Mother Nature’s In a Fighting Mood

Angie Ripple

Here we are in Montana, riding a river wave of uncertainty about our summer—uncertainty of what the weather will bring, and whether tourists will still be able to have their fun and keep local commerce happy.Unprecedented amounts of rainfall…

Some Things No One Knows

Steve Kirchhoff

Some Things No One Knows No one knows why nobody works and yet everyone is busy.No one wants more density; no one wants more sprawl.No one knows how janitors and mail carriers survive.No one lives in new buildings bustling with humans. No…

Cash Buyers in 2022

Tim Ford

It’s been a wet spring. In addition to the rainfall, the Fed has been trying to throw a little water on inflation. As such, we’ve seen a large uptick in mortgage rates. As I write this, rates are hovering around 6%. This is up from…

Observing Nature with the Montana Master Naturalist Program

Kelly Nicholson

"Hey dolla dolla bill, y’all!,” I say melodically, then laugh. My attempt at a birdsong mnemonic for the white-crowned sparrow isn’t quite accurate, but it’s always fun to say.I learned how to create these memory-jogging catch phrases during…

Top 10 Bozeman Summer Activities

With a variety of unique activities to enjoy, Bozeman offers an exciting abundance of fun ways to spend your time this summer! From cultural arts in town to hair-raising wildlife encounters, there’s no shortage of great activities to ensure…