March 2015
Tom Egelhoff
Social Media is becoming more and more popular with the general public. Many people are almost forced to have a Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn page because most of their friends do.So it’s imperative that business has a presence there too. But…
March 2015
Tim Ford
As I write this, winter in Bozeman has not been behaving like winter in Bozeman. It’s been in the 50s for weeks and has even dipped up into the 60s at times. Then just before this went to print, winter (or at least snow) returned to the valley…
February 2015
Tim Ford
Well, 2014 was certainly an exciting year in the world of Bozeman Real Estate. Not only did sales numbers increase, prices also rose dramatically.880 single family homes sold in Bozeman in 2014, including areas inside and outside of the city limits…
February 2015
Tom Egelhoff
It’s always a challenge to dust off my crystal ball each January and take a shot at predicting the future of our local economy.No question that 2014 was an up and down year. Unemployment, stock market roller coaster ride, gold stagnant and gas…
January 2015
Tom Egelhoff
Once again we find ourselves at the beginning of a new year. Looking over last year’s figures does anything jump out? Was 2014 a bang or a bust?The longer you’ve been in business the easier it is to find the “red flags.” These…
December 2014
Tom Egelhoff
The days of swiping your credit card in a reader and signing for your purchases are coming to an end in 2015.
November 2014
Tom Egelhoff
Running a business in the current economy is certainly a challenge. Every customer is crucial to business success. It only takes one big mistake, or a series of smaller ones, and your doors could be locked permanently.Advertising and MarketingYou…
October 2014
Tom Egelhoff
The hardest period of time for any business is between opening day and getting to the break-even level. That’s the point where the business is taking in enough to be self-sustaining by paying all bills and producing a profit.This period of time…
October 2014
Pat Hill
Perhaps not so much is known about this organization and its history in places like Butte, Montana.
September 2014
Tom Egelhoff
The Christmas shopping season is just three short months away.