Begin Again

Angie Ripple

Thank you for picking up the 199th issue of Bozeman Magazine! The beginning of a new year has always tended to bring me a renewed sense of hope. Hope for a future brighter than where we’ve already been, hope that things will go our way……

Real Estate Resolutions

Tim Ford

Happy New Year! I hope that 2023 was a joy-filled and rich year for you. As we look towards 2024, many are making resolutions and goals for the New Year. For those with aspirations of real estate in their future, it’s a perfect time to come up…

Zoned For Tear-Down

Alison Sweeney

A recent real estate listing was brought to my attention; the description was interesting in how the property was presented, and raises questions about potential impacts on the character of our neighborhoods. It focused on the lot size and location…

Top 10 Bozeman-y Things to do this Winter

Alex Sokol

Here are ten ways you can enjoy the month of January.SkijoringEver seen someone on a skateboard being pulled around by a dog? Skijoring is the same thing, with skis. The indigenous Sámi of Northern Europe were the first to throw a harness…