May 2015
True Story of Michael Finkel
Pat Hill
A story about a bizarre chapter in a Bozeman writer’s life hit the big screen last month with the release of the film True Story.
April 2015
Penny by Penny or Piece by Piece
It was early last fall, I was browsing Craigslist, and a post about the need for reclaimed materials caught my eye. It said something to this effect: Hi everyone I’m Scott, my wife and I just bought ten acres of land and are trying to build our…
April 2015
Help MSU Students Transform Lawns into Vegetable Gardens
Sarah Cairoli
Bozeman residents, get your shovels! April 11 is Dig Day and the group 1,000 New Gardens of Bozeman will be installing 15 vegetable gardens throughout the city. 15 new gardens may sound impossible but, last year they installed ten new gardens in a…
April 2015
Construction of new homes is on the rise again in Bozeman. According to the Sonoran Institute, a non-profit community planning organization, by 2026 Gallatin County could add as many as 26,000 new homes. As traditional fuel sources become more…
April 2015
Courtney Kramer
April 24, 2015 is Arbor Day. What began as an initiative to plant soil-conserving windbreaks in Nebraska in 1872 has grown into an international effort to plant and maintain trees. The City’s Forestry Department is an important partner in…
April 2015
Kids guide to Water fun
What is something precious, free and abundant? It is something that is all around us. Something we use every day and it is very old. We can’t make this or find any new—what we have is what was here on Earth when dinosaurs roamed. It is…
April 2015
When you hear the word “philanthropist” – what is the first thing that comes to mind? Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, or Oprah? We commonly associate the act of philanthropy with these billionaires. However, community members like you…
April 2015
Building Healthy Environments Inside & Out
When Bozeman Magazine asked REFUGE if we’d be interested in writing a blurb for the Sustainability issue we thought “OF COURSE!” Why not jump on our soap box made of ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY PRODUCTS and speak the earth friendly…
April 2015
Phil Cameron
How often do you hear yourself say, “I wish I had more energy”? With only 24 hours in a day and so many things to do we often feel we are falling short of accomplishing everything we want too. Last month in Bozeman we had Neil deGrasse…
April 2015
Tim Ford
It appears that spring is arriving early in the Gallatin Valley. By the time this goes to print, we may have another dose of winter, but it is currently 60 degrees and March is feeling like May. Along with the bears that are coming out of hibernation…