February 2016

Real Estate Year End Report 2015

Tim Ford

Wow! What a year! 2015 saw huge increases in sales volume and pricing across the valley. This past year, over 1,000 single family homes sold in a 12-month period in the Bozeman area; 1022 actually. This is up from the 905 single family homes that…

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February 2016

History of Gallatin County Jails Revealed

Cindy Shearer

Bozeman was not the original county seat for Gallatin County. In 1865, the first Montana Territorial Legislature established counties and designated Gallatin City, located near modern-day Three Forks, as the county seat. Gallatin City held that…

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January 2016

Bozeman's Choice is the People's Choice

Angie Ripple

On Oct. 16 our first-ever Bozeman’s Choice Reader’s Poll went live and our readers responded immediately. The big, giant, massive poll covered everything from local restaurants to local media, to arts and entertainment and everything in…

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January 2016

The Rialto Remembered

Bozeman’s Choice Business or Structure You Wish Was STILL Here But Is Gone

Rachel Phillips

In 1922, the Rialto Theater opened for business in downtown Bozeman while the Roaring Twenties pop culture spread across America. In national entertainment news, Italian-born heartthrob Rudolph Valentino starred in the silent film Beyond the Rocks…

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December 2015

The Case of the Stolen Citation

Phil Knight

I’ve gone through many cars, and just last year my wife and I bought our first new one. But one car stands out.My generous parents presented me with this most excellent ride in 1992. The Chevy Citation was a not-so-classic of its day, but if…

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December 2015

Driving In Snow

The return to winter driving always reminds me of my first winter out on my own living above Eckle’s Department Store in downtown Dodge City, Kansas. Snowstorms in western Kansas usually mean lots of wind, bare fields, and huge drifts. On…

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December 2015

Conquer Winter Together

Some wish it would come sooner, others wish it would not come at all, but every year, winter does arrive. And this year winter arrived with a bang. Overnight, several inches of snow, ice, and wind that slowed traffic to a crawl and had Bozeman…

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December 2015

New Smarter Goals For 2016

Tom Egelhoff

As 2015 winds down it’s time for an assessment of the past year and to think about goals and procedures for 2016. The first order of business is usually to sit down with all the info and set goals for the coming year. Nothing wrong with this…

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