An Affair

Kate Beck, LCPC So your husband has cheated on you (or your wife, boyfriend, girlfriend). And it’s been going on for several months (or longer). You had no idea. It’s a shock. You feel betrayed. You hate him. You feel like a fool. You hesitate…

Top 3 Most Haunted Spots in the Gallatin Valley

Kathleen Johns

It is estimated that over one-third of the American population believes in Ghosts. And of that one-third, over fifty percent of them have educations above 12th grade.Every culture has a version of ghosts and ghosts can be seen in even the most…

Oasis of Life Found on Floor of Yellowstone Lake

Montana State University researchers have discovered a rare oasis of life in the midst of hundreds of geothermal vents at the bottom of Yellowstone Lake. A colony of moss, worms and various forms of shrimp flourishes in an area where the water is…

Henry T.P. Comstock

Mike Comstock For those that payed attention in US History in high school, one might remember the story of the Comstock Lode silver mines in Nevada. The Lode was located in the towns of Virginia City and Nevada City, about a dozen miles east of…

Taking Time: Opening up about Cancer

Cancer is hard. Coping and dealing with cancer all alone is beyond hard. Although talking about it may not be easy at first, most people find that sharing their thoughts and feelings helps them deal with their cancer. Keep these thoughts in mind as…

Laugh and The World Laughs With You

Robert Worobec OK, let’s start with a joke: What did the Zen Buddhist say to the hot dog vendor? Make me one with everything. Cymbal crash, badda-bing, badda-boom! If you’ve ever suffered through watching a comedy video that all of your friends…

A funny thing happened on the way to the grocery store…

Rachel Weaver I discovered that my food wasnʼt up to the standards I thought it was. Much of it was treated with pesticides. Most of it was treated with herbicides. Some of it even came from China, where use of chemicals is not overly restricted…

Tenants Rights: You Can Have a Voice

Susan Floerchinger, Tenant Advocate It is beyond me how the owner’s of a certain tax-credit, federally subsidized, Multifamily Elderly/Disabled apartment building continues to escape punishment for allowing their building here in Bozeman to rot…

Home Improvement Credits & Rebates

Tim Ford Even though the homebuyer tax credit has expired, there are still a lot of great tax credits and rebates available for home improvement projects. For someone that has considered increasing the efficiency of their home, this is a great time…

We Strip! Blasting Technologies

We Strip! Have you seen those two words on trucks, cars, hoodies, license plates and t-shirts? I just had to find out who is stripping! It’s Blasting Technologies, Inc. located at 8264 Huffine Lane, Bozeman, MT. I asked a guy getting out of his…