Paper Trail: A New Look at Historical School Census Records

photographer, author by Seth Ward

The Montana Constitution mandates that the number of children in each school district be considered as a factor “in making adjustments to the funding formula” for public education. Going back 130 years, a census of all children living in…

Taking Care of the Place We Love

As Bozeman’s population / visitation has grown exponentially over the last decade, it has become clear that we need to take some steps to preserve the things that make Bozeman a unique community and a pristine recreational destination. While we…

Gary Cooper | Artist, Prankster, Horseman and Actor

Rachel Phillips

Connoisseurs of classic American film may recognize the young man pictured here on the right with the mischievous look. Though not a true Bozeman native, actor Gary Cooper was a Bozeman resident for two years and graduated from Gallatin County High…

Top 10 Bozeman Selfie Spots

Christopher Dyrland-Marquis
