
A Veritable Korner-copia of Fun

Thursday Dec. 30

It is more necessity than phenomenon: since time immemorial people have gathered at watering holes, so to speak, seeking the company of friends, neighbors, family, and strangers. Consider the desert oasis, Irish pub, or even the sitcom Cheers…

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Take a Ride on The History Mystery Train

Thursday Dec. 30

The holiday season has ended, bringing the post-holiday doldrums. Though the shortest day too has passed, the days remain short and dark. There are no more parties and gatherings to fill your evenings with laughter. The Vigilante Theatre Company can…

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Getting Ready for 2011

Thursday Dec. 30

Every year I make a couple of New Year’s Resolutions and I’m lucky to make it to the end of February before breaking them and going back to normal life. However, I can’t do that with my business. Every year there are changes in the economy…

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Cultural Literacy: Advance Your Own Mind

Thursday Dec. 30

American education has been in a steady decline. Although there are many reasons for such a downfall, I believe that one of the crucial areas in which Americans are lacking is cultural literacy, or the ability to identify allusions and other parts of…

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Awaken the Senses-A Metaphysical Moment

Thursday Dec. 30

The beginning of a new year often brings a list of improvements to make in our lives. During this time of focus on self-improvement I am often asked by clients how they can find or tune-up their psychic senses, the sixth sense-E.S.P. What seems like…

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Mike Weix

Thursday Dec. 30

Mike Weix was born in Green Bay Wisconsin on Jan 23 1958. Mike Weix is an artist and performer interested in perception and intention, expectation, chance, and beauty. Mike studied first at Montana State University and then as a graduate student, at…

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Christmas Tree Recycling Program

Tuesday Dec. 28

Ready to get rid of that Christmas tree? The City of Bozeman’s Forestry Division is hosting its Christmas tree recycling program. Trees can be dropped off at the BMX park (entrance is on Tamarack), Christie Field (Mason Street), softball…

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2010 Gingerbread House Contest Winners

Tuesday Dec. 7

The Downtown Bozeman Association and Wells Fargo Bank are proud to present the 2010 Gingerbread House Contest Winners!  We had over 35 entries this year from around the community all with amazing designs!  There are 5 categories with 3 winners for…

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Local Music Writer Wanted

Friday Dec. 3

If you would like to be considered as a local music contributor please submit an article to our online submission network in the misc. category. Deadline for submissions is the 15th of each month for the…

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Beautiful Healthy Skin: Love the Skin You’re In

Friday Dec. 3

Every woman wants beautiful healthy skin: ageless, flawless, radiant skin to perfection. Is great skin something we are all born with, or does it like everything else in life, require work? There are some who seem to have flawless skin with very…

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Winter Running

Friday Dec. 3

Winter Preparation The fall of 2010 lulled us all to sleep prior to the winter weather upon us. The memorable trail runs amidst the golden aspens and warm temperatures have become just that – memories! Running outdoors during the winter months…

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14th Annual Bozeman Ice Climbing Festival

Friday Dec. 3

In the late sixties and into the early seventies, climbing, on any medium was a far different game than it is today. Ascending difficult rock routes, for example, meant you wore a nappy old head band tied around an even nappier head of hair and the…

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406: For Beginners

Friday Dec. 3

As winter wraps itself around our curvy natural state, we are compelled to accessorize with an arsenal of winter gear. Dusting off those Sorels gives me an odd sense of pleasure, as if I am unholstering a life saving piece of integral warfare…

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A Metaphysical Moment: Canyon River Spa

Friday Dec. 3

When Canyon River Spa was destroyed by fire in January 2010, Heather Ripplinger’s vision of a holistic and proactive full service spa did not go up in smoke with it. “Everything was destroyed. Only a few things were salvaged such as the copper…

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One Life. Six Words. What’s Yours?

Friday Dec. 3

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But, what about six? Does an image exist that could with striking poignancy and precision illustrate that which can be so concisely conveyed in a mere half dozen words? I’m not convinced it can. The…

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Is a Dollar Really Worth a Dollar?

Friday Dec. 3

What’s a dollar worth? This question constantly comes up on my weekly radio show. A question that prompts several answers, all accurate, depending on your point of view. The dollar is worth less but it’s also worth more than it used to be…

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Casa Sanchez: The Little Casa That Should

Friday Dec. 3

The advantage of being a newcomer to these here parts is that each restaurant doorway, be it high-falootin’ or simple fare, is a threshold to discovery. Will this become a favorite new place? Will the tastes and smells and atmosphere amaze or…

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