2023 That’s A Wrap

Angie Ripple

It’s hard to believe that, with this final issue of 2023, we’ve wrapped up our 198th issue. It has taken over 16 years to finally get comfortable with an endeavor that benefits our community, to see the fruits of our labor paying off, and…

The Luxury Home Market

Tim Ford

As we move towards the holidays, I’ve often run the numbers on the higher-end market. The million-dollar mark was once rarely crossed. However, with the median home price hovering near $800K for homes inside city limits and north of $900K when…

Fond Memories of a Norwegian Wool Hat

Ken Walcheck

Christmas morning, 1947. Something about the shape of that package under the Yule tree caught my eye. Call it intuition if you wish, but I had a feeling this gift was going to be a little bit special. Even though I was nearly sixteen, I unwrapped it…