
Escape Winter Time Cabin Fever With Your Kids

Friday Feb. 1

Bozeman in the winter can be an enchanting wonderland of snow, but when you have a young family, it can also be hard to find activities to do indoors without getting cabin fever. Families in the Gallatin Valley are lucky to have a wealth of…

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The Gallatin Range: Bozeman's Big Back Yard

Phil Knight  |   Friday Feb. 1

Next time you look south of Bozeman to the mountains that border our beautiful valley, consider what you are seeing.  Rising in a riotous mass of sharp peaks, craggy ridges and vast alpine plateaus, split by steep canyons, decorated with clear…

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February Cover Artist: Casey Norris

Friday Feb. 1

When she’s not on the trail with her family and dogs taking photos, Casey Norris spends her time painting. A New Zealand native, Casey has called Bozeman home since 2012, “I’ve found my place here in Montana. The landscapes and…

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Scott Pemberton

Friday Feb. 1

The Music Scott Pemberton’s sound is much like the vibe of his native Portland: freaky, fun and just the right amount of weird. The best way to categorize his music is with the moniker “Timber Rock”. Scott naturally applies his own…

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January Cover Artist: Dawn Gerety

Monday Dec. 31

Dawn Gerety was born in Sydney, Australia and raised across the globe in Girdwood, Alaska. From sculpture to pottery, wood working to jewelry making, and painting to fused glass, she’s been creating art for as long as she can remember. Dawn…

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New Years Real Estate Resolutions

Tim Ford  |   Monday Dec. 31

Happy New Year! I hope that 2018 was a great year for you and that 2019 will be even better. The Gallatin Valley is a busy place these days. January is a great time to start making goals for the New Year, especially those goals relating to Real…

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Need a New Year’s Resolution for your Business?

How about Organizing the Bookkeeping?

Monday Dec. 31

With the new year upon us, a resolution to be more organized frequently is among the most common ways people seek improvement. However, for business managers, “tidying up the books” usually is not the first thing that comes to mind about…

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Shannon Griffin: Building a Life Out of Snow

Monday Dec. 31

When she was a kid, Bridger Bowl Snow Sports Director Shannon Griffin didn’t really like skiing—in fact, she hated it. Struggling with depression throughout her teenage years, Shannon was constantly afraid of failure, which made her…

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The Lasting Legacies of Walter Cooper

Prospector, Freighter, Entrepreneur, Inventor, Public Leader, Empire Builder

Cindy Shearer  |   Monday Dec. 31

Walter Cooper was born Independence Day, 1843, in Sterling, New York, the third of six sons to Andrew and Sarah Cooper. By 1845 they had moved to Shiawassee County, Michigan, where tragedy struck the family in 1851 when a boat carrying Andrew and a…

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Reel Big Fish

Monday Dec. 31

Reel Big Fish was one of the legions of Southern California ska-punk bands to edge into the mainstream following the mid-’90s success of No Doubt and Sublime. The band was distinguished by their hyperkinetic stage shows, juvenile humor, ironic…

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Angie Ripple  |   Monday Dec. 31

Comfort food is that food that provides a nostalgic or sentimental value for you; maybe your favorite has high calories, high carbs, or simple preparation. In the case of mac & cheese, it’s all three, and if mac & cheese is your go-to…

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The Warbag!

Montana Grant  |   Monday Dec. 31

Plains Indians used to carry a small pouch of “possibles” that would help them survive their enemies and challenges. This pouch was known as a “Warbag” and contained various war-medicine articles and survival aids…

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A More Congenial Spot: Camelot

Kevin Brustuen  |   Monday Dec. 31

“Don’t let it be forgot That once upon a spot,For one brief, shining moment That was known as Camelot.” These immortal words, penned by Alan Lerner and Moss Hart for the Broadway performance of the musical Camelot, were…

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Homeless Students and Available Resources

Monday Dec. 31

There are forty two homeless students in Bozeman High School, one hundred and nine in the District. Anna Edwards, the Family-School Services Coordinator for the Bozeman School District works on several different programs including the Mckinney-Vento…

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