It’s Okay to Have a Snow Day

Being a student (or anyone really) on the first snow of the year is hard. Oftentimes, when fall is just about to peak and the pumpkin and cinnamon is starting to flow freely in my pies and cookies, four inches of snow hits overnight. That often…

The Piano Tuner

Kevin Brustuen

Pianos are usually taken for granted by most of us; they sit in the neglected corners of public rooms gathering dust or against the wall in Grandma’s house serving as a repository of family photos, the ivory keys faded and slow to return. Yet…

The High End Real Estate Market

Tim Ford

By now, most people have heard that the Real Estate market in Bozeman has increased dramatically since the start of the pandemic, both in activity levels and pricing. What has also been interesting is the increases in the higher price ranges. The…

Top 10 Reasons For Thanks

Christopher Dyrland-Marquis
