June 2016

Where To Go And What To Do

According to the Gallatin Valley Land Trust

Nearly every weekend my husband and I have the exact same conversation. It goes something like this:  “Would you like to go for a hike?”  “Sure. Where do you want to go?”“I dunno. Where do you want to…

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June 2016

The Last, Best Place

Kris Drummond

What does it mean to be “The Last Best Place,” exactly? That combination of words has confused me since I was a kid. I can’t help but feel that a comma is needed between last and best. Otherwise it kind of reads like the opposite of…

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June 2016

Fresh Air Fridays

We pressed ourselves against the bus windows, binoculars in hand, looking at the sleeping bear. Is it a grizzly we wondered- to which we have decided, yes it is- and marveled at how in just our first hour in Yellowstone National Park we had seen a…

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June 2016

June Bozeman Real Estate Report

Tim Ford

This article usually focuses on single family homes sales, but condos and townhomes make up a large portion of our market as well. Therefore, I thought it worthwhile to take a look at how those sales are faring. All data will include both…

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June 2016

Bozeman’s Historic Trolley Car System

and Montana’s First Interurban Electric Railway

Cindy Shearer

With the arrival of the Northern Pacific Railroad in 1883 progressive Bozemanites began to cast off what they considered rural or uncultured in favor of more urban and upscale living. Log cabins were torn down and were replaced with architecturally…

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June 2016

Healthy Summer Fun

Phil Cameron

As the days turn warmer and the threat of sprinter (spring/winter) snow showers diminish we look forward to those cherished summer days of fun in the sun here in southwest Montana! Summer fun includes camping, fishing, hiking, swimming, boating, BBQ…

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June 2016

When In Yellowstone

Angie Ripple

It’s been said there are only two seasons in Montana: winter and road construction. Most certainly in Bozeman there is a third season, tourist season, and it is upon us. Our proximity to the United States’ first national park makes us an…

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May 2016

On Four Wheels

Angie Ripple

Growing up in Montana the only way we ever took family vacations was on four wheels--you know the “are we there yet” type of trip that builds character and exemplifies family time. We didn’t vacation very often, as it was made known…

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May 2016

Moda Fashion Truck

Boutique on Wheels

Angie Ripple

You’ve heard of food trucks, heck you’ve probably eaten from a few! But I’ll bet you’ve probably not heard of a fashion truck. Fashion trucks don’t serve food, just tasty trendsetting styles for your wearing pleasure…

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