March 2023

Ice Climbing: A Beginners Take

Olivia Mitchell

Living in Bozeman gives you access to many different outdoor activities, including countless winter hobbies, such as skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, snowshoeing, snowmobiling and, my personal favorite, ice climbing, a sport in which participants…

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February 2023

We Love Winter

Angie Ripple

In spring 2019, Dragan Danevski and Lina Hultin founded the Bozeman-based non-profit, Montana Endurance Academy [MEA]. Originally from Sweden, Lina has since moved to Norway to be closer to her family. Dragan is well known in the community, having…

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February 2023

It Sure Beats Sitting On The Couch

Thomas Austin

I sat on my couch in Bozeman, eyeing the mailbox like a rabid dog. The mailman would be there any minute with a package containing my car keys, which I had left in Oakland while visiting family, a boneheaded maneuver that would surprise nobody who…

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February 2023

Remembering Those Who Came Before Us

Peter Brancaccio

Thank you, Mr. Bailey. That is what I was thinking as the predawn light began to tent tively seek out the lake behind our home in the mid-autumn chill. Self-taught and uncommonly brilliant, Mr. Bailey risked everything, including his life, to live…

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January 2023

Ten Ways to Navigate Winter in Bozeman

Steve McGann

When I began a list for this article, some of my potential suggestions seemed familiar.I looked back to an article I had written for Mental Health Month last fall, my recommendations looked like some of the same ones with a hat and gloves. Still, it…

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January 2023

The Wood Wide Web

Phil Knight

I grew up surrounded by trees. The Knight family home in Connecticut was tucked into a forest of oaks, white pine, maple beech and hickory. Our small yard was home to hundreds of trees, mostly black oak. The forest was filled with birds, squirrels…

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January 2023

Local College Hockey Is Booming In Bozeman

Montana State University Hockey

Did you know that MSU has a thriving hockey program? There is a new Women’s team (D1 ACHA) and two Men’s teams (D2 and D3 ACHA). Bozeman now has a vibrant college hockey scene—the Montana State Hockey Team Men’s D2 team was…

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January 2023

On Being In One's Element

Scott Parker

My whole life, I’ve been on a first-name basis with the rain. I know it intimately and directly, like gravity or my own breath, and therefore trust it. It is the only element I inhabit without hesitation or self-consciousness. It is, in fact…

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