Why Am I Lazy? 15 Ways for college students to Stop Being Lazy and Unmotivated

Friday Jul. 24th, 2020

Students become lazy when they get a task they are uninspired by. When this happens, they need a motivation boost to get them moving. You’ll often find yourself feeling overwhelmed by your academic situation, or too fatigued to be productive because of all the work you’ve been doing.

Unfortunately, being lazy makes you procrastinate and if you do this, you cannot complete your academic tasks. To prevent all this from happening, here are 15 excellent tips.

Find What Causes Your Laziness
The first step in solving any problem in life is to discover what caused it. Only if you know what made you lazy in the first place can you truly address the issue. Are you uninspired? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Is it tiredness that prevents you from completing your tasks? Is it fear of failure that prevents you from acting? Discover the root of your laziness and then act on it!

Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness can solve many things in life. This is the antidote to being lazy. If you’re mindful, you can find why you developed a tendency to procrastinate and make a choice on how to act.

Don’t Be Harsh on Yourself

A lot of the time, your laziness is caused by your self-judgment. Remember that at the end of the day, you are your biggest motivator and advocate. If you keep punishing yourself and keep up with the negative self-talk, you’ll keep feeling worthless and lazy.

Ask for Help When Needed

If the cause for your laziness is fatigue and tiredness, there’s one perfect solution for this – ask for help. Asking for help is not a bad idea when you have too much on your plate. Check out this source https://writix.co.uk/help-with-dissertation-writing to get some assistance with your academic papers.

There are many physical, but also mental benefits from exercising often. Create a workout routine for yourself to boost your metabolism, have a good figure, and improve your motivation and focus.

Make a Checklist

Checking things off a list can be incredibly satisfying. Take a couple of minutes to make a checklist of the things you need or want to accomplish. When you’re done with one, cross it off the list. This will give you a tingly feeling that will keep you going.

Reward Yourself
Whenever you cross something off that list, give yourself an incentive to keep working. To help yourself in overcoming laziness, give yourself small rewards to look forward to. It doesn’t have to be anything big. A short break and a cup of coffee is a perfectly good reward.

Accept That You’ll Feel Lazy Sometimes
Many times, your laziness won’t be something you can fix. If the cause of it is tiredness, the only way to stop being lazy is to get to sleep. This might prevent you from doing what you need to do. Laziness is natural in some cases. Accept it.

Break the Routines
Routines can make your life dull and repetitive. This will undoubtedly make you lose focus and become lazier. Break some routines from your daily life. Change unhealthy habits, study in a new environment, etc.

Work on Reasonable Goals
At times, people are lazy because they set goals that are impossible to meet or too intimidating. Look over your goals and make sure that they are all reasonable.

Take Baby Steps

By breaking big tasks into small ones, you can accomplish things more frequently. This will motivate you to complete the rest of the tasks.

Shut Down the Distractions

What are the things that you go to when you’re lazy? If it is your TV, unplug it. If it is your phone, turn it off. Shut down the escape routes you use when you’re feeling lazy.

Be Less of a Perfectionist

Perfectionism is good in some cases but very often, it is the enemy of your productivity. It can make you feel lazier and less motivated. Try to be more productive and less perfectionist.

Surround Yourself with Positive People

Negative people can truly bring you down. Bad attitudes are often contagious. If you’re surrounded by people who are often lazy and procrastinate, you’ll probably start sharing the same feelings. Surround yourself with positive, happy people instead.

Get a Partner

It is much easier to remain focused and motivated when you have a partner in this. Have someone by your side and motivate each other.

All people are lazy sometimes. This is natural in the life of a person. As a student with a tremendous amount of tasks in your to-do list, this darker side of you can come up quite often. But, there are also many ways to overcome laziness. Just make small things to motivate yourself and keep yourself productive.

Robert Everett is a motivational speaker. He creates vlogs and contributes to many journals, blogs, and websites online. He has a degree in psychology and has dedicated his life to helping people.