May 2023
Sadie Woller
There isn’t any argument that achieving a milestone accomplishment such as graduating high school or college takes blood, sweat, and tears. But what happens after the celebration? Does life magically become better? Unfortunately, for most, the…
May 2023
Rachel Phillips
May usually marks the changing of seasons and is a signal for us to begin summer activities and adventures after a long Montana winter. It is also a suitable time to stop and remember those we have lost as we celebrate Memorial Day. While cemeteries…
May 2023
Tim Ford
What a wild winter it’s been. For those who enjoy the snow, it was a phenomenal year. As I write this, grass is starting to appear from under the snowbanks and spring is trying to come to the valley. The real estate market continues to evolve…
May 2023
Ashley Phelan
Spring in the state of Montana is a much-anticipated season that brings with it a sense of relief, rejuvenation, and renewal after a long, cold winter. As the snow melts away, the city starts to come alive with vibrant colors, blooming flowers, and a…
May 2023
Kathleen Johns
The dramatically lit keyhole on stage peeks out amidst flowing velvet drapes, giving off an air of mystery, of excitement. Elegant cocktail tables dot the room as neatly attired servers table hop, taking food and drink orders, filling water glasses…
May 2023
Angie Ripple
I’m sure I’m not alone in yearning for green grass under my feet and longer, warmer days that will allow us to enjoy the outdoor splendor we call home in Bozeman. It has been a terribly long winter, followed by the shoulder season of…
May 2023
Many locals are familiar with this view. After traversing 4 miles and ascending almost 4000’ from the College ‘M’ trailhead, hikers and runners reach this final ascent to the summit of… an unnamed bald peak at the southern…
May 2023
Crystal Alegria
Rosa Beall is remembered as the first non-native woman to settle in the fledgling town of Bozeman, in 1864, but we would do Rosa a great disservice if we let her story end there. Contemporaries of Rosa’s urged her to write her life story…
April 2023
Angie Ripple
I am definitely the opposite of a litter bug. I’m not exactly sure where it came from, but I realize that my formative years on an Indian Reservation instilled values in me that many communities don’t foster as strongly. We didn’t…
April 2023
Gallatin County Attorney Discovers Boxes of Unprosecuted Violent Sexual Crime Files in a Closet
The Gallatin County Attorney’s Office is responsible for reviewing investigations submitted by law enforcement agencies, which are called “Request for Prosecutions” or RFPs. When an RFP is submitted to the County Attorney’s…