January 2022
Recreational sales in Montana begin on January 1st, 2022! Whether or not you are new to the cannabis world or have been involved in the medical side of the industry, our staff at Ganja Goddess are excited to answer any questions you may have as we…
January 2022
Kelly Nicholson
It’s finally Saturday again. There’s no alarm to wake me before my body is ready, no rush to gather my wits for the drive across town to punch a timecard. It’s a day to rest as long as I need to. Magpie complaints eventually rouse…
January 2022
How A Chance Meeting Between A Cancer Researcher And An Abstract Artist Led To An Unlikely Friendship And A Project To Help Children With Cancer
Angie Ripple
In 2011, Stella Blue Woods was a boisterous Bozeman preschooler with a bright future. Her father, Andy, was a self-employed tile setter and her mother, Andrea, was a stay-at-home mom when, at just four years old, their daughter was diagnosed with…
January 2022
Kelly Nicholson
The Winter Solstice and the darkest days of winter are behind us now as we head into a new year, but we won’t notice much difference in the length of days for a while. Until the days run long into the evening again, we will need something to…
January 2022
Dr. Patricia Gordon Works with Organization to Introduce Strategies for Screening Cervical Cancer in Impoverished Communities
Christopher Dyrland-Marquis
If you had the choice, would you participate in a health screening that could potentially save your life? Many probably would, and yet it may be shocking to learn that according to the World Health Organization, cervical cancer rests as the fourth…
January 2022
Kevin Brustuen
Last summer I drove into Fishtail, Montana, an unincorporated small town located in a wide spot in the road south of Columbus. On this sweltering hot afternoon, the tiny town was still and quiet, biding its time for the sun to go down and the heat to…
January 2022
Tim Ford
By now, most people have heard that the Real Estate market in Bozeman has increased dramatically since the start of the pandemic, both in activity levels and pricing. What has also been interesting is the increases in the higher price ranges.The…
January 2022
Rachel Phillips
The first Northern Pacific passenger train steamed into Bozeman on March 21, 1883 to much celebration and fanfare. It represented Bozeman’s shift from an isolated frontier town to a city with great potential for growth, now connected to the…
January 2022
Angie Ripple
Welcome to the 175th issue of Bozeman Magazine! Since June 2007, we have been telling the Bozeman story with the help of local contributing writers. Someone recently told me that the “genius” of our concept is that we allow any community…
January 2022
Originally located on West Lamme Street in 1920, Bozeman Deaconess Hospital has a rich history worth preserving. Many of our citizens were born there and have relied on its services for years. Although the hospital itself relocated in 1986, this…