April 2017
Angie Ripple
April is Keep America Beautiful Month, and one local mother, now grandmother, is working very hard to make Bozeman and America a more beautiful place with The Valley of the Flowers Project. The project grew out of Wren Kilian’s deep concern for…
February 2017
Angie Ripple
So much newness has hit our community, state, nation and world over the past few months my head is spinning. Bozeman is growing at record rates; MSU enrollment is at an all time high; travel to Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport has increased…
January 2017
Angie Ripple
In 2015 we turned to our readers for the first time and asked you to tell us where your favorite places to eat in Bozeman are, who your favorite bands in the area are, your favorite spots, and favorite hiking trails, rivers for recreating, and local…
December 2016
Angie Ripple
Soon we will be hanging a new calendar in the office and looking forward to a new year, but before we get too far into 2017 planning, resolution making and goal setting let’s reflect on what 2016 has allowed Bozeman Magazine to share with you…
November 2016
Angie Ripple
Bozeman Magazine is the voice of our community and the community members invested in telling their stories and the story of Bozeman each month. In each issue about ten writers contribute, in 2017 you could be one of them. As a leading local…
September 2016
Angie Ripple
Thank you for picking up the September 2016 issue of Bozeman Magazine, our 112th issue! 9500 copies of this issue will be distributed to about 200 locations in the greater Bozeman area. We have included many articles in this issue highlighting the…
July 2016
Angie Ripple
This is an article for the old school Bozemanite. If you just moved here (this is subjective, you’ve probably already noticed your aren’t considered a local until you’ve been here at least 5.76 years), or if you are passing through…
June 2016
Angie Ripple
It’s been said there are only two seasons in Montana: winter and road construction. Most certainly in Bozeman there is a third season, tourist season, and it is upon us. Our proximity to the United States’ first national park makes us an…
May 2016
Angie Ripple
Growing up in Montana the only way we ever took family vacations was on four wheels--you know the “are we there yet” type of trip that builds character and exemplifies family time. We didn’t vacation very often, as it was made known…
March 2016
Angie Ripple
I recently heard the retelling of an old saying “You aren’t a true Montanan until you’ve lived here forty winters.” I’ve never thought of myself as anything but a Montanan, but this being my fortieth winter on Earth, and…