Spring Break 2023 Staycation Ideas

Angie Ripple

March is not only the month of my birth, but Montana’s allotted month for spring break. With a full week off for local students, families are challenged with how to fill the time. If you’re staycationing, you’re probably looking for…

Where Were You During the Stampede?

Steve Kirchhoff

As everyone knows, Bozeman and other hot, fast-growing towns in Montana lack affordable housing. The shortage of affordable housing is the product of the actions of four classes of people who, prior to the pandemic, had less influence over…

Homebuyer Prep

Tim Ford

It’s been a real winter again in Bozeman; we’ve finally had a great snow pack to play in, and some fun days on the slopes. The Real Estate market has started to court buyers a bit more, but we could still use some more inventory. With…