Tuesday, Feb. 8th, 2022

Montana State among top U.S. research universities in Carnegie classification

– Montana State University remains one of the top research universities in the country, according to classifications published by the Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research’s Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education.

MSU has again been designated an R1 university for its very high research activity. Only 146 institutions in the nation received R1 classifications, and among them, MSU and Utah State University are the only two that also have an enrollment profile of “very high undergraduate.”

The R1 classification was developed by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education and originally published in 1973. It is based on factors including research expenditures, staffing and the number of doctorates awarded. MSU was designated an R1 institution from 2006 through 2015 and regained the distinction in 2019.

“This designation is a testament to the hard work put in by remarkable faculty, researchers, students and staff across campus who are committed to advancing the MSU research enterprise,” said Jason Carter, MSU’s vice president of research, economic development and graduate education. “To continue to have MSU recognized as Carnegie R1 only motivates us to continue that research and scholarly excellence.”

MSU announced in September that, for the third year in a row, it had recorded an all-time high for research expenditures, with more than $193 million for the fiscal year ending in June 2021. That was a 16% increase over the previous year’s record, as reported to the National Science Foundation. Research expenditures at MSU have topped $100 million per year for more than a decade.

“Montana State’s successes in research are thanks to the efforts of many people across our campus and across the state of Montana,” said university President Waded Cruzado. “We are fortunate to have a group of dedicated individuals and partners who understand the intrinsic value of research and the creation of art. These endeavors, as we have said for years, can change lives and benefit our communities and society.”

That sentiment is encapsulated in MSU’s strategic plan, “Choosing Promise,” which includes goals of expanding interdisciplinary scholarship and graduate education, among others. Carter also said that MSU’s research has striven to substantially address the “grand challenges” identified in MSU’s strategic plan, including community wellness, food and fuel security, and environmental stewardship.

MSU research is well known for its engagement of undergraduate students in research and is a national leader in securing prestigious Goldwater Scholarships. A total of 82 MSU students have won the award, the nation’s premier scholarship for undergraduates studying math, natural sciences and engineering. In addition, this past December, MSU senior Mayuri Singh was one of just 151 students named as a 2022 Schwarzman Scholar. Also in the past year, three MSU graduates drew upon their undergraduate research experiences to win NSF Graduate Research Fellowships, and three current MSU graduate students also won that award. And numerous MSU graduate students and postdoctoral researchers won prestigious awards, including the Ford Fellowship.

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Monday, Feb. 7th, 2022

Tips From Food Marketing Specialists on Choosing Brand Influencers

Are you thinking about bringing an influencer on board to represent your brand? Social media has become a place where consumers find new brands and they trust their favorite celebrities and personalities when it comes to products. In other words, if they see their idol using a certain brand, they are must more likely to purchase from them too.

Working with an influencer is a great way for any business to get their name out there and share what they have to offer to a new audience. But, choosing an influencer is something that takes a lot of work. Here are some tips on how to choose an influencer from experienced food marketing specialists.

Relevance is Key to Success

One of the most important things to remember when you are trying to choose an influencer is that they should be relevant to your brand and what you are offering. This is going to have the most impact for your business and lead to more sales and interest from customers. A lot of influencers have come under fire for showing off products in the past and this can have negative consequences on your brand. Thus, stick to finding relevant influencers that are going to have the right audience for you.

This is not to say that finding an influencer is easy. In fact, it can be difficult to know what type of reach someone can have for your brand. For example, you could choose someone who has millions of followers and go for the mass market, hoping people will discover your brand. Alternatively, you can choose an influencer with a smaller number of followers but is in your niche. If you are unsure of the right influencer for your brand, you can get help from Ceres PR. They are a food marketing agency with a specialist team that knows how to choose the right influencers. This can save you time and ensure that you choose the right personality to represent your business, as well as them having the relevant audience who are going to be interested in your products or services.

Avoid Any Controversial Voices

We all know that there are influencers out there that make their money from being controversial. This could be through comments they make, things they do, or even by how they present themselves. When it comes to your brand, this is something that you want to stay away from. You need to do your research when it comes to an influencer and know if they have been involved in any scandals or problems in the past. Unfortunately, if you were to work with them, this negativity might attach to your brand too.

Thankfully, there are a lot of influencers out there that stay out of trouble. You just need to know how to find them. You will need to dive into the type of content they post and whether they have the right reputation for your brand. Knowing a lot about an influencer and what they stand for can also help you to avoid working with someone who might upset people in the future.

This does not mean that you have to stay away from influencers that like to be heard. You just have to ensure that they are going to align with your brand and that they share similar values and morals to you.

Always Know Your Budget

Before you start contacting influencers, you need to know what your budget is going to be for this project. The reason this is important is that it is easy to get carried away. For example, you can think that you have found the perfect influencer. They have a huge number of followers, they fit well with your brand and you believe they are going to be fun to work with on a project. However, you have to know whether they are going to be within your budget and if this is a realistic aim.

You will not know for sure how much an influencer will charge. But, you can do some research on the internet and get a good idea of what they might ask for. This means that you are not going to get a shock when you contact them or be disappointed if they are not within your budget. Again, this is where a food marketing agency is going to help. They will have an idea of how much influencers are going to charge for their services and be able to introduce you to popular names that are within your budget. This can save a lot of time, energy, and disappointment.

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A Road Rash Overview

You might have heard the phrase “road rash” before. It sounds innocuous. However, this can be a very painful injury, and we’ll talk about it a little in the following article. We’ll cover what it is, some complications that sometimes come with it, and a few ways to avoid it.

What Exactly is Road Rash?

Road rash is a painful condition. If you slide along the ground and remove clothing and skin layers, road rash is the result.

It can happen if you’re walking or riding your bike and a vehicle hits you and knocks you down. If you’re riding a motorcycle and slide along the ground, though, that’s when you can get far worse cases that can occasionally even threaten your life.

A car hitting a pedestrian, cyclist, or someone on a motorcycle can cause it, but you should also know that nothing needs to hit you for you to suffer road rash. You might also have to deal with it if you lose control while cycling or riding a motorcycle. For instance, if you’re on a motorcycle and hit some ice or gravel, falling off and sliding makes road rash pretty likely.

Road Rash Complications

Depending on a road rash case’s severity, you might walk away from the incident relatively okay. You can clean out the damaged skin with warm water and antibacterial soap. Then, you can put some antiseptic ointment on it and bandage it up. It will hurt, but if you only took off the first skin layer, it should heal within a few weeks.

Road rash is more of an issue if you take off multiple skin layers. Motorcycle wrecks often cause this. You will deal with much more intense pain, but you also have to watch out for infection. That happens if bacteria enter your body.

If you see a doctor after falling off your bike or motorcycle and sustaining road rash, they will clean the wound very carefully, which should prevent infection. They might also want you to take antibiotics in some instances.

Scars and Traumatic Tattoos

If your body replaces the cells that the road removed, they might not have the flexibility or pliability of the skin that used to be there. If that happens, you can develop a scar.

Some people don’t like scars, and you might have some noticeable ones in extreme road rash cases. If that happens, you can treat the skin with creams that contain vitamin E.

Traumatic tattoos are also possible. This happens when debris sticks in your dermis, your second skin layer. The discoloration can stay with you for life, similar to ink when you get a tattoo.

How to Avoid Road Rash

You can often avoid road rash if you’re careful and watch out for vehicles around you. You should also watch for the road conditions on which you’re walking or riding.

It’s impossible to predict whether you might encounter a careless driver who might run into you because they’re speeding or not paying attention to where they’re going. However, you can avoid riding along busy roads on a bike. Stick to back streets without very much traffic.

If you enjoy motorcycle riding, keep to the speed limit. Avoid going out when it’s raining or snowing, as those conditions make a wreck a lot more likely.

Legal Actions if You Suffer Road Rash

If someone hits you and causes you to slide and suffer road rash, then hopefully, they will stay at the scene. Some drivers panic and flee the accident, and then you have to try and rely on traffic cameras to get their license plate number so the police can track them down.

If the person stays at the scene, but it’s clear they caused the accident, you shouldn’t yell or scream at them. Call an ambulance and the police if you can, or get a bystander to do it.

Once you get the medical attention you need, you can look into your legal options. You can usually hire a lawyer and pursue a personal injury lawsuit if you can prove the other driver culpable.

To do that, you might need eyewitness testimony, traffic camera footage, store camera footage, or anything else that backs up your event version. Some attorneys will even hire an accident scene reconstructionist who they can put on the witness stand if a case goes to trial.

Usually, it never gets that far, and the person who caused your road rash settles out of court.


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Saturday, Feb. 5th, 2022

Drug Abuse Awareness: Myths And Facts You Need To Know

There are many temptations in the modern world, one of which is drug use, which leads to the need for drug treatment. The number of drug addicts is growing every year, especially among young people who get influenced by fashion trends and accept the myths about drugs and their incredible properties. In order to get rid of the craving for drugs, you have to go through a difficult and long way, which can take several years. You can look for help at a drug treatment center or get consulted by any drug hotline on AddictionResource. You will not fall into the trap if you learn the popular myths about drugs in advance and debunk them. Drug addiction is a disease caused by the systematic use of substances that are included in the list of drugs. It is manifested by mental and sometimes physical dependence on them.

The most popular myths

1. You can often hear that drugs are light or heavy. Drugs are not divided into harmful and harmless, light and heavy. All have negative consequences and are dangerous.

2. If I try a drug once, nothing will happen to me. According to drug information hotlines, even single drug use is extremely dangerous and can lead to serious problems and even death.

3. I will be able to control my drug use. This is just an illusion, sooner or later, there will come a time when all actions and interests will be related only to drug use. Drug use leads to addiction (a combination of mental and/or physical phenomena). Whatever substance a person chooses, they develop tolerance: the effect is not as strong as it was before. The first unpleasant symptoms appear like a feeling of apathy.

4. Drug addiction is not curable. This myth is popular due to the failures of addicts. Statistics and specialists from drug and alcohol hotlines say the opposite. A positive result is not uncommon. It's easier to remember negative statistics. Now there are various techniques that help to return to a normal life.

Myths about different types of drugs

Many people believe that cannabis is completely harmless. But studies have shown that it is psychologically addictive. There is no consensus on what frequency of use can already be considered addictive.

Another popular myth is that amphetamine helps to concentrate. The drug has a stimulating effect, but for a short time. Amphetamine does not help assimilate educational material, as many believe. It will take a few days to return to normal. Psychological dependence is developing rapidly, and learning without amphetamines will be difficult.

One of the common myths is that ecstasy won't hurt. In fact, the drug depletes the body much more than alcohol. The downside is that brain nerve cells are damaged, so psychological dependence occurs very quickly. According to a drug addiction helpline information, tolerance is developing rapidly, so more and more ecstasy will be needed to achieve the desired effect.

Many believe that cocaine use is among the favorites. It is true that celebrities use this drug. But keep in mind that there are many more stories about how people got bogged down in debt. It is important to understand that cocaine is definitely not needed for success and better call rehab if you feel like you can’t control yourself anymore.

Drug Facts

There are many myths, so what are the facts? You need to know that drugs:

• Interfere with creativity. A person throughout life moves down and up the scale of emotions. After using drugs, the mood rises but then feels so bad that everyone is indifferent. After the next ascent, the person falls lower on the emotional scale than before.

• Affect the mind. When people think of something, they use pictures from memory. When you mention something, information comes very quickly. Drugs blur pictures, make them vague. It is almost impossible to get information.

• Dull the feelings. Drugs "freeze" the nervous system and for many become the only way to get rid of negative emotions. As a result, any feeling is increasingly difficult to perceive. A person can stop worrying about everything that is happening. In addition, the processes of thinking are slowed down.

It is important to know that marijuana damages the brain, nerves, and lungs. Smoke contains many chemicals that increase the risk of cancer. When smoking, vitamins are burned quickly and nerves are numb.

Ecstasy is one of the most dangerous drugs, any drug helpline would say. Subsequently, it damages the nervous system. Keep in mind that ecstasy is a hallucinogen that can lead to feelings unrelated to reality.

The most popular drug is alcohol. It poisons the body and burns vitamins, which makes a person feel unwell.

What is drug addiction?

The state of mental dependence is manifested in the fact that a person with the help of drugs wants to achieve inner balance and seeks to feel over and over again the effect of the substance. The drug, its effects are gradually replacing all the usual positive emotions for a person. At this stage, a person still retains the ability to control the use, can still choose in which situations and at what time to take drugs. At the same time, the desire to use it always remains, but the mind can still win in the struggle of motives.

The partial ability to control drug use gives the consumer the illusion that it does not affect his life, he is free in his decisions and will be able to stop using it at any time.

Physical dependence is manifested in the fact that the body can no longer function normally without the drug and in its absence develops a withdrawal syndrome (withdrawal syndrome). It is characterized by physical and psychological disorders associated with the fact that the drug has become part of the body's metabolic processes.

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Friday, Feb. 4th, 2022

Applications due Feb. 16 for 406 Labs spring incubator program

BOZEMAN — Montana State University’s Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship’s 406 Labs is accepting applications for its spring 2022 incubator. The 10-week program aims to help those who have developed business concepts or researched a potential new business to create solid business plans and identify the steps needed to test and clarify their thinking about markets, customers, strategy, financials and more.

All Montana residents and MSU students, faculty, staff and alumni are eligible to apply. The application and detailed information on 406 Labs can be found at montana.edu/business/entrepreneurship/406labs.html. The deadline for applications is Wednesday, Feb. 16.

Pat LaPointe, managing director of Frontier Angels and the founder of Early Stage MT, is the facilitator for the spring group.

406 Labs is also looking for established entrepreneurs and subject matter experts who are interested in mentoring those accepted to the incubator. The mentor application can also be found on the website.

Erik Walnum, co-founder of Unwaffle, a superfood waffle product, and a participant in last spring’s incubator, called the program a pivotal experience for his business.

“It was like a fast-track MBA, putting participants in the driver seat,” Walnum said. “There's no better way to learn than when applying expertly guided strategy and technique directly to your own business."

Anja Kunze, assistant professor in MSU’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and a participant in last spring’s incubator program, called the program a “true eye-opener for her spin-off company.

“Through weekly exercises, we moved our idea closer to a real product, closer to a real business model and, eventually, closer to a real customer market,” Kunze said. “The 406 Labs incubator is the perfect fit and start for every faculty at MSU with entrepreneurial ambitions who aims to bring one aspect of their applied or basic research into the market.”

Questions about 406 Labs and the incubator program may be asked by calling 406-994-4383 or emailing info@msulaunchpad.org.

The Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship offers four undergraduate options of study – accountingfinancemanagement and marketing – as well as five minors - accounting, business administration, entrepreneurship and small business management, finance, and international business. It also offers a master of professional accountancy degreemaster of science in innovation and management, a business certificate and entrepreneurship certificate.

MSU’s Blackstone LaunchPad helps MSU students succeed in entrepreneurship and in their careers. Open to students, faculty, and alumni in all majors, the campus-based LaunchPad provides mentoring, opportunities for participants to grow their networks and resources to help their businesses succeed. For more information, visit montana.edu/launchpad/.

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Secure Your Phone with These 6 Best Tips

Smartphones are the most significant gateway to our personal life, and unfortunately, they can be easily hacked. From private files, photos, videos to personal information such as bank accounts, cybercriminals can do a lot of damage to us through our smartphones.

Fortunately, you can take some easy steps to secure your smartphone today! It is essential to be informed and avoid such situations, and it’s always best to be safe than sorry. With that being said, here is how you can secure your phone with these six best security tips!

Disable Automatic WiFi Connection

Today public WiFi is available at every corner of the street. If your phone is set to connect automatically to any near available WiFi, your data becomes highly vulnerable. You essentially give away your location and identity.

Public WiFi is notoriously unsafe since they aren’t secure connections. A hacker can use this connection and plant malware on your smartphone. Depending on the malware, it can steal even more valuable data from you.

Turn Off Bluetooth & NFC

Another great security flaw that mobile users seem to ignore is the use of Bluetooth & NFC. Though these features are great for connectivity, you should only use them in safe locations. Like the automatic WiFi connection, these settings can act as a gateway for cybercriminals to access your device.

For example, with your NFC, you can make contactless payments. However, you are susceptible to fake card readers and other scamming devices.

Install OS Updates

No matter what OS you use on your smartphone, keep it updated! Any outdated software can act as a gateway/outdoor for hackers. Updates keep your software working as it should and corrects any possible bugs and security holes. If your OS is outdated, software becomes buggy, and weak security chains are more easily exploited.

Use Security Software

Any smartphone user should install security software on their phones. Just like an antivirus on your PC, smartphone security software will help you against malware and other viruses. Some even show you what the weakest security spots on your mobile are.

If you decide to use security software on your phone, it is essential, like any other software, to keep it updated. This way, new malware and viruses will have a more challenging time getting through your system.

Always be wary of links you receive through SMS or email. Don’t respond to such senders, as you can attract their attention further.

Try Out a VPN

With a VPN, you can keep your data on your smartphone encrypted. More than this, you become anonymous on the web and even establish secure connections with public WiFis. A VPN will hide your network and replace it with a fake one.

Any would-be attacker or tracker will use this fake network instead of the real one. The best VPN providers also come with various features, such as great internet speed and plenty of choosable geo-locations for you to enjoy.

By switching your geo-location with a VPN, you can access geo-restricted content as well and get rid of annoying ads and trackers.

Check App Permissions & Download from Approved Sources

We often treat the apps on our smartphones with great carelessness. What harm can an app do, right? Unfortunately, this is the preferred scamming method for many online cybercriminals to either steal your data or alter your device.

Should a simple game have access to your video or camera? Does a calculator need to have an internet connection? These are some big scamming app red flags that you need to consider, and you should regularly check app permissions.

Anything too intrusive can be a red flag. Apart from checking app permissions, you should also only download them from approved sources. However, even here, you have to be careful. Make sure to read the reviews and see what other people have to say about the app beforehand.

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Chief Plenty Coups State Park receives grant from National Park Service

Funds will be used to restore Crow leader’s home and store

The house and store of Crow leader, Chief Plenty Coups, located within Chief Plenty Coups State Park in Pryor, Montana, was recently awarded a $140,537 Save America’s Treasurers (SAT) grant from the Historic Preservation Fund administered by the National Park Service, Department of Interior. The grant provides a 50 percent match for funding previously allocated to Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, who manages the state park.

The log home of Chief Plenty Coups, which is referred to by the Crow as “Alek-Chea-Ahoosh,” and the adjacent store are nationally significant historic resources and the park is a designated National Historic Landmark.

Preservation and repair of Chief Plenty Coups home and store will include roof replacement and work on the home’s foundation, re-chinking and re-daubing logs, window rebuilding and re-glazing, roof replacement and the replacement of any rotted logs. The preservation construction work will begin this summer and likely will extend into 2023. 

For more information about the project, please contact Chief Plenty Coups State Park Manager Aaron Kind at akind@mt.gov

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Thursday, Feb. 3rd, 2022

Gallatin County Opens Free COVID-19 Surge Testing Site

Through a partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has provided resources for Gallatin County to set up a free COVID-19 testing site during our case surge.

Increasing Community Access to Testing (ICATT) Surge Site program helps to provide more access to testing in locations seeing COVID-19 case surges throughout the U.S.

Gallatin County submitted an application in mid-January and the ICATT surge site was approved on January 24, 2022. A federal contractor, eTruNorth, will be running the site, along with site management support from Gallatin County Emergency Management. As a surge site, the program will be available for a period of 21 days to support free, community-wide testing.

The surge site will be located at the Gallatin County Fairgrounds, 901 N Black Ave, Building 4 in Bozeman and will start this Wednesday, February 2 at 11 a.m. Starting February 3, the surge testing site will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., seven (7) days a week. Before you get tested, you must pre-register at doineedacovid19test.com, once you register you can select an appointment time for a lab-based, observed self-collection PCR test. Children and adults must have their own account in their own name to obtain a test result. Please be sure to remember the username and password for each account you create as you will need these credentials to obtain your test results. Insurance information is not required and your test results will be available by email. If you do not have access to a computer, the internet, or need assistance with registration please call eTruNorth’s toll-free number at 1-800-635-8611 to register for an appointment. Scheduling is preferred, however onsite staff can help with registration.

Please wear a well-fitted mask when entering the building. Symptomatic and close contacts are welcome, however, this site is not recommended for travel testing due to the expected turnaround time. This is an observed self-collection PCR test site. Results are typically expected within 48 to 72 hours. You will be notified via email when your results are ready, follow directions to log on and view or print your results. Results will be reported to state and local public health. Individuals who test positive should isolate and seek follow-up care as needed from a healthcare provider.

If you are showing symptoms of COVID-19, be sure to get tested so you can minimize the spread to others. There are many locations throughout Gallatin County where you can get tested on-site, or where you can pick up an at-home antigen test kit. Please be sure to visit the testing page on our website for more details.

Testing is just one measure you can take to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Be sure to get your COVID-19 vaccine and booster dose if you are eligible. Wearing a well-fitted mask and maintaining physical distance from others also continue to be highly recommended COVID-19 mitigation strategies.

The Gallatin City-County Health Department Call Center is open five days a week, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to answer questions about COVID-19. Any calls received after business hours will be returned the following business day. You can reach the Call Center by phone at 406-548-0123. The most accurate local source of information remains the GCCHD website.

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Applicants requested for elk management advisory group

HELENA – As elk populations continue to be a concern across the state, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is convening a citizens advisory group to address the future of elk management. The 12-member group will be tasked with developing new and creative ideas and recommendations and helping build new relationships among stakeholders passionate about elk management in Montana.

FWP is seeking people representing a wide variety of interests to find innovative solutions for management issues including:

  • Populations that are over objective
  • New disease concerns
  • Lack of access on private land
  • Over-crowding on public land
  • Increased participation in outdoor activities

Members must be willing to hear other perspectives and be open to new ideas from landowners and hunters alike. Applicants representing larger interests must be empowered to speak for their group or organization.

Meetings will be virtual. A facilitator will work with the group to maintain objectivity, productivity, and to guide the development process. Interested individuals must be able to actively participate in up to 10 half-day meetings through July 2022. Meetings will be held during the day and evenings, depending upon the availability of the group. If improved technology is needed for an individual to participate, they may travel to one of FWP’s offices and use the equipment there. Mileage and lodging (if necessary) costs associated with travel to and from an FWP office will be reimbursed by FWP.

The first meeting is scheduled for the afternoon of March 22. The group’s recommendations will be presented to the FWP Director’s Office for review and consideration by July 31, 2022.

Applications are available online at https://fwp.mt.gov/aboutfwp/elk-management-citizen-advisory-group. The application deadline is Feb. 15. Appointments to the advisory group will be made within two weeks of the application deadline. If you have questions, please contact:

  • Deb O’Neill, Special Projects Director, doneill@mt.gov, 406-444-3755, or
  • Ron Howell, Legislative Liaison, rhowell@mt.gov, 406-444-4040

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Group camping and pavilion rentals at Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park to open for reservations

WHITEHALL – Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park will open its group camp area and pavilion to convenient online and call-center reservations beginning Monday, Feb. 7, at 8 a.m.

The group camping area allows up to five camp units to occupy a location set apart from the other campground users for a more intimate, yet shared camp experience. The nearby pavilion with its barbecue, small utility sink, fireplace and multiple picnic tables can be booked along with the group camping area or separately, depending on the visitor’s needs.

Costs for the site vary depending on the number of people involved and their Montana residency status. Reservation transaction fees apply to each reservation.

Reservations can be made for any date from May 1 through Sept. 30 by visiting fwp.mt.gov/stateparks or by calling 1-855-922-6768. Bookings from October through April can be made by calling the park directly at 406-287-3541.

Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park is about 15 miles southeast of Whitehall, along Montana Highway 2. For more information about the park, please visit stateparks.mt.gov/lewis-and-clark-caverns or call 406-287-3541.

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This is so typical of a sign in, which we should not have to do to check if we or some one in our party got a permit. I have been working or "creating an account" for 30 minutes and just get the same ...

Smith River permit drawing results available

Sunday, Mar. 10, 2024