5 Nightlife Dangers to Avoid
Some people are night owls, and they only feel alive once the sun goes down. There is nothing wrong with that. If you enjoy being awake at night and participating in various activities, you can probably find plenty of other individuals who share that trait.
There are some particular nightlife dangers you will want to avoid, though. You can do so if you’re aware of why they’re perilous, and you can modify your behavior accordingly.
Driving or Riding a Motorcycle at Night
Riding a motorcycle is dangerous at any time, but even more so at night. Stats show that in 2018, there were 58.18 fatalities for 100,000 registered American motorcycles. That should certainly get your attention.
If you ride your motorcycle at night, the likelihood is higher that you will crash it. That’s because visibility is not as good. You can’t see other drivers as well, and they cannot see you.
Even driving a car at night is more dangerous than during the daytime. If you decide to head to a bar, club, or restaurant after the sun sets, you may want to take a ride share vehicle or a cab to get there instead of utilizing your own conveyance.
By doing so, you not only make it less likely you’ll get in a wreck, but you can also consume alcohol responsibly if you are a drinker. If you drink and drive or ride your motorcycle at night, that multiplies your chances of causing an accident.
Excessive Drinking
Drinking alcohol often fits into nightlife, and that’s fine. You can enjoy a couple of beverages with friends, and they will often get you in a better mood and loosen you up after a long day.
If you drink too much, though, you are not going to enjoy your night so much. Heavy drinkers often throw up at the end of the night, and no one wants to get to that point.
You might also make a poor decision if you drink too much. If you consume alcohol beyond what your body can handle, you might go home with someone who you wouldn’t under normal circumstances.
The following day, when you realize what you did, you will feel bad about yourself. It’s far better to know your limit and stop drinking when you know you’re getting close to it.
Illegal Drugs
Illegal drugs often go with the nightlife as well. There are dozens of different ones, from cocaine to MDMA to methamphetamines.
None of them are good for you, and obviously, they are all illegal. Even if you feel like you are using them responsibly, if the cops catch you with them, they can arrest you, and you don’t want to spend a night in jail or end up in front of a judge.
Also, many of these drugs are addictive, and you don’t want to get hooked. They can seriously mess your life up and turn you into a junkie.
Lack of Sleep
If you go out every night, that’s okay, provided you can still get a sufficient sleep amount afterward. If you've got a job you need to get to early in the morning, though, and you’re still going out drinking and dancing at the club, that’s probably going to lead to problems.
You should only go out at night if you don’t have to be up early the following day. If you ignore your body’s sleep requirements, you’re going to be like a zombie at work. Your performance will probably suffer, and your superiors may pass you over for raises and promotions when the time comes.
Relationship Damage
You can also go clubbing every night if you’re single because there’s no one to tell you they don’t want you to do it. If you are in a committed relationship, though, you’ll have to think about that and modify your lifestyle accordingly.
If you go out every night while your spouse or significant other stays home with the kids, they will quickly start to resent you for that. They will probably want you to change your behavior, and you will have to think about what is more important: the relationship or the nightlife.
As you get a little bit older, you may have to be more selective about when you go out. Nightlife is a young person’s game. The only time you might get away with going out every night at any age is if you have no attachments and you’re also well off financially.
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