Friday, Dec. 2nd, 2022

General hunting season in southwest Montana ends with mixed hunter success 

BOZEMAN – Hunter success continued to vary across southwest Montana during the latter half of the general deer and elk hunting season, according to data gathered by Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks biologists. 

The general season lasted from Oct. 22 through Nov. 27. During that time, FWP staff operated game check stations at various times and locations in southwest Montana, including stations in Alder, Cameron, Canyon Ferry, Divide, Gallatin Canyon and Gardiner. Collectively, they met with 5, 523 hunters who harvested 64 white-tailed deer, 175 mule deer and 552 elk.  

Biologists use check stations to collect data on hunter participation and success, as well as the species, sex and age class of the animals harvested. Check station data supplements information collected through hunter harvest phone surveys each year.
The Cameron check station ran each weekend during the general season. Wildlife staff there met with 2,454 hunters who harvested 399 elk—well above the long-term average of 202 elk. The high elk harvest this year can be attributed to heavy snowfall and cold temperatures during the early general season, which concentrated elk on more accessible low-elevation winter ranges. There were also high numbers of elk going into the hunting season, and many private landowners in this area allowed significant and generous access opportunities for elk harvest. Hunter success was also above average this season at the Gallatin Canyon check station at 15 percent.  

The Divide check station also ran each weekend during the general season. Biologists there met with 1,401 hunters, and hunter success for the season was 9.7 percent. The number of hunters was 7 percent less than last year and 4 percent below the 12-year average. Hunter success this year was slightly higher than last year and the 12-year average.  

FWP wildlife staff operated a game check station at Canyon Ferry on the first and final weekends of the general season. During Nov. 26 and 27, FWP staff met with 243 hunters, 6.2 percent of whom were successful. These figures are below the long-term averages for the final weekend at this check station. 

FWP wildlife staff operated a game check station in Alder during the first, third and final weekends of the season. During Nov. 26 and 27, they met with 182 hunters—about 9 percent fewer than average. Harvest success was about average at 21 percent. 

Wildlife staff ran a check station in Gardiner during the first and second weekends of the season, reporting hunter success rates of about 11 and 17 percent, respectively. 

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How to Build Muscle: 4 Easy Tips You Can Use at Home 

From an improved appearance to increased strength, a boost of self-confidence, and elevated athletic performance, there are so many reasons to want to build muscle. But it’s not always easy, especially amidst the busy schedules of the modern world.

The good news is, you don’t always have to stick to a strict gym schedule to pack up some muscle. As long as you have some space in your home, you can even build muscle with little to no equipment at all.

Below are some easy tips you could use at home to transform your body into your desired appearance.

1. Eat More Calories 
When building muscle, eating more calories is important for several reasons. First, calories provide energy for your body to perform the necessary tasks for muscle building, such as lifting weights and doing cardio. It also helps fuel the body's anabolic processes, which are necessary for muscle growth.

Moreover, eating more calories can help increase your metabolism, which is important for burning fat and building muscle. A higher caloric intake can also promote faster recovery after a hard workout, allowing you to build muscle more efficiently. It’s best to try and get calories from protein-rich foods such as lean meats, eggs, nuts, and dairy products.

2. Switch to Baking High-Protein Recipes
It goes without saying that muscle building is heavily dependent on nutrition. Basically, building muscle requires you to include more protein in your diet. Your body relies on protein for muscle growth, cell division, tissue repair, and many other biological activities that may directly or indirectly affect your muscle-building journey.

It’s good to get more protein from your diet, including your main meals, post-workout snacks, and desserts, many of which might be baked treats. But as long as you have cream cheese, protein powder, graham crackers, coconut oil, and some vanilla Greek yogurt, making a no-bake protein cheesecake becomes a breeze. The best part is that each serving can have as much as 9 grams of protein.

The protein powder used in this recipe is typically a whey or casein-based product, which helps to provide a good source of both protein and essential amino acids.

3. Follow a Good Exercise Routine 
Building muscle requires you to not only eat well but also put a decent amount of effort into it. And unbeknownst to many, you don’t always need a fully-equipped home gym to pack in some muscle. As long as you stick to a good exercise regimen you could start getting ripped and expanding muscle in not so long. Here are some exercise tips you can use to start building muscle from home.

Start with resistance training: Resistance training is the best way to build muscle at home. The best part is that you can use weights, resistance bands, bodyweight exercises, or whatever you have available.

Focus on compound movements: Compound movements are exercises that involve multiple muscle groups. Examples include squats, deadlifts, push-ups, pull-ups, and bench presses. They basically help to build strength and size in a single exercise, which is far more efficient than doing multiple isolated exercises.

Increase the intensity over time: To build muscle, you need to challenge yourself. As your body adapts, you should increase the resistance or weight you are lifting. Increasing intensity is also a great way to avoid the plateau phase.

Vary your training: After a few weeks of doing the same exercises, your body is likely to become used to them. To keep challenging yourself, it’s good to vary your training, mixing up the exercises you engage in. However, remember that muscles misbehave, and the last thing you want is to end up with weak, sore, or hurtful body parts, rendering you unable to hack the next day’s session.

Get enough rest: Finally, rest is critically essential for muscle growth. Aim to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night and take a rest day from training once or twice a week.

4. Find Motivation: 
One of the biggest challenges of working out from home is that you’ll probably be doing it alone. It lacks the kind of psyche you could get from a standard gym. Motivation is one of the most important fitness tips you can find.

Thankfully, there are various ways to find the motivation to help you build muscle. Besides setting realistic goals, sticking to a routine, and tracking your progress, it’s good to have an accountability partner.

And as long as they have similar goals to yours, you don’t necessarily have to train together with your accountability partner. Just checking in with them regularly can be a great way to stay on track and motivated. Also, rewarding yourself every time you achieve a specific goal can go a long way in keeping you motivated.


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Gallatin County 911 Now Offering Online Records Requests

The Gallatin County 911 Records Division is happy to now offer an online portal for citizens to make requests for records from the Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office and Bozeman Police Department.

The new online portal is a user-friendly way to request documents on the go from your phone or from the privacy of your own home.

Using the new portal, citizens can regularly receive updates on the status of their records request, get requested material via email, and make payments online.

Records that can be requested from our department include reports from BPD and GCSO for things like accident reports and any other reported law enforcement incidents.

Depending on how a person is listed on a police report determines what records that person can have.

For criminal matters, you can request copies of reports that contain the general nature of charges, location, information about the accused, name of the victim (unless it was a sex crime), and identity of a witness (unless the witness has requested confidentiality).

However, some criminal records are considered Confidential Criminal Justice Information (CCJI).

This includes things like criminal investigative or intelligent information, fingerprints, and photographs related to ongoing investigations.

To receive this type of information, you must fill out a CCJI request, also available on our online portal. Those requests are reviewed by attorneys and judges to determine if the material will be released.

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Thursday, Dec. 1st, 2022

Montana State students deliver computer for NASA moon mission

— When two Montana State University students recently took a flight to Austin, Texas, they had arguably the most unique cargo of all the passengers: a Rubik's Cube-sized computer that's scheduled to land on the moon.

Chris Major and Jake Davis, graduate students in MSU's Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering who have spent years helping to develop the specialized computer called RadPC, delivered the completed prototype on Oct. 19 to Firefly Aerospace's facility where the lunar lander is being readied for the 2024 NASA mission.

“In the airport, a lot of people were tilting their heads to read the big stickers on our suitcase that said 'Warning, sensitive space equipment,'" said Major, who is earning his doctorate in electrical engineering. NASA gave them the stickers to help protect the equipment en route, he explained.

"It was definitely in our carry-on," said Davis, a master's student in mechanical engineering.

The trip was the latest chapter in the decade-long development of RadPC, which was conceived by MSU researcher Brock LaMeres as a new way of coping with radiation in outer space that can disrupt the computers that control satellites and spacecraft.

“This was a huge milestone for the project and also a really unique experience for the students,” said LaMeres, professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He had planned to go on the trip, too, but had to back out unexpectedly, and the students were game for doing it themselves, he said. "More than three years of work was totally dedicated to this moment where these two students delivered a multi-million-dollar experiment to NASA."

RadPC prototypes have been tested on high-altitude balloons reaching the edge of outer space, three times aboard the International Space Station and twice in self-contained satellites orbiting Earth, each time testing the technology's ability to withstand space radiation. In 2019, RadPC was one of 12 science and technology payloads that won a coveted spot to the lunar surface as part of NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services program, in which several landers developed by private companies will carry small payloads to the lunar surface. The moon journey will be RadPC’s biggest trial yet, said LaMeres, who recently founded a company, Resilient Computing, to begin commercializing the technology for use in actual space missions.

The onboard computers that control spacecraft are traditionally made with oversized circuitry fashioned from special materials to withstand the high-energy radiation emitted by the sun and other celestial bodies, but that means the devices are more costly and cumbersome, LaMeres explained. In contrast, RadPC uses ordinary computer processors with complex MSU-developed software to create on-the-fly redundancy, allowing computations to continue even if a radiation particle strikes and disrupts the computer's sensitive memory.

From the beginning, students have been instrumental in developing the technology, LaMeres noted. The project has involved more than 62 MSU undergraduates, 17 graduate students and nearly a dozen faculty, including staff engineers in the Space Science and Engineering Laboratory housed in the Department of Physics in MSU's College of Letters and Science.

Davis started working on RadPC as an MSU undergraduate, when, in his junior year, he sought out research opportunities and landed in LaMeres's lab. The project motivated him to pursue a graduate degree at MSU, and his master's thesis has focused on preparing RadPC for the moon mission. He said the trip to Austin felt a bit like a culmination.

"It was pretty cool rolling up to this super nice building and walking through the high-security doors to meet with the Firefly and NASA people," Davis said. In a special clean room in the facility where the lunar lander will be assembled, the students donned gloves and gowns to prevent contamination while taking RadPC out of the suitcase for final testing.

"You get started on this project as a student, but by the end of it you see that you're doing real work that industry respects," Davis said.

"It’s really interesting seeing that industry side when you're a student," added Major, who started working on RadPC as a master's student at MSU and has devoted four years of his doctoral work to the project. "You get to see where you might be in a few years."

The heavy involvement by MSU master's and doctoral students has been crucial to advancing RadPC over the years, according to LaMeres, and the work has offered a rare chance for students to work on such a major project — in many cases seeing a version of RadPC from start to finish for testing on the space station or a satellite.

“It’s a pretty unique student experience," LaMeres said. "And for this part in particular, going to the moon, it’s really special.”

Major agreed. "All the time we spent writing computer code and all that — now there’s a tangible product that's going to the moon," he said. "That’s the fun part.”

“I'm very thankful to have worked on this project," Davis added. "It has been such a rewarding experience.”

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Wednesday, Nov. 30th, 2022

Family Promise of Gallatin Valley Announces Matching Donation of $160,000

Bozeman, MT  – Family Promise, the nation’s leading nonprofit addressing family homelessness and early learning, has announced a small pool of anonymous donors are matching every donation from December 1 – December 31. Dollar for dollar, donations will be matched, up to $160,000. Donations will allow Family Promise to continue to serve children and families experiencing homelessness.

In addition to a warm and safe place to sleep, Family Promise provides comprehensive case management, goal setting, and employment objectives, empowering families through learning experiences, early learning opportunities, long-term support, and expanded support systems. Family Promise operates two emergency shelter locations and 10 transitional housing locations. The number of families served by Family Promise has increased by over 600% between 2019 and 2022.

According to our donors, “We were introduced to Family Promise by a friend who is heavily invested and involved in the organization and the families they serve. From the moment we walked in the door we had goosebumps and were in awe of the incredible and thoughtful space created for families in our community. From the central location to the necessary services all in one place, and a state-of-the-art day center and early learning center, we were blown away and knew we had to be a part of what they were doing.

What Family Promise and Rising Stars have created should be the model in every city struggling with families facing homelessness. Most impressively, Family Promise gets ahead of the problem before it becomes a problem, allowing families to stabilize and avoid homelessness. What they are doing in our valley is the most impactful of any organization we have had the privilege of supporting.

To us, Family Promise is all about community. Sometimes the hardest part of life is asking for help. Family Promise provides tools for those willing to ask for help to not only better their lives, but improve their family’s situation and brings them back into the community. Family Promise is not a handout, it’s a long-term solution for generational economic hardships.”

To learn more about the impact of Family Promise in our community, visit or call (406) 582-7388

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Corrette Ridge Stuck Snowmobilers


On Monday, November 28, 2022, at 7:55 p.m., the West Yellowstone Police Department Dispatch Center received a 911 call from two snowmobilers who had abandoned their stuck snowmobile near Corrette Ridge and were in need of assistance. One of the snowmobilers was having difficulty breathing as they attempted to walk back to West Yellowstone. The snowmobilers were reported to have minimal survival gear and only one flashlight.

Volunteers from the Gallatin County Sheriff Search and Rescue West Yellowstone Section and Hebgen Basin Fire Department located the snowmobilers in good health 6.45 miles southwest of West Yellowstone.  The snowmobilers were medically assessed and then transported back to West Yellowstone.

Sheriff Dan Springer would like to remind everyone planning to enjoy the outdoors that survival gear is an integral part of any successful outing. Winter weather and temperatures can be demanding and change suddenly. Flashlight, fire starter, reliable means of communication, food and water are all some of the basic necessities to carry with you on your winter adventure.

Photo courtesy of Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office.

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Monday, Nov. 28th, 2022

5 Reasons To Play Disc Golf In Bozeman

Bozeman, Montana, is growing quicker than most other small cities in the US today. It has a growth rate of around 2.8%, and according to the World Population Review, has 56,495 inhabitants.
Perhaps one of the reasons that the city keeps growing so fast is the number of tourists that pass through. In 2021, there were around 2 million arrivals and departures from Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport. No doubt some of those tourists decided to come back permanently, and who could blame them?

Bozeman has much to offer to any tourist, and there are a bunch of outdoor activities to engage in. One popular sport in the area is disc golf. Although not incredibly new, disc golf is still very much up-and-coming but Bozeman boasts not 1 but 6 courses for players to enjoy.
However, disc golf isn’t the only reason to visit Bozeman. Below is a brief article on disc golf, and 5 reasons why you should be playing in Bozeman.

Where can you play disc golf in Bozeman?

You will discover quickly that disc golf can be played almost anywhere. Any outdoor space such as a playing field or a park can be used for disc golf. Unlike regular golf courses, disc golf doesn’t need permanent holes for playing as it uses baskets and these can be moved.
The inventor of the modern frisbee, Ed Headrick, is also largely held up to be the founder of disc golf. The sport started to gain traction in the 1960s and through the 1970s. Today there are hundreds of thousands of individuals playing across the globe.
While you don’t need more than just a suitable open area for playing, there are a number of specially designed disc golf courses in Bozeman.
Disc golf courses in Bozeman are as follows:

• Rose Park
• Battle Ridge Canyon
• Monforton School
• Elk Grove
• Sandalwood
There is also one more disc golf course at Zoot Wild Plains, but this is available to Zoot employees only.
What equipment should you take to your Bozeman disc golf course?

The only thing you really need to take to a disc golf course is your favorite disc, and perhaps some spares. It is pretty much inevitable that at some point you will lose a disc golf disc just as golfers lose balls regularly.
Some players prefer heavier discs, and with practice, you will soon discover your preference. Understable disc golf drivers allow for a straighter flight before fade happens, and will give a little extra difference. Aside from the discs, you should perhaps give some thought to how you dress.
Disc golf is far more relaxed than regular golf and players can dress more casually. However, wearing dirty or ripped clothing isn’t really on. Tennis shoes, a clean t-shirt or polo, plus shorts or cargo shorts, would work fine.
Other equipment you could consider is as follows:
• Scorecard or disc golf mobile app
• Golf disc retriever
• Disc golf rangefinder
• Carrying bag
You should consider headwear and sunscreen for protection. Bug spray can come in handy too, and carrying a bottle of water is recommended. In July, Bozeman will hit average temperatures between 80 and 90 degrees, so water and UV protection are essential.
5 reasons why you should play disc golf in Bozeman

Disc golf may be growing in popularity, but why pick Bozeman to play? Well, the city is already a popular tourist destination, so if you are planning a break, it could be the ideal place to combine your favorite sport with the other positives about Bozeman.
Here are five possible reasons to visit Bozeman, and play disc golf there.
It’s close to Yellowstone National Park
Bozeman is just 1 hour and 15 minutes from Yellowstone National Park. Many visitors to the city combine their stay with a visit to this national park, and plenty of others use their time to go that bit further to Glacier National Park too.
There are many outdoor activities to enjoy besides disc golf
Bozeman is surrounded by incredible nature - more on that below - and this has helped create a place that is renowned for its outdoor activities.
Locals and visitors alike can join in any of the following pastimes depending on the time of year and their particular interests.
• Fishing
• Hiking
• Rafting
• Biking
• Kayaking
• Horse riding
• Skiing
The latter activity is popular with the inhabitants of Bozeman and surrounding areas and attracts many visitors too. Mountains north and west of Yellowstone enjoy a large amount of snowfall each year making Bozeman a popular skiing destination.
Surrounded by incredible scenery
Bozeman is close to the Rocky Mountains and other areas of stunning natural beauty. The fly-fishing is said to be world-class, and the town itself has been called the most liveable place in the US.
The reason so many people partake in the outdoor activities listed above is because of the scenery that they enjoy. The air is cleaner in Montana than in most other states, and this helps to make disc golf even more enjoyable.
Disc golf is one of the better ways to relieve stress. When playing you will be walking, joining in with others, and getting outdoors. You will forget any worries you have and feel more relaxed. All of this combines to lower stress and help with physical health as well as give you a mental boost.
It’s nearly always sunny in Bozeman
The city gets to boast around 300 or so days of sunshine every year. Perfect for enjoying disc golf, and after your game you can go on an ice cream tour in Bozeman and watch the sun go down from Story Hills viewpoint.
Bozeman is a great camping destination
Within a 1 hour radius of Bozeman are plenty of camping grounds to choose from. This includes Bozeman Hot Springs Campground with its own natural attraction. If you enjoy camping then Bozeman makes the perfect spot to stay at night while hitting the disc golf courses during the day.
Do disc golf players expect the same etiquette as seen on regular golf courses?
There is a definite etiquette surrounding disc golf, just not quite as stuffy as you’d find on private golf courses.
One rule is to make sure you leave no trace behind. Pick up your litter and don’t break branches or damage fauna on the course. Other parts of disc golf etiquette include respecting other players, no anti-social behavior, and playing within the lines.
But you won’t find strict dress codes or officials on disc golf courses. It is expected that players understand how to behave and show respect so that everyone can enjoy the game. This means beginners as well as professionals.
Bozeman has several disc golf courses to choose from, but so do many other places in the states. There are over thousands of disc golf courses in the US now, so why pick Bozeman?
Well, as shown above, the outdoor possibilities in and around the city are to be envied. Anyone who enjoys getting outside to play disc golf is likely to appreciate at least one of the other pastimes that can be enjoyed in Bozeman. If not, well there is always that ice cream tour.

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Saturday, Nov. 26th, 2022

A Historic Opening Day at Big Sky Resort

BIG SKY, MT  — Today's opening day was a historic one for many reasons: the largest terrain opening in Big Sky Resort history, deep powder turns through six inches of fresh snow, and resort teams working hard to deliver the goods a day earlier than scheduled. 

Big Sky Resort made the decision to open early after more than five feet of natural snow blanketed the mountain this fall, combined with reliably cold temperatures and record-breaking snowmaking efforts. 

Mid-day, skiers and riders got another special surprise when the Ramcharger 8 chairlift opened to the public, previously scheduled for opening on Thursday, November 24. 

With 2,000+ acres of skiable terrain and 6 lifts open, plus 6" of fresh snow blanketing the pristine mountain, the Big Sky Resort 2022-23 opening day has been one to remember. 

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Permit required to salvage vehicle-killed deer, elk, moose and antelope

HELENA – Anyone wanting to salvage a road-killed deer, elk, moose are antelope must obtain a Vehicle-Killed Wildlife Salvage Permit. These are available at no cost and must be obtained within 24 hours of the time a person takes an animal into their possession. Permits are available either through law enforcement officers on the scene of collisions or online on the FWP website.

As a reminder, any salvaged animal must be removed in its entirety from the roadway by the permittee. The animal may be field dressed before it leaves the area but entrails or any other parts of the animal carcass must be removed from site to prevent attracting scavengers and predators.

Other things to keep in mind if salvaging a vehicle-killer animal:

  • Road-killed animals may not be tagged and possessed with carcass tags issued for the purpose of hunting.
  • Any person who is picking up an animal to be salvaged must comply with all highway rules and regulations while removing the animal. Vehicles shall be parked off the roadway and out of the line of traffic. The permittee acknowledges that collecting vehicle-killed animals on state highways is inherently dangerous and is undertaken at the permitee’s own risk.
  • A person may not kill an injured or wounded animal that they encounter for the purpose of salvage. A law enforcement officer may, however, when on the scene of a collision, kill an animal injured in the collision and that animal may be taken for salvage.
  • Meat rendered from salvaged animals must be used for human consumption. It may not be used for bait or other purposes.
  • Meat rendered from salvaged animals may not be sold.
  • Any meat that is unfit for human consumption or unusable animal parts must be disposed of at a legal disposal site. It is unlawful to dispose of animal carcasses or parts in or upon any highway, road, street, or alley or upon public property. It is also illegal to dispose carcasses or parts within 200 yards of a public highway, road street or alley or public property

For more information, visit FWP's website

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5 Tips for a Fast Recovery After a Knee Replacement

A knee replacement can be a life-changing surgery. It can improve your quality of life and allow you to do the things you love without pain. However, it’s also a major surgery with a long recovery process. About six weeks after surgery, most people can return to normal activities.

The main reason why people get a knee replacement is to relieve pain. The surgery involves replacing the damaged joint with an artificial one. This can provide significant pain relief and allow you to move more easily.

How To Speed Up Recovery After Knee Replacement

Like any surgery, the recovery period varies from individual to individual. For instance, younger adults have a shorter recovery time, while recovery time may be longer for the elderly with additional health issues. There are, however, a few things that you can do to help ensure a speedy and successful recovery: 

1 Start Physical Therapy Early

Physical therapy is an integral part of the recovery process. It helps improve the range of motion and strengthens the muscles around the joint. Starting physical therapy early can help speed up your overall recovery.

Most knee replacement patients start physical therapy within the first week after surgery. Depending on your situation, you may do this as an inpatient or outpatient.

• Follow all physical therapy instructions. This may include exercises, using heat or ice, and electrical stimulation.

• Use Pain Medication as Directed. You will likely be prescribed pain medication after your surgery. It’s essential to take this medication to help manage pain and discomfort. Don’t wait until the pain is severe before taking medication. This can make it harder to control. Also, follow the instructions on how often to take the medication.

• Keep Your Incision Clean and Dry. It’s essential to keep your incision clean and dry to prevent infection. You may need to use a special soap provided by your surgeon.

2 Follow Your Surgeon’s Orders

After surgery, your surgeon will give you specific instructions on what you can and cannot do. It’s essential to follow these orders closely to avoid complications and delay healing. They may seem like an extra hassle, but they’re there for a reason.
People who have knee replacement surgery are prohibited from certain activities, such as:

• Bending the knee past a 90-degree angle
• Crossing your legs at the knees
• Sitting in a low chair or on the floor

Your surgeon will likely give you a list of other activities to avoid. It’s essential to follow these instructions for at least six weeks after surgery.

3 Get Plenty of Rest

Your body needs time to heal after surgery. This means getting plenty of rest. You may need to take it easy for the first few weeks or months. Avoid activities that put too much stress on your joints.

As much as you want to return to your regular routine, giving your body the time it needs to heal properly is essential. This will help avoid complications and ensure a speedy recovery.

4 Eat a Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy diet is vital for overall health, but it can also help recover knee replacement. A healthy diet helps the body heal and gives you the energy you need through physical therapy and other activities.

Foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as fruits, vegetables, and lean protein, are essential for healing. During recovery, you should also avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and alcohol.

Try incorporating these foods into your diet:

• Fruits and vegetables: Citrus fruits, leafy greens, berries, tomatoes, sweet potatoes
• Lean protein: Chicken, fish, tofu, beans, lentils
• Healthy fats: Avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil
• Whole grains: Quinoa, oats, brown rice

5 Use Medical Devices As Directed
You may be given a medical device, such as a cane, walker, or crutches, to use during your recovery. These devices help take pressure off the joint and prevent falls. It’s essential to use them as directed.

Most people will need to use a walker or crutches for at least six weeks after surgery. You may need to use them for longer if you have other health problems.

Recovery from knee replacement surgery takes time, but there are things you can do to speed up the process. Follow your surgeon’s orders, start physical therapy early, and eat a healthy diet. With these tips, you can ensure a successful recovery.

Although some things may feel like restrictions, they are intended to help your knee heal properly. Remember to focus on the big picture: a complete and successful recovery.

What Should You Do After A Knee Replacement?
Taking plenty of rest and self-care are the two primary things you should do post-knee replacement surgery. Although your movements are limited, and you might have to give up on some activities for a while, you must take care of your new knee.

To facilitate a speedy recovery, follow all instructions given to you. About two weeks after the surgery, you will have a follow-up appointment with your doctor to check your progress. You must attend all follow-up appointments.

During these appointments, your doctor will:

• Check the incision site for signs of infection
• Evaluate how well the new joint is working
• Adjust pain medication as needed
• Discuss any physical therapy progress
• Assess your range of motion

If everything goes according to plan, you should be able to return to most of your regular activities within three to six months. Some patients may take up to a year before they feel “back to normal.”

Final Words
You want to recover quickly and safely after your knee replacement surgery. Taking the time to rest, heal, and follow your doctor’s orders is the best way.

With a bit of patience and effort, you will be back on your feet in no time. In the meantime, focus on taking care of yourself and enjoying the simple things in life.

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This is so typical of a sign in, which we should not have to do to check if we or some one in our party got a permit. I have been working or "creating an account" for 30 minutes and just get the same ...

Smith River permit drawing results available

Sunday, Mar. 10, 2024