July 2016

The Schools Zone

An Interview with Widespread Panic’s Dave Schools

Ken Thorsen

Kenny T: Thank you Dave School’s for taking time out of your busy day to sit down with us here at Bozeman Magazine, how are you doing today? Dave Schools: Doing great, it’s a beautiful day in Denver, Colorado. KT: You are at Red…

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April 2016

Exclusive Interview: Kyle Gass

Brian Ripple

What does KG do when he’s not playing with the Greatest Band in the World? He assembles an otherworldly super-team of badass dudes to back him up in his own project, The Kyle Gass Band. Along with The D’s longtime electric guitarist, John…

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April 2016

Album Preview: Jerry Joseph

By The Time Your Rocket Gets To Mars

Brian Ripple

Dave Schools produces this full-length album written mostly in Afghanistan and Ireland and recorded at TRI Studios, featuring Joseph’s full band.“I told my 5 year old I was worried about his dream of being an astrophysicist and going to…

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