Avoiding Real Estate Scams

Tim Ford

Winter in Bozeman has been keeping everyone on their toes. It started out mild, but as of late has come roaring back. Speaking of staying on one’s toes, the public should remain alert to scams in all areas, especially when going through a real…

Looming Federal Requirement Puts Gallatin County Seniors At Risk

Gallatin County is a close-knit community, and as one of your commissioners, I see so many helpers across our communities working to support their vulnerable neighbors and make our community safety nets stronger. A recent act of goodness came in the…

Want To Grow Your Own Food In Bozeman?

Top 10 recommendations for this climate

Spring is just around in the corner, which means that gardening season will soon be underway! If you want fresh food for yourself and your family, I’d highly recommend planting a garden this spring. Getting into gardening has so many benefits:…

4/06 Day: An Appreciation of the Montana Spirit

Sydney Jones

Only in Montana can you find the perfect combination of colossal mountains, raging rivers, sprawling plains, deep valleys, and massive grain fields. With snow covered crests, and luscious green and golden grasslands, the uniqueness of the state is…

Old Growth Forests A Montana Heritage

Author Joan Maloof is fighting to save some of our last, best places — America’s old-growth forests. She will give a free talk in Bozeman Thursday, April 11, at the Museum of the Rockies on ‘Old-growth Forests in Montana –…

Top 10 Ways To Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Revitalize our Earth

Sydney Jones

We’ve all heard the term Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, but have you thought about what that really means? Opportunities to positively impact our environment are more simple and accessible than many people think, and a few small changes in everyday…