February 2019
University of Montana’s Writer in Residence Complicates Narratives of Climate Change in New Book
As glaciers inhale and exhale, their breath combining in the frigid Icelandic air with the people who live alongside them, Dr. M. Jackson listens. She listens to this steady breathing, their deep voices, and the stories they tell her in their native…
June 2018
Letters, documents, and books; oh my! Special Collections and Archival Informatics at Montana State University Library recently acquired a trove of material about Robert Pirsig, author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (ZAMM), collected by…
April 2017
Jerry Schuster
Let’s start with a simple premise; just about everyone in Bozeman writes articles or books. This account is limited to just book writers. Because, it is a lot easier to poke fun at others when I am not included in the group.The question asked…
March 2017
Jenna Gorham
Like many, I often ponder these questions. As a registered dietitian nutritionist, I know I don’t need to eat all organic in order to eat ‘healthy;’ they’re not synonyms and I tell my clients the same. But, ethically, would I…
July 2016
Downtown Noir
Angie Ripple
I don’t often read for fun, but when I won a copy of Patrik Hill’s Downtown Noir at a recent Bozeman Maker’s Mark I couldn’t resist diving into the Bozeman Apocalypse crime novel. Having no idea what to expect I was instantly…
February 2016
Set in southwest Montana during the Great Depression years, Troy Kechely’s new novel, Stranger’s Dance, follows a small ranch family through the struggle to hold onto their land and their relationships with each other. In the opening…
December 2015
Review of Robert Staffanson’s New Memior
Bozeman author Robert Staffanson has penned an extraordinary memoir you must read to believe. It is courageous: Staffanson today is a civil rights activist battling racism against Native Americans in Montana and around the world. The book is…
November 2015
An Intimate Portrait of 399
I need to warn: In the new non-fiction book by Bozeman writer Todd Wilkinson, grizzly bears and people die tragically at the hands of each other.
“Grizzlies of Pilgrim Creek, An Intimate Portrait of 399, the Most Famous Bear of Greater…
October 2015
Bozeman Public Library
What do digging holes and knitting sweaters have in common? Not much you may think, but both are the activities of choice in the witty, wonderful, and magical children’s books written by Mac Barnett and illustrated by Jon Klassen. With the help…
May 2015
Claudia Krevat
Worse comes to worse, you can live off beans and rice, and a little bit of cumin”, said Juanita, my best friend’s mother, when she found out we were leaving sunny Miami, Florida, and moving to Montana. She knew about my healthy appetite…