R. Lake Construction

Tue. Jul. 1st, 2014

“I believe within everybody, that there is an artist. I believe everyone has a way of becoming a perfectionist in what they do.”

Drunk Driving is a Montana Epidemic

Tue. Jul. 1st, 2014

I had always envisioned a mob of angry women marching with pickets whenever I heard the name “Mothers Against Drunk Driving.” When I interviewed for a position with MADD last year, I was pleasantly surprised to find that MADD is so much…

Bozeman Reel Company

At the Heart and Soul of Bozeman Fly Fishing

Danielle Martin  |   Tue. Jul. 1st, 2014

The buzz and whir of machines cutting and shaping aluminum fills the North Church Avenue production facility of the Bozeman Reel Company.

Fly Fishing Around Summer Storms

Tue. Jul. 1st, 2014

Next time you are on the river and see a storm front coming in, don’t row to the take out, put on the rain jacket, change up your patterns, and catch some fish.

The View From My Window

Growing up and returning to Bozeman.

Fritz Shallah  |   Tue. Jul. 1st, 2014

Aah! “Montana; The Last Best Place.” I left here before it was “discovered”, when a resort at Big Sky was still Chet Huntley’s “folly” and MSU was a small, aggie college.

Bozeman Real Estate Report for July 2014

Tim Ford  |   Tue. Jul. 1st, 2014

The Real Estate market in and around Bozeman continues to heat up, with activity levels at or above record highs. Prices are rising rapidly and approaching peak levels, although perhaps not quite there yet.  During the first five months of 2007…

The History of Business

Tom Egelhoff  |   Tue. Jul. 1st, 2014

There have been five great inventions that have changed our world and the world of business — the automobile, electricity, telephone, radio and flight.

Squaring the Curve

Getting old isn’t for sissies

Phil Cameron  |   Tue. Jul. 1st, 2014

Health and longevity is a goal of every person. We all want to live long into our golden years, enjoying retirement and free time to pursue life goals, such as travel, hobbies, spending time with grandchildren and friends that we just never had time…

Saffron Table

Danielle Martin  |   Tue. Jul. 1st, 2014

Bozemanites no longer have an excuse not to add to their culinary vocabularies samosa, naan, biryani, and vindaloo.

Amok Food Cart

Serving Simple Foods of Cambodia

Tue. Jul. 1st, 2014

Born in Kompong Cham, Cambodia, the owner of Amok, Bozeman’s newest mobile food eatery.