Monday, Jul. 27th, 2020

Tips on How to Write a Book Report

The mention of a book report assignment usually sends most students into a scary state. It is an assignment that is both challenging and demanding for the students. It requires you to read a book and then provide an overview of the information contained in it. The reading part is what makes the assignment, not every student’s cup of tea. In essence, a book report is an informative essay that objectively discusses a given book.

A book report should not be confused with book reviews. In the review, a student is expected to provide critical analysis of the book’s content, including determining its importance. In some cases, it may require you to decide whether or not you can recommend the book to future readers.

However, the book report is concerned with providing an objective summary of the work in terms of the characters, plot, and recurrent themes. But how do you go about producing a quality book report? The following article provides you with tips on how to write a great book report.

Pick the Book to Read
The first step to writing a book report is picking an appropriate book and read it accordingly. Choosing a book is an important step if your teacher has not assigned you a specific text. If not provided with one, the most important rule about selecting the book is picking one that excites you and is in line with your interests. Moreover, consider the time you have to read and write the report.

Carefully Read the Book
Once you have finally settled on the book, begin cracking the pages. There are no shortcuts on this step. The thing you have to note is that teachers will always know a book report is written without having read the book. Therefore, avoid the temptations to cheat on this assignment.

 There are ways you can read and enjoy your book. Begin by skimming through the content to get a rough idea of what the book is about. Later, deeply read the book having in mind the objectives you hope to accomplish in the report. Also, have a notebook and pen near you as you read. It will make it easier for you to highlight the crucial points.

Develop Your Report Outline
A great essay writer always develops a good outline of their work before beginning to write anything. It is the structure that helps you arrange your thoughts logically. In your case, having an outline enables you to determine what to include in your summary. The framework will also fuel your creativity because you already have a great idea of what information goes where.

In short, you already have the backbone of your report, and the only remaining work is filling it up with content. The following are some of the important sections to include in your reports outline.

It is usually the first section of your report. The section introduces the reader to the book you are going to discuss, including the name of the author. Talk more about the book’s genre, it's setting, and the storyline presented in the text. The introductory paragraph also lays out the basis of all the issues you are going to discuss in the report. Finalize the introduction with a thesis statement that presents your educated opinion on the book.

Remember, you will have to give facts and examples to support this statement. You can find examples of excellent book report introductions from “write my paper” service providers.

Body Paragraphs
In this section, your objective shall be presenting the objective summary of the book. Engage in a discussion of the book’s plot, characters, and the themes identifiable from the text. In each of these aspects, describe how they affect the storyline and the sequence of events. You can refer to the notes you scribbled when reading the book.

Also, try to establish a link between all of these aspects. Ensure that the content you provide in these paragraphs supports your thesis statement. Remember to also include examples in your text.

It is the final section of your book report. Provide a summary of the issues you have discussed in your report. Always remember to restate your thesis statement and how you have supported it in the report.

Correctly Format Your Work
If you read the instructions carefully, your professor will always indicate the expected formatting style for your book report. Every formatting style is unique and has its own set of rules on how it should appear. However, there are those formatting guidelines that are common amongst them all. They include:

• Use a font size of 11-12 preferably Times New Romans
• Your report should be double spaced
• Use a uniform margin of one inch on all sides of the paper
• Indent every paragraph at the beginning

Proofread the Report
The final and equally important tip of writing a book report is proofreading your work. The unfortunate thing about this stage is that most students always ignore it. They end up presenting reports that are full of avoidable grammatical and structural errors. Therefore, avoid losing vital points in your book report because you failed to read through and edit your work.

Book reports can be a challenging assignment for most students. Some hate because they have to spend time reading a book then presenting a summary about it. However, with the tips provided in this article, this can be an assignment you finally get to love.


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Friday, Jul. 24th, 2020

Why Am I Lazy? 15 Ways for college students to Stop Being Lazy and Unmotivated

Students become lazy when they get a task they are uninspired by. When this happens, they need a motivation boost to get them moving. You’ll often find yourself feeling overwhelmed by your academic situation, or too fatigued to be productive because of all the work you’ve been doing.

Unfortunately, being lazy makes you procrastinate and if you do this, you cannot complete your academic tasks. To prevent all this from happening, here are 15 excellent tips.

Find What Causes Your Laziness
The first step in solving any problem in life is to discover what caused it. Only if you know what made you lazy in the first place can you truly address the issue. Are you uninspired? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Is it tiredness that prevents you from completing your tasks? Is it fear of failure that prevents you from acting? Discover the root of your laziness and then act on it!

Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness can solve many things in life. This is the antidote to being lazy. If you’re mindful, you can find why you developed a tendency to procrastinate and make a choice on how to act.

Don’t Be Harsh on Yourself

A lot of the time, your laziness is caused by your self-judgment. Remember that at the end of the day, you are your biggest motivator and advocate. If you keep punishing yourself and keep up with the negative self-talk, you’ll keep feeling worthless and lazy.

Ask for Help When Needed

If the cause for your laziness is fatigue and tiredness, there’s one perfect solution for this – ask for help. Asking for help is not a bad idea when you have too much on your plate. Check out this source to get some assistance with your academic papers.

There are many physical, but also mental benefits from exercising often. Create a workout routine for yourself to boost your metabolism, have a good figure, and improve your motivation and focus.

Make a Checklist

Checking things off a list can be incredibly satisfying. Take a couple of minutes to make a checklist of the things you need or want to accomplish. When you’re done with one, cross it off the list. This will give you a tingly feeling that will keep you going.

Reward Yourself
Whenever you cross something off that list, give yourself an incentive to keep working. To help yourself in overcoming laziness, give yourself small rewards to look forward to. It doesn’t have to be anything big. A short break and a cup of coffee is a perfectly good reward.

Accept That You’ll Feel Lazy Sometimes
Many times, your laziness won’t be something you can fix. If the cause of it is tiredness, the only way to stop being lazy is to get to sleep. This might prevent you from doing what you need to do. Laziness is natural in some cases. Accept it.

Break the Routines
Routines can make your life dull and repetitive. This will undoubtedly make you lose focus and become lazier. Break some routines from your daily life. Change unhealthy habits, study in a new environment, etc.

Work on Reasonable Goals
At times, people are lazy because they set goals that are impossible to meet or too intimidating. Look over your goals and make sure that they are all reasonable.

Take Baby Steps

By breaking big tasks into small ones, you can accomplish things more frequently. This will motivate you to complete the rest of the tasks.

Shut Down the Distractions

What are the things that you go to when you’re lazy? If it is your TV, unplug it. If it is your phone, turn it off. Shut down the escape routes you use when you’re feeling lazy.

Be Less of a Perfectionist

Perfectionism is good in some cases but very often, it is the enemy of your productivity. It can make you feel lazier and less motivated. Try to be more productive and less perfectionist.

Surround Yourself with Positive People

Negative people can truly bring you down. Bad attitudes are often contagious. If you’re surrounded by people who are often lazy and procrastinate, you’ll probably start sharing the same feelings. Surround yourself with positive, happy people instead.

Get a Partner

It is much easier to remain focused and motivated when you have a partner in this. Have someone by your side and motivate each other.

All people are lazy sometimes. This is natural in the life of a person. As a student with a tremendous amount of tasks in your to-do list, this darker side of you can come up quite often. But, there are also many ways to overcome laziness. Just make small things to motivate yourself and keep yourself productive.

Robert Everett is a motivational speaker. He creates vlogs and contributes to many journals, blogs, and websites online. He has a degree in psychology and has dedicated his life to helping people.

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Thursday, Jul. 23rd, 2020

Governor Bullock, Montana State University announce partnership to expand COVID-19 surveillance testing in Montana

Gov. Steve Bullock today announced the state will soon be able to expand surveillance COVID-19 testing for critical front-line health care personnel, essential workers and other groups thanks to a partnership with Montana State University.

“Surveillance testing of asymptomatic individuals is a powerful tool in helping slow the spread of the virus in our Montana communities,” Bullock said. “Montana State University has been an enthusiastic partner in helping find a Montana solution to our testing capacity and I am incredibly grateful for their partnership as we work together to protect the health of Montanans.”

Montana State University’s researchers will begin the surveillance testing next week, with a capability of testing 500 people per day. The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) will determine what Montana populations need to be tested for surveillance and then will ship the samples to a designated laboratory at MSU.

“As the state’s land-grant university, this kind of service and outreach to the people of Montana is what we are called to do,” said MSU President Waded Cruzado. “Montana State University’s researchers have poured their creative energies into this project as well as other important endeavors that benefit the communities we serve.

Montana State University will use four qPCR machines to do the surveillance testing at the direction of DPHHS.

“This initiative is a step in the right direction and will serve us well in helping to detect the virus among asymptomatic groups of people so that we can take quick action to stop the virus from spreading,” said Montana National Guard Maj. Gen. Matthew Quinn, who is leading the governor’s Coronavirus Task Force.

Bullock also announced that the state has finalized a contract with a reference lab, MAKO Medical in North Carolina, to begin processing an anticipated 1,000 tests each day from Montana. The state will take a measured approach to ensure a reasonable turn-around time in receiving back test results.

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Surplus drawing hunting licenses and permits handled in new way

Hunters interested in purchasing licenses or permits left over from the special license and permit drawing will find a different process this year. The old process was vulnerable to long lag times, confusion, and a perception of inequity for those unable to use the first-come, first-served online option starting at 5 a.m.

New this year, hunters need to sign up for licenses and permits through MyFWP on the FWP website. The resulting Surplus License List will be randomized with hunters at the top of the list contacted via email with instructions to finalize their purchase within a specified time.

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Wednesday, Jul. 22nd, 2020

MSU Extension suggests Montanans consider writing a “legacy letter” during pandemic

Family legacies are often more than just property or money left behind in a will. They may include family values, memories, or hopes that the dying may wish to pass down for younger generations.

According to Montana State University Extension educators, individuals can create what is called an ethical will, in addition to an estate plan, to express those values and pass them on to surviving family members.

According to Wendy Wedum, MSU Pondera County Extension agent, and Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension family economics specialist, an ethical will has no legal significance and does not pass property to anyone. An ethical will is a special kind of letter, also called a “legacy letter” or “forever letter.” Common themes of the letters include lessons learned, gratitude toward people or events, and hopes for the future.

“Letters and journals can help soothe grief and become cherished items by those who receive them,” Wedum added. “Writing one can be good for you, too. Supporters of ethical wills say creating one can help you focus and articulate your values. This can help you live more intentionally from that point on.”

Wedum and Goetting suggest focusing on love and encouragement in ethical wills and avoiding criticism or judgement. Addressing difficult topics like regrets, apologies and family secrets, however, can bring closure and peace.

“If you want to write about a bad experience you had, try to use it as an example of a lesson learned, one that made you stronger and more resilient,” Goetting said.

Wedum and Goetting encouraged writing an ethical will on paper, instead of on social media or digitally. A paper copy, in the form of a journal or handwritten letter, can be passed down and saved for future generations. Examples, they said, can be searched out on the internet for inspiration.

Beyond general values, other topics that could be included in the ethical will are wishes for a spouse or partner, children and grandchildren; an experience or person who gave your life meaning; advice to overcome hardships and poor choices; tips to make difficult decisions; meaningful family traditions and memories; moments that brought you joy, inspiration or gratitude; and more.

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Monday, Jul. 20th, 2020

8 Essential Factors to Consider Before Joining College

Choosing the right college is hard, especially when there are issues to do with relocation. Unfortunately, the criteria to use in selecting the right college isn’t always clear, which makes it hard to depend on one factor in this process.

Additionally, at times, knowing that you joined the right or wrong college might take some time. However, it is essential to consider options that might not result in later regrets. Fortunately, we have organized some tips that might help you to choose the proper college with ease.

Available Programs
Most colleges are known for the program they excel in. Therefore, understand what you want to study and join the institutions that specialize in the program.

Additionally, sports and technology are essential for courses such as sports education or computer-based programs.

However, these should come last as your main aim is to study the subject of your dream. To know what a specific university teaches, always enquire from students who attended the institution as you look for online reviews.

The Available Courses
It refers to the subject you would like to study. For instance, those who are interested in math can end up undertaking business, teaching, or actuarial courses. Additionally, those fascinated by computer science can join operational research courses.

To know if the college that you want to join offers the best when it comes to your subject of interest, consider the quality of the courses within a given program.

Entry Requirements
Not all colleges admit students based on their final exam scores. Other set entrance exams for students who would like to join them and only those who pass the tests get an enrollment opportunity.

So, ensure you send many applications to increase your chances of joining one of your favorite university. Bear in mind that your primary choice university might have tough tests, but this shouldn’t stop you from joining your other college of choice.

It is unique in different institutions as students, courses offered, and athletic activities that learners engage in highly influence it. Here, a physical visit to the institution might reveal more detail than asking friends and previous students. Additionally, visiting the college enables you to understand issues with the quality, location, and the facilities available.

Location and Amenities
The availability of means of transport is important, as you will have to leave college at times. So, check the transport costs to nearby hospitals and shops because you might need some of the essential services offered here.

Additionally, being close to hotels is essential if their services are of your liking. Wi-Fi and strong internet connections are also vital, especially during assignment research and online projects. They are also useful for those searching for an online essay writer.

If you are a computer science or engineering student, strong internet connections are vital necessities as you will require the service in programming and undertaking engineering computations. Finally, art students need these amenities for graphic designing and essay writing.

Job Opportunities
For those joining expensive colleges, the option might be an essential consideration because you might want to work part-time to make end meets. Therefore, ensure there are nearby working opportunities and learn if the institution allows it before joining.

When in college, rest assured of spending a considerably long time in the library. So, make sure it is well-equipped, the learning environment is comfy, and the technology used is up-to-date. Silence is a must, especially for those who love studying in a tranquil place.

Tech is ever-evolving, and its impact on education cannot go unnoticed. Therefore, make sure the resources available in your university of choice are up-to-date. Besides that, the library, academic help, and job placement services should be updated to help all students ideally.

Finally, the laboratories should be built to perfection and infused with the latest tech, as this offers ideal exposure and enables you to practice your career as you are learning.

Final Thoughts
Joining a college in the 21st century is slightly challenging due to the high demands arising from the use of technology in classrooms. It means that there are more factors to consider to ensure the college you join offers high-quality education that’s not only beneficial but also worth the cost.

Some of these features include the courses or programs available, the institution’s location and amenities, culture, resources available, and entry requirements. With the factors, you are assured of making an ideal college choice and reducing any chance of future regrets.

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Friday, Jul. 17th, 2020

Brain Training: 12 Fast, Fun Mental Workouts for Students

Exercise is important in many ways. It’s an amazing way to boost your body. A good combination of workout dietary supplements and workout can bring you in shape and keep you healthy. But, it is also important for your brain.

There are two types of fitness: mental and physical. You don’t have to be an Olympian in one, but you need to practice both if you want to live a healthy and good life. In addition to your regular exercise routine, implementing some brain training can make a huge difference in your life.

Exercising the brain can improve your focus, memory, and daily functionality. The following exercises can reduce your stress levels, delay your cognitive decline, as well as improve your work performance.


Brainstorming means that you will actively engage your brain. This is one of the best and most effective ways to give your brain some exercise. It doesn’t even have to be something big. Try to think of solutions for your problems. Brainstorm on topics for your next social media paper (you can check out this source for some inspiration). Sit down and debate some ideas with your friends or family.

Dancing is more than just physical exercise. It requires moving, which strengthens your core and muscles. But, it also requires coordination which is ideal for training your brain. Not to mention – dancing is fun!

Do Some Puzzles
Puzzles are excellent for building an important cognitive skill – visual-spatial reasoning. Working on a jigsaw puzzle will strengthen your brain and keep you entertained for hours. It’s a way to fit small pieces into the big picture, a skill that can be very useful in life.

Play Some Cards
Playing games of cards is mentally stimulating and can give your brain the necessary exercise. Some studies show that this activity can also improve your thinking and memory skills.

Work on Your Vocabulary

With a richer vocabulary, you will sound smarter and be able to communicate easier. But, that’s not all you get by working on your vocabulary. Many regions of the brain are active when you perform vocabulary tasks.

Learn New Skills
Learning things you always wanted to learn can be a lot of fun. It will also strengthen your brain and can improve your memory function. If there is something you craved to do for a long time, this is the time to do it.

Stray from Your Routines
If you always do the same things in the same way, you’ll get stuck in a rut which is not good for your brain. Changing even the smallest daily tasks can be really good for your mental health. Change your route to work or maybe even change your means of transport every once in a while. Make a small change to stray from the routines.

Meditation can calm your body, reduce your stress, and slow your breathing. It can also boost your memory and make it easier for your brain to process new information. There are many benefits that come with meditation. Because of its simplicity, everyone can do it.

Try Tai Chi
Tai Chi has shown tremendous success in boosting the health of those who practice it. It will provide you with a perfect balance, reduce your stress, boost your memory, and enhance your sleep quality. A study from 2013 found that practicing Tai Chi regularly can increase brain volume and induce positive structural changes in the brain.

Learn a New Language
Yes, learning a new language takes time, but the cognitive benefits of it are long-lasting, too. With every small study session when you learn a new language, you’ll notice how good bilingualism is for your brain’s health. This will improve your memory, your creativity, and visual-spatial skills.

Write Things Down
You don’t have to be a great writer to enjoy writing. Write in your journal – this way your content will remain private and you can write whatever you want. When you write things down, you’re practicing communication, relieving your tension, and giving your brain the much-needed relief.


Cooking requires some cognitive skills. The more you do it, the more you’ll develop your cooking skills and with it, your memory. Making sure everything is balanced in the kitchen and keeping up with recipe instructions is an excellent brain exercise. And of course, it will also keep you fed.

The bottom line

Mental health is as important as the physical brain. Giving your brain some exercise can change your life for the better. It will improve your focus, memory, concentration, and mental agility.

Robert Everett is a college counselor. He has a degree in psychology and mental development. Everett’s tasks are to help students use their skill set to improve their future, as well as make important life decisions.

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4 Ways Traveling Can Improve Creative Writing

Traveling is a one-of-a-kind activity that brings people new feelings, emotions, changes their lives, and turns them head over heels. Exploring the world through visiting new places is an outstanding experience that many people, especially the youth, so desperately long for! There are so many ways globetrotting enhances a person’s physical and mental capacity, which is why this global practice has earned more admiration and passion from people than any other entertaining activity.

The practice of traveling has proven to be especially effective when it comes to boosting people’s intellectual and creative depth. Going places can largely improve certain activities related to creativity and intellectual ability, such as writing. And this is how traveling can benefit students who strain themselves to enrich their writing skills.

Now, let’s take a look at how traveling can add to your creative writing performance!

As You Travel, You Get to Know New Things
If you go on a trip, no matter if it’s a trip to another region within your country or a large-scale pilgrimage across Europe, you discover new things. Be it the history behind one of the city’s landmarks or the rich versatility of the place’s architecture, the new knowledge you get about things not only enhances your intellectual depth but also your creativity, upgrading your command of creative writing. Indeed, through familiarizing with new information during your travels, you get to polish your writing ability to that of professional writers working for a popular and cheap writing service.

Discovering the world around provides you with hints, ideas, and other spiritual and mental “food” for your writing, which serves as a foundation for your creative writing endeavors. The information you get as you explore new places can be used in your writing, making it more savory and rich.

It Evokes Your Senses

When traveling, you can sense the smell around you, touch new things, and use your other senses to amplify the experience you’re having while on a vacation. Paying attention to all these sensations and feeling them to the fullest helps you stimulate your senses and thus get the emotional and sensual connections to write creatively. Make sure to take in the succulent smell of fresh pastries at the bakery you pass by, or savor the fragrance of the dusk as it starts consuming the hot summer air. Also, don’t forget to notice the details around you, from the tiny ray of the sun resting on your arm to a random kid rushing somewhere on their bike alongside their mom.

Traveling Inspires
As you expand your intellectual and geographical horizons, you get plenty of emotional and mental fuel that boosts your activity. This special power you get from traveling is called inspiration. No one will be surprised by the fact that traveling is a huge inspiration for people, especially those whose activity requires a lot of creativity. Yes, through seeing new places, you get lots of feelings, emotions, and other valuable tools for your mind and spirit to lift you up and motivate you! Admiring the Statue of Liberty will give you the precious feeling of bringing to life your childhood dream, and wandering in the Amazon rainforest will give you the enthusiasm and energy that no urban abundance can ever match!

Meeting New People Is Always a Good Idea
Traveling the world without getting to know new people along the way is impossible! Yes, one of the most attractive attributes of traveling is broadening the circle of your communication through meeting new individuals. The people you get to know as you travel can provide you with unique knowledge and precious information you can later use as you tend to your creative writing assignments. Make sure to surround yourself with interesting individuals who can help you in enhancing your intellectual and emotional capacity. And this will in no way mean that you are taking advantage of those people – no, speaking to new acquaintances and benefiting from their open-mindedness and erudition are pretty regular things for everyone willing to self-develop through communication with others.

Drawing the Line
Now that you know the perks of traveling more deeply, we bet that you are far more likely to break into discovering the planet and improving your writing performance. Creativity and traveling are the never-fading phenomena of human activity that seem to have always rubbed shoulders. They merge into something unique that your mind, freshened by new experiences and newly gained knowledge, begets as you put pen to paper after your exciting venture! Yes, given the current pandemic-inspired havoc circulating in the world, it’s hard to plan your next travel, but let’s recall the famous saying: “Nothing lasts forever.” Let’s start thinking about the famous spots that will replenish your creativity and aid you in writing your next masterpiece!


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How CompTIA 220-1002 Dumps Make Your Assessment Less Stressful?

When preparing for your CompTIA 220-1002 exam, stress is inevitable. However, not only that, when you become certified and start your work as an entry-level IT specialist, more stress will build up as different trends are introduced. IT problems pile up every now and then and you’re the only one who can ease yourself up. You should not allow stress and anxiousness to disturb you from getting the best out of your abilities.

Why Dumps Are Relevant?
To alleviate the burden, here’s what you should know when preparing for every certification exam including the CompTIA A+ 220-1002. You need exam dumps to improve your focus and increase your productivity as they make your preparation much easier and all the while efficient. Not convinced? Well, check this out and see how dumps make your exam prep more manageable.

Dumps prepare you for the test properly
Of course, as a candidate, you would want to know what the possible questions in the exam are or how you would be tested. Worry no more as dumps will save you the trouble of freaking out and imagining worse scenarios as they mimic the actual assessment. Dumps feature questions that have come out from previous certification exams. It also has validated answers for you to check your skills respectively. So, using these dumps not only gives you sample exam questions but also conditions your mind as a test-taker.

They supplement your understanding
For sure, you will be studying long hours until you feel so drained, and sometimes you will still choose to continue studying. Chances are, with this kind of method, that you may no longer absorb as much information as you can. This means that your efforts are somewhat wasted. With the help of exam dumps, you can assess yourself now and then. This will help you grasp more of the concept and not dismiss any relevant information. You can take note of which parts to study more and which parts you’re good to go already. It saves you the time of rereading or reviewing everything of the exam coverage.

Exam dumps challenge you to strive more
When you answer dumps, you get to know which question you got right and those you got wrong. In the actual assessment, you only have one chance to answer each task and there’s no turning back once you’ve already submitted it.

Fortunately, unlike the actual test, you can answer the exam dumps several times as much as you want until you get it perfect. You own it so you have control over it and no one dictates you to submit it on a deadline. But of course, it would be better and more challenging if you discipline yourself and answer your test questions with a time-limit just like what the real exam scenario would. This would also help you cope up with the time pressure.

You can never escape from stress but what’s important is how you cope with it. Exams, in particular, are less stressful if you have the right resources on hand. Study guides and books can be good but dumps are even more worth it.

Try them as additional study materials and for sure, you’ll be less stressed and more confident in your upcoming CompTIA 220-1002 assessment.

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Wednesday, Jul. 15th, 2020

Hoot owl restriction enacted for lower Madison River

A permanent hoot owl restriction adopted by the commission last year for a portion of the lower Madison River will go into effect Wednesday, July 15.

The restriction will apply to the stretch of the river from the Bureau of Land Management’s Warm Springs Boat Launch to the confluence with the Jefferson River. This annual closure will be in effect from July 15 through Aug. 15 every year, starting in 2020.

Hoot owl restrictions prohibit fishing each day between 2 p.m. and midnight. Restrictions of this nature are enacted to protect fish, such as trout, which become more susceptible to disease and mortality when high water temperatures combine with additional stressors.

The Montana Fish & Wildlife Commission approved this permanent yearly restriction for the Madison River on Oct. 17, 2019, as part of an update to fishing regulations.


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News Comments

This is so typical of a sign in, which we should not have to do to check if we or some one in our party got a permit. I have been working or "creating an account" for 30 minutes and just get the same ...

Smith River permit drawing results available

Sunday, Mar. 10, 2024