Drug Abuse Awareness: Myths And Facts You Need To Know

Saturday Feb. 5th, 2022

There are many temptations in the modern world, one of which is drug use, which leads to the need for drug treatment. The number of drug addicts is growing every year, especially among young people who get influenced by fashion trends and accept the myths about drugs and their incredible properties. In order to get rid of the craving for drugs, you have to go through a difficult and long way, which can take several years. You can look for help at a drug treatment center or get consulted by any drug hotline on AddictionResource. You will not fall into the trap if you learn the popular myths about drugs in advance and debunk them. Drug addiction is a disease caused by the systematic use of substances that are included in the list of drugs. It is manifested by mental and sometimes physical dependence on them.

The most popular myths

1. You can often hear that drugs are light or heavy. Drugs are not divided into harmful and harmless, light and heavy. All have negative consequences and are dangerous.

2. If I try a drug once, nothing will happen to me. According to drug information hotlines, even single drug use is extremely dangerous and can lead to serious problems and even death.

3. I will be able to control my drug use. This is just an illusion, sooner or later, there will come a time when all actions and interests will be related only to drug use. Drug use leads to addiction (a combination of mental and/or physical phenomena). Whatever substance a person chooses, they develop tolerance: the effect is not as strong as it was before. The first unpleasant symptoms appear like a feeling of apathy.

4. Drug addiction is not curable. This myth is popular due to the failures of addicts. Statistics and specialists from drug and alcohol hotlines say the opposite. A positive result is not uncommon. It's easier to remember negative statistics. Now there are various techniques that help to return to a normal life.

Myths about different types of drugs

Many people believe that cannabis is completely harmless. But studies have shown that it is psychologically addictive. There is no consensus on what frequency of use can already be considered addictive.

Another popular myth is that amphetamine helps to concentrate. The drug has a stimulating effect, but for a short time. Amphetamine does not help assimilate educational material, as many believe. It will take a few days to return to normal. Psychological dependence is developing rapidly, and learning without amphetamines will be difficult.

One of the common myths is that ecstasy won't hurt. In fact, the drug depletes the body much more than alcohol. The downside is that brain nerve cells are damaged, so psychological dependence occurs very quickly. According to a drug addiction helpline information, tolerance is developing rapidly, so more and more ecstasy will be needed to achieve the desired effect.

Many believe that cocaine use is among the favorites. It is true that celebrities use this drug. But keep in mind that there are many more stories about how people got bogged down in debt. It is important to understand that cocaine is definitely not needed for success and better call rehab if you feel like you can’t control yourself anymore.

Drug Facts

There are many myths, so what are the facts? You need to know that drugs:

• Interfere with creativity. A person throughout life moves down and up the scale of emotions. After using drugs, the mood rises but then feels so bad that everyone is indifferent. After the next ascent, the person falls lower on the emotional scale than before.

• Affect the mind. When people think of something, they use pictures from memory. When you mention something, information comes very quickly. Drugs blur pictures, make them vague. It is almost impossible to get information.

• Dull the feelings. Drugs "freeze" the nervous system and for many become the only way to get rid of negative emotions. As a result, any feeling is increasingly difficult to perceive. A person can stop worrying about everything that is happening. In addition, the processes of thinking are slowed down.

It is important to know that marijuana damages the brain, nerves, and lungs. Smoke contains many chemicals that increase the risk of cancer. When smoking, vitamins are burned quickly and nerves are numb.

Ecstasy is one of the most dangerous drugs, any drug helpline would say. Subsequently, it damages the nervous system. Keep in mind that ecstasy is a hallucinogen that can lead to feelings unrelated to reality.

The most popular drug is alcohol. It poisons the body and burns vitamins, which makes a person feel unwell.

What is drug addiction?

The state of mental dependence is manifested in the fact that a person with the help of drugs wants to achieve inner balance and seeks to feel over and over again the effect of the substance. The drug, its effects are gradually replacing all the usual positive emotions for a person. At this stage, a person still retains the ability to control the use, can still choose in which situations and at what time to take drugs. At the same time, the desire to use it always remains, but the mind can still win in the struggle of motives.

The partial ability to control drug use gives the consumer the illusion that it does not affect his life, he is free in his decisions and will be able to stop using it at any time.

Physical dependence is manifested in the fact that the body can no longer function normally without the drug and in its absence develops a withdrawal syndrome (withdrawal syndrome). It is characterized by physical and psychological disorders associated with the fact that the drug has become part of the body's metabolic processes.