March 2023
Crystal Alegria
Bozeman’s north side has historically been the working-class side of town where the laborers and service workers lived, while the south side of Bozeman housed the capitalists, bankers, and business owners. The houses built on the north side…
March 2023
Tim Ford
It’s been a real winter again in Bozeman; we’ve finally had a great snow pack to play in, and some fun days on the slopes. The Real Estate market has started to court buyers a bit more, but we could still use some more inventory. With…
March 2023
Montana-based films tend to have a raw truth best conveyed by local talent. This is demonstrated in the new indie film, The Year of the Dog, a production by Rob Grabow. Rob and I sat down at a coffee shop in Bozeman to discuss his journey to the…
March 2023
Ashley Phelan, Mars Fagin
No matter where you’re coming from or why you’re here, Bozeman has much to offer; and nightlife is on the rise. There are plenty of local bars and venues that encapsulate the city’s liveliness. Whether you need to unwind from a long…
February 2023
Angie Ripple
Each month, for the past 187 months, Bozeman Magazine has been a love letter to Bozeman. Created by two MSU graduates out of an entrepreneurial spirit and love for Montana community, BM puts everything Bozeman into each issue and stores it all online…
February 2023
As Montanans, we care for each other. Across the rural-urban divide, generational divide, and Brawl of the Wild divide. Of all our constituents across Montana, the most deserving are our elderly neighbors who are on Medicaid benefits. They have…
February 2023
And that's the way we went to the movies
Rachel Phillips
Who doesn’t love the classic date night of dinner and a movie? For over a century, people of all ages have flocked to movie theaters for an entertaining evening out. In honor of the generations of Bozemanites who frequented our community movie…
February 2023
Steve McGann
Consciousness is what makes us unique, human. Language is the method we use to express that consciousness. Writing and reading the words of language are the concrete tools of the process. Whales and elephants and ravens have language, but they have…
February 2023
Tim Ford
Last year, 2022, saw a lot of big headlines: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the removal of mask requirements on airplanes and in most public places, the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, inflation, and an overturning of Roe V. Wade are just a…
February 2023
Missy Glenn
A love triangle. Raunchy dancing, singing, jokes and laughter. The downfall of a free-speech government, the rise of a brutal, oppressing regime. Sexual tension amidst sexual confusion. Jazz, tights, lights, ACTION!While this all sounds like a new…