention…

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