Tuesday, Nov. 23rd, 2021

Is It Safe To Take CBD Pills Just Before Going To Bed? The Do's & Don'ts That You Should Keep In Mind

A lot of studies on CBD products are available on the internet. Moreover, you have endless people sharing anecdotes regarding their experience with CBD. Given so much information available, many questions concerning CBD can pop all over your mind. The confusion will only grow, keeping you in a loop unless you consult some professional expert.

We all desire a peaceful sleep and a stress-free, clear mind. CBD pills can help you de-stress and cool down. But you need to be careful about the specific type of CBD you consume and the time of dosage. These two factors, if done right, can get you favorable results. Don’t worry! This article right here will take you through the world of CBD, and it will be your “all I need to know!”

Are you hearing the word “CBD” for the first time?
The first-timers may not be fully aware of what CBD pills are. We get CBD (short for cannabidiol) from the hemp plant, and it is considered its second most active ingredient. It can also be called medical marijuana. According to WHO (World Health Organisation), CBD, unlike marijuana, does not possess any evidence to get a person high.

What are the top most benefits of using CBD pills?
The consumption of CBD evokes endocannabinoids in the human body, which are neurotransmitters that bind it to the cannabinoid receptors in our nervous system. Thus, it reduces information by impacting endocannabinoid receptor activity with neurotransmitters.

CBD has a vivid range of health benefits. It can treat some of the cruelest childhood epilepsy syndromes, such as Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. CBD can reduce anxiety, depression, insomnia, inflammation, epilepsy, pain, and stress. The interaction of CBD with the brain produces relaxing effects and calms the chaos in our mind.

Key benefits of CBD
• CBD pills help to relieve pain and reduce static inflammation.
• CBD pills are known to reduce anxiety and depression. They have worked as antidepressants for many.
• Consuming CBD can alleviate cancer-related symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, and pain. Chemotherapy sessions are responsible for the onset of such symptoms.
• Insomnia is another common syndrome for which you can turn to CBD. A long stressful day at work can further rile your sleeping problems. You can trust CBD pills to take care of all that comes between you and your good night’s sleep.
• CBD affects common skin conditions like acne. It has anti-inflammatory properties, the ability to reduce sebum production, and it counters acne-provoking cells.
• CBD might have neuroprotective properties too. It can benefit people who have neurological or nervous disorders.
• CBD also does good for the heart because it helps stabilize blood pressure and heart damage. It controls blood flow and reduces stroke, heart attack, and metabolic syndrome.
• Some other potential benefits of CBD include diabetes prevention, antitumor effects, substance abuse treatment, and antipsychotic effects.

Going through the above-listed benefits, you may think, “Why not try CBD one time? And I will see for myself whether or not the benefits are working.” If this is the case, bingo! However, if you are on medication or take sedatives frequently, make sure you seek consultation before starting with CBD. It, too, is a sedative and may lead to unwanted trouble. In addition, you should always seek credible sources to get the best CBD hemp capsules available in the market.

Here’s a short guide on how you should consume CBD?
Although consultation is recommended, we have shared some essential points that you always need to keep in mind as you begin with CBD.

As per history and research, CBD consumption causes no critical conditions. It is proven more beneficial for treating insomnia than many chemical-oriented sedatives and medications. It has gained enormous popularity in the health and wellness industry recently for its healing nature.

CBD pills gifts you the most peaceful sleep
CBD works differently for different individuals. The purpose determines the dosage. For best results, take the CBD sleep oil with a pill an hour before you get to sleep. Not only does it improve wakefulness, but it also promotes a peaceful good night's sleep. It also improves anxiety, depression, chronic pain, inflammation, skin conditions, and seizure disorders. You can consume CBD as a pill or make your own drink/recipe as per your needs.

Following are the precautions you must follow while consuming CBD of any type or any form:
• You must select a full spectrum product as it comes without contamination. Check the label carefully for the same.
• CBD is a natural extract of the hemp plant, and the contaminated product is available in bulk. Make sure the product you are taking is harmless and does not contain artificial fragrances or parabens. We swear by Organic CBD!
• While purchasing, ensure that the product is third-party tested and approved. Checking for standard measure signage will do the trick.
• Stay consistent. CBD takes time to kick in. Prepare a base first for about two weeks before long-term planning and holding expectations.
• Consultation from a doctor is a must if you are on a specific medication.


Following are some points that must be prevented when consuming CBD:
• Unlike THC, CBD has no psychoactive effects. It can only help you with therapeutic pleasure. It is an antioxidant and is not supposed to get you high. Overdosing may only result in health hazards. Extract results, not “Highness!”
• Try to avoid the usage of CBD isolate, as the extraction has purified isolate to form a single molecular compound. CBD is best when it has all the cannabinoids in it.
While checking for CBD enriched oil, do not confuse the hemp oil (readily available in beauty and food products) with the actual CBD concentrated products.
• Do not use marijuana-derived CBD unless you want to get high. You must note that marijuana is illegal, and CBD is not.
• Don't make changes yourself in your medications or supplements to make room for CBD without consulting. Do not consume CBD if your medication or supplements indicate a grapefruit warning.

While considering CBD for yourself, first go through the above-listed do's and don'ts and then determine what's best for you. Moreover, be aware of the federal statements of your nation, as CBD might not be legal everywhere.

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Some Elk B License holders will have extended season in select west-central Montana districts

MISSOULA – Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks officials extended the elk hunting season through Jan. 15, 2022, for holders of certain unfilled, antlerless Elk B Licenses that are valid in portions of west-central Montana, in FWP Region 2.

Low elk harvest during the general hunting season, which will end on Sunday, Nov. 28, prompted the seven-week extension in places where elk populations are over objective and elk tend to congregate and cause private land damage over the winter months.

The Elk B License numbers and hunting districts (HDs) for which the season is extended through Jan. 15 are 213-01 (HD 213), 215-02 (HD 215), 262-01 (HD 204) and 291-03 (HD 291). Hunters were awarded one of these special licenses through a drawing earlier this year, and 262-01 was available over the counter prior to the start of the season. No licenses are available for purchase now.

The 262-01 Elk B License already has an extension in HD 260 for archery and HD 262 for rifle until Jan. 15, 2022, per the existing regulations. This season extension allows those with a 262-01 license to hunt on private lands in HD 204 until Jan. 15. HD 261 and 270 are not extended.

The B Licenses are almost exclusively valid on private lands, and in some cases, on adjoining DNRC lands outside the National Forest boundary. DNRC lands within FWP Wildlife Management Areas are specifically closed to the extended elk season. Regulations that governed the use of these Elk B Licenses during the general season will continue to be enforced in the extended season. Hunters, landowners and other interested parties are advised to closely review the 2021 Montana Deer, Elk and Antelope Hunting Regulations for specifics.

Because these B Licenses are valid primarily on private lands, hunters are reminded to secure permission with landowners. Some Block Management Areas (BMAs) may not be available for the extended season. Check online for updated BMA information before heading out: fwp.mt.gov/BMA.

The decision to extend the elk season for these B License holders was made in accordance with the Administrative Rules of Montana (12.9.1105), which establish criteria that must be met for a season extension and identify the FWP director and local Fish and Wildlife commissioner as the decision-makers. This is the second year in a row for a similar season extension, and again, mild weather was a big factor.

“Relatively mild weather so far this season has prevented hunters from finding and harvesting elk, despite access to private lands in these districts,” said Mike Thompson, FWP Region 2 wildlife manager. “The elk just aren’t in places where hunters can find them yet.”

Elk harvest reported at the hunter check stations near Darby and Bonner in the first four weekends of this year’s big game general season was lower than any reported harvest in recent years.

“We hope that this season extension provides an opportunity for hunters to find more elk, as the winter weather eventually moves in,” Thompson said. “Additional elk harvest should help decrease wildlife damage to private agricultural lands in these areas and bring population numbers closer to objective.”

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Want to invest in CBD cream? Read this guide

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a chemical made from processing several cannabinoids contained in the cannabis plant. Many nations throughout the globe, including the United Kingdom, are seeing a growth in demand for alternative health and nutritional supplements that combine the benefits of a diverse variety of these compounds.

CBD products are now readily accessible in the United Kingdom, with a rising number of individuals benefiting from a diverse range of cannabidiol products. But you don't have to worry about being "euphoric" since hemp-derived CBD products don't contain enough THC to give any euphoric effects. In this article, we look at things to consider where and when to get CBD cream UK.

Creams containing CBD
Unlike CBD oil tinctures, which are often supplied in 10ml bottles with variable dose strengths, the quantity of CBD cream you receive per package plays a significant role in determining which products are the best value. When evaluating these brands, we took into account several additional aspects. The quality of the CBD components was a top priority, as seen by each brand's production records and reputation. Plant Source hemp cultivated in the United States is the most respectable, while several European businesses take pleasure in using locally grown plants. Because US farmers have stricter regulations, hemp obtained from their farms has a slightly better probability of being pure.

Procedures for testing
Any CBD oil product you buy should be submitted to third-party laboratory testing to confirm plant potency and the absence of any chemical additives.


The primary procedure for isolating CBD components and creating the most multi-functional pain treatment products is supercritical CO2 extraction. Ethanol extraction is a less common approach, although it is nonetheless effective.


Because the federal government does not control the dose of food and health supplements, you must adapt the strength of the supplement to your requirements. The power of the cream is determined by the CBD percentage mentioned in milligrams per ounce.

THC concentration

In the United Kingdom, THC, the psychotropic ingredient in traditional marijuana, cannot be manufactured in CBD oil products in concentrations of more than 0.2 percent. Make sure the CBD brand you choose promises minimal THC concentration to avoid an unpleasant high or failing a crucial drug test (all those on this list do).

Some CBD businesses have been operating for a long time, while others are springing up to compete in a new field. You can separate the respectable items from the cheap cash grabs by looking at how each brand is received and how people benefit from each product.

What are the advantages of using CBD creams?

People have been taking cannabinoids in some form or another for pain and anxiety alleviation for thousands of years. CBD may be utilized increasingly more successfully for these reasons as manufacturing and processing technology improve. Even though health organizations and people have claimed various health effects, few long-term studies have been undertaken to validate CBD’s drug usage formally. For the time being, it's just a well-documented food and health supplement that's being marketed illegally for the reasons indicated. Though additional long-term research is needed to understand the advantages of CBD products fully, the following are the most compelling reasons for individuals to use them:

• Pain in the muscles, nerves, or joints is relieved.
• Stress/anxiety alleviation
• Help with sleeping
• It has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
• Hydration of the skin
• Treatment for acne and eczema

How Does CBD Cream in The UK Work?

Source: https://cbdfx.co.uk/products/cbd-hemp-cream
CBD creams are made with the cleanest essential oils and the finest botanicals available in the United Kingdom. Some CBD creams, such as the relaxing balm, are blended with creamy avocado oil and fragrant lavender oil, creating a wonderfully divine aroma that promotes even more peace and relaxation. CBD creams also include herbaceous tea tree oils, which are aromatherapy-certified and well-known for their skin-health advantages. Chamomile oil is also common in skincare products for inflamed, itchy, irritated, or dry skin. CBD cream is effective in relieving both general and chronic pain in users. Researchers released the findings of systematic evaluations of several researchers, concluding that there is considerable evidence linking the effects of CBD pain relief cream in the UK and chronic pain reduction in adults. According to the findings, users are unlikely to develop a significant tolerance to CBD, which means they won't have to keep increasing the dose or application. CBD and other cannabinoids bind to specialized CB2 receptors, which help regulate the brain and immune system by reducing pain and inflammation. Researchers think that such activity may induce the body to create cannabinoids that bind to CB2 receptors naturally.

What is the best way to apply CBD cream?
CBD cream is a simple and convenient way to receive CBD into your system. Clean hands should be used to massage it into the desired region until it feels dry. It indicates that your skin is absorbing the cream. It may take several minutes to notice any results after using this topical cream for pain. Fortunately, all items on this list are non-greasy and will not leave an oily stain on your hands, skin, or clothing. Remember that you cannot be so fortunate if you purchase cheaper or unregulated items. After applying CBD lotion, it's an excellent idea to rewash your hands to avoid getting any in your mouth or eyes. Some (especially those based on shea butter) are relatively safe, although menthol-based lotions for muscular cooling are eye irritants.

CBD creams, lotions, and topicals are swiftly becoming one of the most popular uses in the UK's burgeoning CBD business. The CBD firms we've looked at adhere to tight criteria for harvesting and producing the product, conducting third-party testing, and publishing the findings for consumers to see so they know what they're getting. CBD cream's advantages for persons suffering from chronic pain, anxiety, skin, or sleep disturbances have made it a popular remedy for inflammation-related issues. Using this shopping advice, you may pick the cream that best meets your requirements in terms of health advantages.

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Bozeman Symphony Presents Holiday Spectacular Dec 11 & 12

Ring in Christmas with the first annual Bozeman Symphony Presents concert of the season, Holiday Spectacular, featuring your favorite local vocalists Jeni Fleming and the Bozeman Symphonic Choir. This festive performance includes timeless Christmas classics, such as Sleigh Ride, the Twelve Days of Christmas, the Christmas Carol Sing-Along, and much more. Bring the whole family to this new Bozeman tradition as your Symphony blends multiple genres for the perfect holiday concert.

For Music Director Norman Huynh, it’s simple: “You can’t start Christmas without the Holiday Spectacular.” Huynh welcomes all to join the Bozeman Symphony and Symphonic Choir for the inaugural Holiday Spectacular to celebrate the magic of the season through music.

The Bozeman Symphony welcomes back vocal superstar Jeni Fleming to the stage for Holiday Spectacular to perform Walter Kent’s I’ll be Home for Christmas, Jule Styne’s Let It Snow, and the Traditional Christmas Song. In August 2021, Fleming wowed audiences at the Bozeman Symphony’s second annual Ranch Around concert at Hardscrabble Ranch.

Fleming is excited to share her incredible vocal talents once again with the community for this much-anticipated performance. “Especially in these times, it just feels good to share an experience with my community. But the holidays remind us of our better selves: to spread joy, help those less fortunate, and remind someone you love them. That’s what the holiday spirit is, that’s what holiday songs remind us to do, and that’s what I can offer,” said Fleming.

Being a Montana resident with great renown, Jeni knows how important the holiday season is to the Bozeman community, a bustling town of must-attend events in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

“The Bozeman Symphony and Symphonic Choir have been a mainstay of the Bozeman holiday tradition. But this particular event seems to focus on those things that made us fall in love with the season as children: the nostalgia, magic, and wonder. Downtown Bozeman’s Christmas Stroll, Montana Ballet Company’s The Nutcracker, The Ellen Theatre’s A Christmas Carol all have those elements of magic and wonder, and now there'll be a music event that embodies that essence as well,” said Fleming.

In the past, the Bozeman Symphony has performed December classical concerts with holiday themes, including the 2019 Vivaldi’s Gloria performance where Bozeman was first introduced to Huynh during the Music Director Search Season. It was this performance when now Music Director Huynh first fell in love with Bozeman and the idea for Holiday Spectacular was born.

No matter if you’re a first-timer to the Bozeman Symphony or have been going since its inception – all are welcome to this epic Holiday concert that will bring comfort and joy during this busy time of the year. “You don’t want to miss this exciting Christmas tradition,” said Huynh.

Performances will be held in person on Saturday, December 11 at 7:30 PM and Sunday, December 12 at 2:30 PM, at the Willson Auditorium (404 West Main Street), downtown Bozeman. Pre-concert talks with Music Director Norman Huynh will take place beginning at 6:30 pm Saturday and 1:30 pm Sunday at the Willson Auditorium and are available to attend with the purchase of your concert ticket. These performances would not be possible without strong community support and sponsorship. The Symphony wishes to thank David Ross and Risi for their season sponsorship, and First Security Bank, Sheehy Family Foundation, and Renee and Stuart Westlake for supporting this performance.

Ticketing: Individual tickets are available for purchase online at bozemansymphony.org or by phone at 406-585-9774. Tickets at the door based on availability. Adult tickets range from $27.00-$67.00. Student discounted tickets are available. Please contact the Bozeman Symphony with questions you have regarding performance, ticket sales, venue, seating information, and COVID-19 safety protocols.

Jeni Fleming, vocals - Fast becoming one of the west's most sought-after musicians, Jeni Fleming brings breathtaking originality to some of the best music of the American songbook. From classic jazz standards composers such as Gershwin, Cole Porter and Jobim, to re-arranged pop hits by Cyndi Lauper, The Grateful Dead, or The Beatles, Jeni defies easy classification simply saying in defense “a good song is a good song.” Her signature ballads drip with so much emotion that an audience member suggested adding Kleenex boxes on each chair. The Big Sky Journal commented “an evening of this and you’re both whipped and exhilarated, you’ve wiped your eyes, yet your cheeks hurt from all the grinning.” With every performance, the songs and stories of Jeni Fleming are winning the hearts of audiences from coast to coast.

“Having studied classical piano for most of my life, it is the thing I know something about, but singing is the thing I feel something about.” With the 1997 release of "It Is Well" Jeni was featured on a nationally-televised program by the Odyssey Channel. Following the success of her subsequent three recordings, The Jeni Fleming Trio was featured as the pilot episode of "11th & Grant with Eric Funk," which aired on Montana PBS in September 2005, winning an Emmy.

Jeni has performed as a vocalist at many major music festivals including UNC Greeley Jazz Festival, (winning two Outstanding Soloist Awards), Yellowstone Jazz Festival, Powell Jazz Festival, Juan de Fuca Festival, Jazz Montana (three years in a row opening for Hilton Ruiz, Dave Valentine, Nicholas Payton, Tim Warfield, Cyrus Chestnut, Gary Bartz, and Stefon Harris), Big Timber Jazz Society Concert Series, Phillipsburg Jazz Festival, Jazz at the Depot (Billings, MT opening for Hank Jones), Minot Jazz Festival, Jazz In the Canyon (Twin Bridges, ID, and Jazz Fest International (Victoria, BC), opening for famed pianist Dave Brubeck. Jeni has toured the country and beyond in many different ensembles, she has been a guest soloist with various Big Bands, house rhythm sections, and in promotion of her album "We'll Be Together Again" with symphony orchestras across the country. To learn more about Jeni Fleming visit: jenifleming.com

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What do all high-risk merchant services include?

This topic today is vast. It is not just one-dimensional. As in, it's not just what we see. It shows how humanity has evolved through time. Today we will see how we have traveled from hunting and gathering to barter system and finally to today's topic, on how to acquire the needful. We will be covering today's topic in various layers. First off, we need to understand what a merchant service is. Then find out what makes a business high-risk. What are High-risk merchant services? And finally, get our hands down to what all high-risk merchant services include.

What is Merchant Service?
Merchant service is the name given to transactions done by credit and debit cards. It is an electronic mode of transaction. This mode of payment may operate through an account set up by the business holder. It opens up various payment methods, simplifies card transactions, and provides chargebacks, cashback, and other facilities.

It requires the business holder to have a merchant account with the provider. You may hold this account directly or indirectly through a referral partner. These merchant service providers work as a middleman between the person in need of purchasing goods and the organizations that need funds. There is a complicated procedure behind the simple transaction. Once you use the issued card, the payment request is sent to the acquiring bank (where the merchant's account is registered). This request goes through a payment gateway. Then the authorization request is sent to the relevant card provider like Visa and MasterCard. After approval, it forwards the final authorization to the issuing bank( The bank that registered the card). After this authorization, it backtraces to the user and gives a confirmation code, which confirms the transaction.

What makes a business high-risk?
What do we even understand by high-risk? Is it the fear of a market crash? Fear of theft? Well, it's both no and yes. With the vast upheaval of technology, it branched into two ways. One where our lively functions became more straightforward, faster, and efficient, and the other half branched into flaws, imperfection, and finding loopholes within these technologies, due to which, the more efficient these online transactions are, the more sensitive and risky it is.

High-risk businesses are those that deal with high amount transactions and cash returns (online). Businesses where there is some potential for fraud. Organizations that deal with products that are on the fringe of being illegal and so on. Some examples for easy referencing are, Adult products, guns, firearms, cigars, tobacco. These businesses are at potential risk because large transaction amounts online are risky, as sometimes money isn't even received, and the services or goods are delivered. The risky products might get banned as well as the company can get into a huge debt. As a large amount of money is involved online, there is also a risk of fraud. Multi-level marketing also puts a company at risk.

What is a High-risk merchant service?
A high-risk merchant service is an account through which transactions take place in an organization in return for goods or services that are provided. This type of account is specially tailored for high-risk businesses. Where large sums of money are involved online or electronically. No industry standard decides whether our business is high risk or not as it is subjective. We may feel for a few reasons that the line or the sector our business is associated with is risky. However, on the other hand, certain factors push our business towards the danger zone, such as:

WORK LOCATION - Work location matters a lot psychologically, and also, it is a riskier payment option for the customers. That is why it is valuable to have a proper working institution.

PERSONAL CREDIT - Having a good credit score is always good for the long run. Although it makes us look more like a favorable risk for business partners.

It is not easy to get certified to use such an account, but once approved, it opens up various modes of payment, faster transactions, and other benefits that come along with it. It has numerous methods to prevent fraud and maintain security. These high-risk merchants need to search for a provider. A provider is involved with a bank that accepts this high-risk industry type. Finding a proper provider is of high value because most of them will take responsibility for our account even if they can't. It will waste months of our precious time. Once we do find a proper provider which authorizes our statement from the bank, there will be certain limitations that we will need to face because of all the risks. Set lower processing limits, limited processing options, high processing rates, etc.

What do all high-risk merchant services include?

High-risk merchant services may seem very promising for businesses. However, it is crucial to understand what exactly they can do for you. Among numerous benefits that they may provide, there are a few key points worth keeping in mind. Usually, a high-risk merchant service includes:

High-security level and fraud protection - It is specially designed for high-risk businesses and already offers high-level security. It prevents mishappenings, transaction failures, and also fraud protection.

Worldwide Coverage - This account gives us worldwide recognition that helps us to do international transactions. It provides our business with greater exposure that benefits us to grow our business exponentially. The large-scale target audience is also a plus point.

High Chargeback Protection - This account protects us from high chargebacks. Unlike low-risk merchant service accounts. However, it would be wrong to neglect chargebacks, as continuous chargebacks can lead to termination.

Low chances of account termination - Low-risk merchant service accounts can effortlessly get terminated because of chargebacks, But the high-risk accounts can absorb few chargebacks and not get terminated.

Minimal delays in processing - Here, due to large scale and frequent transactions, the processing time is shortened, due to which the transactions are fast and smooth.

To conclude, the present mode of transaction is quite technologically advanced. Considering all the flaws and loopholes that the methods face can be prevented but not cured. The more new ways arise, new problems pave their way up. These online transactions are fast and efficient. The swiftness and minimal processing time make businesses grow faster. The era of the physical mode of payment is still not overthrown because every corner of the world does not have the required facility. Both online and physical transactions have their benefits. To sustain in this era, we need to believe in facts. We need to play tactfully and make the most out of every situation. The same goes for the hi-low risk merchant service. Both have tremendous opportunities, but we need to do proper research before investing.

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Monday, Nov. 22nd, 2021

Big Sky Resort Taps MAP Brewing for Limited-Edition Craft Beer to Celebrate New Chairlift

Big Sky, Mont. (November 22, 2021) - Something big is brewing. A new collaboration between Big Sky Resort and MAP Brewing is giving skiers and riders something new to toast to the upcoming ski season: Swifty Session Pale Ale.  

Swifty Session Pale Ale celebrates the installation of Swift Current 6, the fastest six-person chairlift in North America, complete with a weatherproof bubble and heated seats. Swift Current 6, affectionately known by Big Sky skiers and riders as “Swifty,” will debut on the Resort’s opening day of the 2021-2022 season, November 25. 

MAP Brewing, a Bozeman, Montana-based brewing institution for six years, is crafting a limited run of Swifty Session Pale Ale with specialty hops for a light, sessionable, citrus flavor profile. 

“We constantly encourage our crew to get outside and enjoy everything Montana has to offer, so we’re excited to be collaborating with Big Sky Resort on this beer,” said Patrick “PK” Kainz, owner of MAP Brewing. “Light-bodied with light citrus and pine notes, it’s the perfect beer to enjoy after a beautiful day on the mountain.”

“Swifty Session Pale Ale will be available in all Big Sky Resort dining facilities in Mountain Village and the Madison Base Area, as supplies of this limited brew last,” said Adam Stevens, vice president of food and beverage, Big Sky Resort. “We’re looking forward to sharing our passion for innovation, great beer, and a love for the mountain experience with our guests this season.”  

In parallel with the chairlift’s sustainability-themed chairbacks, which educate skiers and riders about the ForeverProject, the resort’s sustainability initiative and roadmap to net-zero emissions, Swifty Session Pale Ale will also benefit a local sustainability initiative right here in Big Sky. A portion of draft beer sales will benefit Big Sky Sustainability Network Organization (Big Sky SNO), a local and engaged non-profit organization to further environmental conservation and advocacy in the community of Big Sky.

"What a fun and celebratory collaboration with Big Sky Resort and MAP Brewing to increase environmental awareness and engagement in the community, and encourage collective efforts towards reducing Big Sky’s carbon footprint,” said Lizzie Peyton, Big Sky SNO’s community engagement director. 

Specially brewed for après ski after exploring Big Sky’s 5,850 acres, Swifty Session Pale Ale is fresh and light - just how we like our beer (and our snow). Pick up a six-pack (or a draft pour) to celebrate the new six-person chair and the start of the 2021-2022 ski season.   

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The Bozeman Public Library Puzzle Exchange

Welcome to a new service for the community: The Bozeman Public Library Puzzle Exchange

Looking for a new hobby? Do you love art, putting things together, getting away from screens AND reusing local resources? If so, you will love the Bozeman Public Library puzzle exchange.

How do I participate? It’s as easy as picking out a puzzle, taking it home, assembling it (with no time frame or deadline) and bringing it back to exchange for a new puzzle. No Library card, checkout or checkin required.

When is the Puzzle Exchange available? The Puzzle Exchange is available during open hours, currently 10am-6, Tuesday-Friday and Saturdays from 10am-5pm. The Library is closed on Sunday & Monday.

Where are the puzzles located in the Library? The Puzzle Exchange is at the top of the wide, stone stairs on the second floor of Bozeman Public Library. It is to the right of the Puzzle table.

What else should I know about puzzles? Puzzle time is a great chance to listen to audiobooks and music. Choose from a wide selection of audiobooks available on Libby, CD and Playaway at Bozeman Public Library. The Hoopla app offers audiobooks in English and several other languages, as well as streaming music with no waiting for titles. These services are all free with your Library card. For more information about the Puzzle exchange, please call (406)582-2410 or visit Bozeman Public Library in person, Tuesday – Saturday, or online at bozemanlibrary.org.

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Friday, Nov. 19th, 2021

Best Practices to Living a Financially Healthy Lifestyle

One thing that often gets missed in formal education these days is financial literacy. Many people go their whole lives without ever learning how to manage their money properly and often end up losing out as a result. But the good news is, it’s never too late to learn, and you don’t have to do it all at once to start seeing the positive effects. You can learn a little bit at a time, and these are just a few suggestions to kick start your monetary education.

Learn How to Budget

It’s on every list, and it’s on them all for a reason. Properly understanding why and how to budget is the first fundamental skill you should learn. Knowing where your money is going is key to identifying where you might be overspending - allowing you to nip problems in the bud. Learn about practices like paying yourself first and zero-based budgeting. Decide what is going to work best for you and stick to it. Budgets are also great tools for helping you learn where you can seek out discounts. For example, there may be ways to lower your energy bill that you never realized you were overpaying for, because you never tracked it.

You may want to allocate your spare money to savings or investments at the beginning of the month before you spend it. If you struggle with impulse spending, read up on the methods people have found effective to help. Planning for the future often factors in here as well. Knowing what size housing deposit you need can help dictate how much to put away each month. You could also consider setting aside an emergency fund - turning a surprise bill from a major problem to a mild inconvenience.

Decide If You Need Insurance

Some insurances are essential - home and car insurance being two of the most obvious. Certain policies may even offer added benefits like legal aid or critical illness cover. But there are some circumstances where you may find your life insurance premium to be an unnecessary expense. In this case, it’s possible that the money could be put to better use. If you decide it could, you may choose to use a life settlement company to sell your life insurance for a cash sum. Check out a guide online that lists the top life settlement companies so you can pick the right one. You should also consider the company benefits package provided by your job; if your company offers health insurance, you can save by ensuring you aren’t paying for two policies.

Pay Attention to Interest

Learn how interest works. The interest you pay on your car loan, for example, is likely to be more than the interest you can earn on savings. This is why it often makes sense to pay off debt before starting to build up your savings. You can also consider investing. It’s riskier but often pays bigger dividends faster than savings alone. In today’s economy, understanding the fastest way to save or increase your funds is going to make a world of difference.

Take Professional Advice

Everyone is quick to offer advice when it comes to money; some of it is sound advice, but some might be anecdotal. Just remember that the world is changing quickly, and what worked for our parents and grandparents may not always hold true in the modern day. In some cases, it may be worth hiring a financial advisor to help you make the best decision with your money, especially when it comes to scarier concepts such as investing.

Consider Your Future

Don’t get in the habit of spending all your money each month because you think it’s spare. This feeds back into your budgeting. Those unexpected quarterly bills can put you in a real bind if you aren’t prepared for them. Beyond that, though, you need to plan for your retirement and start contributing to a pension fund now. The future is uncertain and it’s unwise to rely on social safety nets, so consider living a little leaner now as a trade-off for a more secure future.


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Montana PBS announces new host John Twiggs for award-winning ‘Backroads of Montana’ series

BOZEMAN — After 50 episodes, the awarding-winning Montana PBS series “Backroads of Montana” will have a new host, John Twiggs, due to the pending retirement of long-time host William Marcus.

Marcus, a fixture for years on Montana Public Radio and former director of the University of Montana Broadcast Media Center, has been the host of “Backroads of Montana” since it premiered in 1991. The popular show recently premiered its 50th episode.

“There are many stories yet to be told, and many places yet to visit on ‘Backroads,’” Marcus said. “The 50th program after 30 years seems like a good point to pause and reflect on what’s next. And for me to step aside. I am immensely proud of the programs we’ve produced and grateful to the talented ‘Backroads’ producers who have made it such a pleasure to be the ‘face’ of the program.”

“Backroads of Montana” and Montana PBS will celebrate Marcus’ time as host during a special pledge event scheduled for 8 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 1.

Twiggs, currently a “Backroads” producer, will begin hosting the show for episodes to be released in 2022.

“William leaves behind a legacy of excellence,” Twiggs said. “We’re excited to continue that tradition and share more great Montana stories.”

“John Twiggs understands the legacy, impact and potential of the program,” Marcus said. “I look forward to watching.”

“William has been a friend to so many Montana PBS viewers,” said Ray Ekness, director of the UM Broadcast Media Center and a “Backroads of Montana” producer. “He has introduced so many folks to parts of our state that we didn’t know existed.”

Along with Marcus, Twiggs and Ekness, Gus Chambers, Anna Rau and Breanna McCabe produce “Backroads of Montana” for Montana PBS through the University of Montana Broadcast Media Center. Now in its 30th year of production, “Backroads of Montana” is made possible with support from the Greater Montana Foundation, a Big Sky Film Grant and UM. The program has received multiple awards, including being named the Montana Broadcasters Association non-commercial television program of the year numerous times. To view episodes, visit montanapbs.org/backroadsofmontana.

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Thursday, Nov. 18th, 2021

MSU Native American Studies receives international accreditation

BOZEMAN – The Montana State University Department of Native American Studies has received accreditation from the World Indigenous Nations Higher Education Consortium, making it one of the first Indigenous programs at a mainstream institution to receive the designation.

Walter Fleming, chair of the Department of Native American Studies, announced the accreditation at the opening of MSU’s American Indian Hall on Oct. 16. A WINHEC accreditation team visited MSU the week of the building’s grand opening.

Fleming said that WINHEC accreditation, which is valid for five years, signals to potential students, tribal communities and other institutions worldwide that MSU has made Native American students and programs a priority in recruitment and retention.

“And it validates the importance of the work that we have been doing in teaching, community based participatory research and helping our students succeed,” Fleming said.

The international group’s accreditation team praised MSU’s Department of Native American Studies for its support and commitment to “the jewel that is Montana.”

“We commend and acknowledge their dedication to the Native People of Montana, as has been evidenced in their application of Indian Education for All and service to the Elders Council,” the accreditation committee wrote in its report, referring to the state’s Indian Education for All program and the MSU Council of Tribal Elders.

“Further, we thank Montana State University, Bozeman, as it grows in service to the Native People for their continued support of the Native American Studies Department.”

In preparing for the accreditation team’s visit, MSU was asked to file a self-study in which the department identified its focus on developing a model of student well-being.

“And now our actions will be guided by that goal,” Fleming said.

Kristin Ruppel, professor in the Department of Native American Studies, helped organize MSU’s WINHEC accreditation process. She said a team of students, faculty and staff has been working for two years to prepare for the WINHEC accreditation and site visit, which was delayed one year by the COVID-19 pandemic. Ruppel said MSU received provisional WINHEC accreditation in 2009, but that the organization developed new guidelines for accreditation for mainstream institutions such as MSU as opposed to tribal colleges. During that time. Since then, MSU’s Native American enrollment increased by four-fold, from about 200 students to 800.

WINHEC is the accreditation body for Indigenous education initiatives and systems throughout the world that identifies common practices, criteria and principles by which Indigenous people live, according to its website, winhec.org. Fort Peck Community College, a tribal college, is the only other institution in Montana accredited by WINHEC.

“Ultimately, this accreditation allows us to expand our programming into the international arena, with the help of our WINHEC colleagues,” Fleming said.

To learn more about MSU's Department of Native American Studies, go to:

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