Impending Turn in Weather Aligns with Nov. 1 Opening of HRDC’S Warming Center

Sunday Oct. 23rd, 2022

LIVINGSTON — With snow in the forecast, HRDC is preparing its emergency shelter, The Warming Center, for its approaching November 1 opening date.

“For our neighbors who are experiencing homelessness, we provide a warm, safe place to sleep,” said Jenna Huey, HRDC’s Emergency Shelter Services Manager.

“The area’s lack of affordable housing has forced more individuals who live and work here to seek shelter at our facility,” stated Brian Guyer, Housing Director for HRDC. Guyer expects to see additional pressure this winter. “We regularly saw 12 guests a night last year, with upwards of 20 guests on the coldest nights. It’s possible we could reach our maximum guest capacity this year.” With that in mind, Guyer and Huey are working on contingency plans with other community partners should demand exceed capacity at the shelter.

Guyer and Huey know that without the generosity of residents in Park County, HRDC’s Warming Center would not be able to support so many neighbors who are in need. Volunteer support, monetary donations, and in-kind donations, including the contributions made toward the center’s current fall supply drive*, sustain the center’s operations. With winter weather in the forecast for the foreseeable future and a shortage of affordable places to live, indoor refuge for some area residents at the Warming Center is a necessity now more than ever.

For more information about HRDC’s Warming Center, visit