
Happy 2012

Saturday Dec. 31

The New Year is upon us, and I would like to wish a Happy 2012 to you! In next month’s article, I’ll have a more in-depth overview of the 2011 season and compare it to years past. This month, I have included numbers year to date current…

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Fairy Tea for the Arts…Russia

Saturday Dec. 31

Youth Arts in Action, has been fulfilling its mission to inspire educate and sponsor outstanding young artists for over six years. On Saturday January 7th YAA will present its annual benefit event, “Fairy Tea for the…

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The MOR Rocks

Saturday Dec. 31

Taking Aim — Unforgettable Rock and Roll Photographs selected by Graham Nash…   is at the Museum of the Rockies for one more month. How Mr. Nash was able to narrow down an endless archive to select these gems must have been an…

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A Love Song for West Yellowstone

Saturday Dec. 31

During the last week of November, I came down with a severe case of cabin fever. Lacking the time to flee for an extended get-away, I decided instead to plan a day trip to somewhere, anywhere awesome. When discussing this notion with my ever-helpful…

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Cold Smoke Awards

Saturday Dec. 31

The Cold Smoke Awards celebrates winter culture by creating a space for innovative artists, dedicated athletes, and those inspired by life in the mountains. This is a diverse festival committed to fostering up and coming talent, as well as showcasing…

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High School Creek Restoration Project

Saturday Dec. 31

We’ve all seen the creek flowing outside the high school, but have we ever thought about the fact that it is an actual creek, which was once home to fish and is a tributary to the East Gallatin? Mandeville Creek is a spring fed creek that has…

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The Health Benefits of Tea

Saturday Dec. 31

Tea, camellia sinensis, has been in use for thousands of years in Asia, and from the beginning it has always been associated with healing and good health. A popular Chinese myth attributes the discovery of tea to Shen Nong, the legendary Emperor of…

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Take the Clark’s Fork

Saturday Dec. 31

Clark’s Fork restaurant is a short walk from my office on 1265 Stoneridge Drive, and now a familiar haunt. I’m always taken by the bright and spacious entryway and the clean spare lines of the dining areas. The motif is a direct…

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Book Review: Mike on a Bike in a Forest

Saturday Dec. 31

During Michael Hickey’s two decades of Bozeman living, he’s experienced a lot of outdoor adventures. Now he is capturing his love of exploration in a series of children’s books. Hickey’s first effort, titled “Mike on a Bike in a Forest”…

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Refuge Building: Saving Green by Going Green

Saturday Dec. 31

Alexa Calio, owner of Refuge Building, knows consumers are concerned with saving money. While people are convinced of the health benefits of using green products, they hesitate because they’re afraid it’s unaffordable. She wants to…

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Winter Art Classes @ the Emerson

Monday Dec. 26

The Emerson welcomes the community to participate in our large selection of winter art classes for all ages. Scholarships are available for all children’s classes. A full description of these classes and class registration is on-line:…

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Bozeman Creek Enhancement Project Update

Thursday Dec. 22

One of the first projects the Bozeman Creek Enhancement Committee has taken on is to improve the ecology and recreational value of Bozeman Creek through Bogert Park. This site was chosen due to strong community support, public land ownership, and a…

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New Signage in Bozeman’s Historic Districts

Wednesday Dec. 14

The Bozeman Historic Preservation Advisory Board is pleased to announce the installation of signs identifying each of Bozeman’s National Register of Historic Places Historic Districts. Measuring 16 inches wide by 16 inches in height, the brown…

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Hudson Smith Hikes for ROC Wheels

Monday Dec. 12

Hudson Smith, a fourth grade student at Heritage Christian School, hiked over 57 miles to raise money toward the therapeutic, pediatric wheelchairs that Reach Out and Care Wheels distributes and fits to disabled children in developing countries…

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Lunch with Two Full Time Musicians

Thursday Dec. 8

On a cold November afternoon, I met local super pickers John Lowell and Tom Murphy at the Bozeman Co-Op for lunch. We covered a wide range of topics, on and off the subject of their upcoming shows at Norris Hot Springs. There was a lot of…

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