Pretty Iconic

Angie Ripple

I doubt I am alone in kicking 2020 to the curb, turning the proverbial calendar page, and welcoming what must be a better year than the one we just survived (my favorite holiday card from 2020 was the one from a friend that simply said “We…

Gallatin’s Gateway Community

Rachel Phillips

The community of Gallatin Gateway is one of the older settlements in Gallatin County and had its beginnings in the 1860s. Zachariah Sales relocated his family from Wisconsin to the Gallatin Valley in 1865, and they began ranching. Because of the…

Carving Connections and Sculpting Support

Sarah Cairoli

Bozeman’s abundant opportunities to get outside and play feel like a life raft during these turbulent times. When indoor isolation feels overwhelming, we can hit the slopes and chat with friends through our goggles and masks or get the kids out…

Top 10 New Businesses in Bozeman

Kate Hulbert

Bozeman is always changing, and it can be tricky keeping up with all the new businesses opening their doors! Here is a list of 10 new businesses in Bozeman. Cat Show Cat CafeThis one wins for the most unique new business in Bozeman! The cat cafe…

New Year, New Goals

Tim Ford

Happy New Year! We all know that 2020 was a crazy year in so many ways. As we move into the New Year, this is a great time to reflect on wins and losses and make a plan to have a great 2021. Many people make resolutions this time of year, and what…