Opposite of Litter Bug

Angie Ripple

I am definitely the opposite of a litter bug. I’m not exactly sure where it came from, but I realize that my formative years on an Indian Reservation instilled values in me that many communities don’t foster as strongly. We didn’t…

Joint Task Force Created to Address Criminal Justice Crisis

Gallatin County Attorney Discovers Boxes of Unprosecuted Violent Sexual Crime Files in a Closet

The Gallatin County Attorney’s Office is responsible for reviewing investigations submitted by law enforcement agencies, which are called “Request for Prosecutions” or RFPs. When an RFP is submitted to the County Attorney’s…

The Grizzly Bear: Poster Child for Earth Day 2023

photo credit: Montana Public Radio As we grow older and become more mature, we hopefully come to the realization at some point that life is not always about ‘me.’ We are not the center of the universe. Our arrogance, our stubbornness…

Promote Global Worming

Kelly Nicholson

I was in middle school when my family first set out for the Len Foote Hike Inn in North Georgia. Located just off the Appalachian Trail, this backcountry lodge holds a special place in my memory. The unassuming grey buildings on stilts, connected by…