Bozeman Real Estate Market Report

Tim Ford

As summer weather descends upon the Gallatin Valley, we are just over halfway through the year. It is a great time to look back at the first six months and see how the real estate market has fared in Bozeman.It can be beneficial to start on the…

Bozeman Libraries Through the Years

Steve McGann

A well-known criminal was once asked why he robbed banks. He replied, “That’s where they keep the money.” My answer to why I spend so much time in libraries is similar; they are full of books. One of my best childhood memories is…

Looking At The Co-Op Half Full

Raya Fanuzzi

A co-op, or co-operative, is a business model that’s been around for centuries. The International Co-operative Alliance, itself a co-op founded to represent and serve cooperatives worldwide, defines cooperation as “an autonomous…