Untethering For The Times

How the Medical Marijuana Program in Montana is Moving Forward

Missy Glenn

According to the most recent report available on the Montana Medical Marijuana Program’s website*, as of January 2020, there were 36,422 registered Medical Marijuana Program (MMP) patients in Montana, with 5,941 of those cardholders being in…

How Accurate is the Zillow Zestimate?

Tim Ford

For the past few years, I’ve been analyzing the accuracy of the Zillow Zestimate in the Bozeman market. If you haven’t heard of Zillow, it’s one of the many websites that utilize an MLS feed with homes for sale. It also offers a…

You Only Turn 90 Once

A Different Kind of Birthday

Amanda Cass

Birthdays. Love them or hate them, or avoid them all together. But they will keep coming as long as the Earth rotates the sun and our hearts keep beating. Rod Roys has had 90 of them.A Bozeman native and former Bozeman City firefighter, Roys is…