Kid’s Coloring Page

Send your colored page to and we will post it here for you and your family and friends to enjoy! We live in Estes Park, Colorado and just visited Bozeman for our son’s wedding on 1/1/11.  During a wait at Perkins one…

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Health Care: Prevention

Prevention: avoidance, deterrence, preclusion, hindrance; most often when we think of the concept of prevention, in general we associate the word with the thought of stopping the actions of another, or someone attempting to hinder our actions: “she…

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A Knock on the Door

Ah, the beginning of a new year. What gifts do we seek? What virtues can we claim in these troubled times? I find myself trying to simplify as one year winds down and the next revs up. It seems pretty apparent that I’m not going to accomplish all…

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When you reach a certain age—as in, over sixty–you recognize that some New Year’s resolutions are just plain stupid. Not all, mind you, but—especially in the diet department–personal history (also known as flop and failure, which in…

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Hunger in Montana

Hunger in Montana? It almost seems like a contradiction in terms. How can there be hunger in a state whose financial foundation is based on the growing and distribution of food? Perhaps this is a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand…

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Take a Ride on The History Mystery Train

The holiday season has ended, bringing the post-holiday doldrums. Though the shortest day too has passed, the days remain short and dark. There are no more parties and gatherings to fill your evenings with laughter. The Vigilante Theatre Company can…

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Getting Ready for 2011

Every year I make a couple of New Year’s Resolutions and I’m lucky to make it to the end of February before breaking them and going back to normal life. However, I can’t do that with my business. Every year there are changes in the economy…

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Awaken the Senses-A Metaphysical Moment

The beginning of a new year often brings a list of improvements to make in our lives. During this time of focus on self-improvement I am often asked by clients how they can find or tune-up their psychic senses, the sixth sense-E.S.P. What seems like…

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