Sweet Sixteen

Angie Ripple

Welcome to the 16th anniversary edition of Bozeman Magazine! We are thrilled to have provided 192 months of local content, and we are grateful to our readers and advertisers for their continuous support. Our advertisers have invested in their…

How Accurate Is The Zillow Estimate?

As buyers and sellers try to settle on a price to buy or sell a home, they sometimes turn to the internet to look for values. One of the more commonly used websites for home values is Zillow. For those unfamiliar with it, Zillow is a website which…

Southside Corridor: Changes Move Full Steam Ahead

Growing pains bring opportunities to reduce congestion and enhance key throughways in South Bozeman. First of a three-part series on plans and proposals in play this year for handling growth infrastructure in Bozeman and nearby communities.A farmer…