
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Thursday May. 31

Letters, documents, and books; oh my! Special Collections and Archival Informatics at Montana State University Library recently acquired a trove of material about Robert Pirsig, author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (ZAMM), collected by…

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Top 10 BZN Places for People Watching

Sarah Cairoli  |   Thursday May. 31

Watching other people is human nature. We can’t help it; we’re fascinated by each other. We learn a lot about each other through body language and visual cues, often inventing entire stories about people we have never met. Bozeman may be…

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Water Park Road Tripping

Brian Ripple  |   Thursday May. 31

Bozeman has tons of amazing activities for those willing to get outdoors and have fun. Fishing, biking, skiing, hunting, camping, horseback riding, rafting and kayaking to name a few. But one thing we are still lacking is a quality waterpark. So, if…

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Calamity Jane Dries Out in Bozeman

Rachel Phillips  |   Thursday May. 31

Livingston News - “Calamity Jane is in town again. She entered a certain newspaper office in this city this morning and wanted to know where the dirty cur was who said she was in the poor house. She wanted it clearly understood that…she…

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2018 Music in the Mountains

Thursday May. 31

The Arts Council of Big Sky (ACBS) is pleased to announce another amazing summer of Music in the Mountains at Center Stage in Town Center Park in Big Sky, Montana. Starting on June 21 and ending on August 30, there will be 15 events, including 11…

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50 Cents a Bucket

Montana Grant  |   Thursday May. 31

Dandelions can be found in everyone’s yard or pasture. Ironically, dandelions were brought from Europe with the first immigrants. The name is French for “Lion’s Tooth,” which refers to the edges of the leaves. This…

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Stuffed Crepes and Waffles

Jessica Lewis  |   Thursday May. 31

Though creperies originated in Brittany, the northwestern region of France famous for its rain and a slew of lovely edibles, creperies have popularized around the world, including our quaint town of Bozeman. Erik Esper has brought a little piece of…

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June Cover Artist: Chase Weissman

Thursday May. 31

Growing up in Great Falls, Montana, Chase Weissman has always had a passion for the outdoors, whether its skiing, hiking, or mountain biking, which has only helped inspire and influence his film and photography. The outdoor-focused culture of Bozeman…

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What's Your Beef: Entitled?

Jerry Schuster  |   Thursday May. 31

What? You say you will continue reading this article anyway? Oh, you make me so much happier, and I can feel the cloud lifting. Thank you so much. We are good to go!As a relative newcomer to Bozeman and the Gallatin Valley, but not the world…

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Hawthorne Roots

Pat Hill  |   Thursday May. 31

Bozeman’s Hawthorne Roots band will celebrate the release of their new EP on June 7 at The Filling Station, and the band seems stoked for that event and…

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May 2018 Cover Artist: Jonah Prill

Tuesday May. 1

Jonah Prill is a photographer based out of Billings, Montana who is currently a student at MSUB working towards a business marketing degree. Jonah was born in Billings, but spent most of his time on a family ranch on the Boulder River south of Big…

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10 Things Well Learned

Montana Grant  |   Tuesday May. 1

Taking risks and trying new things are how we learn. We will never get our limit of knowledge in our lifetime. The best lessons are learned through trial and error. Big mistakes mean big opportunities to grow. To become a successful outdoorsman, we…

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The Tween Season

Jerry Schuster  |   Tuesday May. 1

Seems to be that time of year again in Bozeman. Outdoor winter sports and events are pretty well finished, and it’s much too early to get out for the area’s summer activities.What is one to do? You can’t go downhill or cross country…

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