1,000 New Gardens of Bozeman

Help MSU Students Transform Lawns into Vegetable Gardens

Sarah Cairoli

Bozeman residents, get your shovels! April 11 is Dig Day and the group 1,000 New Gardens of Bozeman will be installing 15 vegetable gardens throughout the city. 15 new gardens may sound impossible but, last year they installed ten new gardens in a…

Will you be a philanthropist on May 5th?

When you hear the word “philanthropist” – what is the first thing that comes to mind? Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, or Oprah? We commonly associate the act of philanthropy with these billionaires. However, community members like you…

Neil deGrasse Tyson in Montana

On March 4, on his first visit to Montana, he gave an evening lecture at Montana State University.

March Editors Note

Keep It Rockin' KGLT

Angie Ripple

Not every town has the luxury of alternative, freeform, commercial free radio. Luckily we Bozemanites have that luxury, and it is called KGLT. If you haven’t turned your radio dial to 91.9FM or 97.1FM in a while (or ever) you totally need to do…

“We Are NOT Picking On the Poor” Uhhhh, Yeah You Are

Birdie Hall, photos by Jenny Barth

Let me begin this article by bestowing a huge thank you on the conservative legislators of beautiful Montana: You have successfully established that we as a state (and country for that matter) hate poor people. At this point in American history it…

Grin and Bare It: The Bear Canyon Incident

Streaking Bear Canyon

Pat Hill

The story you are about to read is true... The names have been changed to protect the guilty.40 years ago five young Bozemanites set out on a winter night’s adventure which eventually involved some fancy footwork, not too many clothes, and too…