Wednesday, Sep. 27th, 2023

‘M’ trail to close Oct. 3 for airlift of construction materials

                                                                                                                      Photo: Joey Wishart

BOZEMAN – The iconic “M” on the face of the Bridgers north of Bozeman gets spruced up every fall, with the infill of approximately 4 tons of rock carried up the trail by volunteer hikers and a new coat of white paint applied to the stony surface by Montana State University students.

That annual facelift, “Rockin’ the M,” took place as usual on Sept. 17, but it wasn’t the last work scheduled for the notable Bozeman landmark before winter sets in. The first phase of a projected multi-year “M” improvement effort will commence Tuesday, Oct. 3, when timbers needed to construct a retaining wall at the base of the “M” will be airlifted to the worksite by helicopter.

Kathryn Barker, recreation program manager for the Custer Gallatin National Forest, said the trailhead and trails leading from the “M” parking lot will be closed for safety reasons on Oct. 3 while the airlift, conducted by Central Copters Inc. of Belgrade, is underway.

The chopper will transfer 60 treated timbers, weighing in total about 2 tons, to a worksite near the platform at the base of the “M,” and the public will not be permitted in the area until the helicopter operation is finished.

“We understand the temporary closure is inconvenient for folks, but it will be pretty brief,” Barker said. “The new retaining wall will ultimately bring lasting benefits to the resource and to all the people who love to visit the ‘M.’”

After the timbers have been deposited at the worksite, Montana Conservation Corps and Forest Service trail crews will spend about two weeks building the retaining wall to prevent further erosion of the “M” slope. The parking lot and trails will be open during wall construction, though Barker said signs will inform people of the project and advise caution while work is in progress.

MSU holds a special use monument permit with the U.S. Forest Service, and both agencies are committed to preserving the landmark and enhancing its safety, officials said.

“We recognize that this is an area for public enjoyment and public awareness,” said Chris Pruden, MSU engagement and leadership program manager.

This fall’s work is being funded by MSU Student Success, which will cover the work done by the Montana Conservation Corps and the helicopter. Pruden said he expects that fundraising will take place to finance future efforts.

Both Pruden and Barker said additional infrastructure improvements are being considered and discussed by stakeholder agencies, including, possibly, construction of another retaining wall on the slope beneath the “M” platform, which also has shown signs of erosion.

“This is probably one of many future projects for the ‘M’ area,” Barker said. “We’re looking at the next 100 years of how we manage the resource to be sustainable.”

Pruden added that the “M,” which was built by then-Montana State College students more than 100 years ago, is an important symbol for the university and an important element in the community.

“We want to be leaders in ensuring a future where it has access, is well-kept, and is emblematic of the university,” he said.

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Fishing closures during spawning to begin for sections of Big Hole, Ruby, Beaverhead rivers

BOZEMAN – Fishing will close starting Oct. 1 for sections of the Big Hole, Ruby and Beaverhead rivers to protect trout during spawning season.

The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission adopted emergency fishing regulations in June in response to struggling fish populations in the three rivers. These restrictions limit fall angling during the brown trout spawning season in some stretches of the rivers.

Trout abundances in several areas of the three rivers have steadily declined since 2011 and are at or near historical lows. Meanwhile, fishing pressure in these areas has increased. The emergency fishing regulations aim to be responsive to fish populations in accordance with Montana’s draft statewide fisheries management plan.

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is also beginning new research with Montana State University to better understand and manage trout mortality, recruitment and health.

The current fishing regulations for the three rivers are as follows:

Big Hole River

  • Entire river
    • Catch and release for Arctic grayling
  • Headwaters to Dickie Bridge
    • Combined trout: five daily and in possession, no size restriction
  • Dickie Bridge to the mouth
    • Open April 1 through Sept. 30
    • Catch and release only
    • Artificial lures and single-pointed hooks only. No treble or double hooks. Anglers may remove treble or double hooks from the lure and replace them with a single hook, or the shanks may be cut off the other hook points to leave a single hook. Lures with multiple hook attachments may still be used but any treble hook must be replaced by a single hook.

Beaverhead River

  • Entire river
    • Catch and release for rainbow trout
    • Brown trout: five fish daily and in possession, all fish must be less than 18 inches, except for Clark Canyon Dam to High Bridge Fishing Access Site (see special regulations below)
    • Artificial lures and single-pointed hooks only. No treble or double hooks. Anglers may remove treble or double hooks from the lure and replace them with a single hook, or the shanks may be cut off the other hook points to leave a single hook. Lures with multiple hook attachments may still be used but any treble hook must be replaced by a single hook.
  • Clark Canyon Dam to Pipe Organ Bridge
    • Open third Saturday in May through Sept. 30
  • Clark Canyon Dam to High Bridge FAS
    • Catch and release for trout
  • High Bridge FAS to Henneberry FAS
    • Closed to float fishing by nonresidents and float outfitting on each Saturday from the third Saturday in May through Labor Day
  • Henneberry FAS to Pipe Organ Bridge
    • Closed to float fishing by nonresidents and float outfitting on each Sunday from the third Sunday in May through Labor Day
  • Barretts Diversion to the mouth
    • Open April 1 through Sept. 30
    • Catch and release for trout
  • Highway 91 South Bridge (Tash Bridge) to Selway Bridge
    • Closed to float outfitting from the third Saturday in May through Labor Day

Ruby River

  • Upstream from Ruby Reservoir
    • Combined trout: all may be cutthroat trout
  • Downstream from Ruby Dam
    • Catch and release for rainbow trout.
    • Angling is closed the entire year just below Ruby Dam, from its confluence with Ruby Dam outlet channel upstream to the dam, including the outlet channel.
  • From Ruby Dam to Alder Bridge (Ruby Island FAS)
    • Catch and release for brown trout
    • Open April 1 through Sept. 30
  • From Alder Bridge (Ruby Island FAS) to the mouth
    • Brown trout: one daily and in possession, must be less than 18 inches

For more information, visit

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Monday, Sep. 25th, 2023

Gallatin Valley Food Bank in Bozeman is slated to receive a very generous donation of beef and pork from The Producer Partnership

Gallatin Valley Food Bank in Bozeman is slated to receive a very generous donation of beef and pork from The Producer Partnership to help support families across Southwest Montana who are experiencing food insecurity. In addition to the pallet(s) of meat donated to HRDC, The Producer Partnership is donating a full truckload (40,000 lbs.) of fresh, local, frozen ground beef and pork to Montana Food Bank Network and their partners across the state.

The Producer Partnership was founded in Spring 2020 with the mission to end hunger in Montana. Their nonprofit organization partners with livestock producers across the state by processing donated livestock into top quality protein and providing it to food banks to help those in need. Local producers, and food centers working in partnership to provide Montana protein to those individuals and families with food insecurity. This is the spirit of Montana neighbors helping one another.

HRDC’s Gallatin Valley Food Bank provides local support for local families and functions as a critical link between food and the people who need it. The food bank’s mission is to improve food security throughout Southwest Montana. Nutrition is vital for everyone in our community, and we serve anyone who needs help stretching their food budget.

As a private, not-for-profit Community Action Organization focused on building a better community through its nearly 50 initiatives, HRDC combats poverty in southwestern Montana and believes everyone deserves the opportunity to be financially stable. Donors, volunteers, and community members can find out what we have in common at

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Saturday, Sep. 23rd, 2023

Fall? More like winter in Big Sky

BIG SKY— Fall? More like the first day of winter in Big Sky. Starting on Thursday, snow began to fall in the high alpine, and this morning, the clouds broke to reveal a layer of snow atop Lone Mountain.

The change in weather didn't stop the crews working on Lone Peak Tram construction at 11,166 feet. 

Today is officially the first day of fall, but seasons are colliding in Big Sky. Just 60 days until Big Sky Resort opens for the winter season on Wednesday, November 22 for the resort's 50th anniversary season. 

Let it snow! 

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Meet Alayna Hutchings from Helena, Montana

Meet Alayna Hutchings from Helena, Montana. At first glance, she is like most seven year old girls. She loves her mom (Kaya) and dad (Danny), and gives her two older brothers a run for their money. Silly, tons of energy, inventive, imaginative and made of sugar and spice and everything nice. She is vibrant, kind and generous and is determined to run her race in life.

On March 13, 2022, Alayna was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Her family was terrified of the news they had received, but Alayna showed no fear. As the days passed, more bad news came; there was nothing that could be done to treat her tumor. It was inoperable. Her parents felt helpless that they could not help their little girl, they continued spending countless hours and days researching doctors and hospitals across the county. They are refusing to give-up. Sometimes all they feel they can do is pray for a solution to this terrible situation. So they do. Every day and every night they pray.

So much time has passed since her initial diagnosis. Alayna's tumor continues to grow, but so has her spirit. She keeps going strong. She remains positive, and determined not to let something like a tumor defeat her. People say that you wouldn't even know that something so life-changing was happening to her. But it is, indeed, changing lives. It is like watching a sleeping giant come to life. Alayna's story, the story of the little girl with the unbreakable spirit, spread like wildfire across the United States. People started calling non-stop from news stations, newspapers, and radio stations. And not knowing how much time she has to fulfill her life-dreams, organizations and business stepped-up to help her do that. The local Lithia car dealership presented Alayna with her dream to visit Hawaii, and sent her and her family to make priceless memories together. Alayna wanted to fly in a helicopter someday, and Billings Flying Service donated a helicopter ride. The West Valley Fire Department in Helena held a raffle/auction to help the family pay for ongoing medical expenses not covered by insurance. As they walked to the tables and saw the hundreds of items that were donated, they were shocked and moved by people's willingness to give. People from as far away as New York City donated. As far as the family is concerned, 'thank you' will never be enough to express their appreciation. Her parents were truly grateful and could not believe the support they were receiving. They didn't realize it at the time, but now they are seeing their prayers being answered.

As the months continue to pass with countless doctor appointments and tests, calls for information and news of her condition, it sometimes felt overwhelming to her parents. But Alayna is still full of spirit and life. A family friend named Clint Branger told Danny that Alayna is an inspiration to him through everything she has been through and he says hearing about Alayna inspires him more every day. Clint thought that maybe that is what her purpose is - to inspire the people around her and even strangers who hear her story too. Clint said that maybe this is her way to show the world that just because you have a tumor and cancer does not mean you have to give up on your dreams and wishes; that if there is the will, there is a way. He pointed out all the people she has touched and made a difference in already. Another great guy named Rob Smets does a morning prayer for Alayna and others every day on Facebook. He tells Danny that Alayna is going to do some great things and maybe this is her calling. They never expected what happened next in Alayna's story.

A month had gone by, and Danny received a phone call from Katrina Mann, and she stated they wanted to donate all the proceeds from the Wild Bill Rodeo to Alayna and crown her Miss West Yellowstone, 2023. Mr. Smets contacted Tres Rios and they offered to make and customize a crown for her, and Prairie Leather Designs and Cowboy Parables are making her a pair of custom chaps. A couple of days later, Warren Johnson, who was just elected into the Cowboy Hall of Fame, reached out and said he was going to donate a horse and a custom pack saddle to an auction for Alayna right after the Gardiner, Montana horse drive that took place on May 27.

Danny states, "As more time goes on, my wife and I are still in disbelief in everybody that has reached out and shown so much kindness and love for a little girl that most don’t even know. As we still look for answers and wonder what the future is for Alayna. We have received more news about her. Alayna has had some brain damage from all the swelling in her brain. She is having a tough time learning at school, but she is not giving up and neither are we."

As life goes on, so do the phone calls for the family. They have been contacted by four major magazines that want to do a story about Alayna. They have said that her story is like a novelty book. You have a little girl in the rodeo world that is battling a tumor, and wants to dedicate her time to helping others around her. They state that she is a remarkable young woman and this is a lesson in power and inspiration and the impact of one courageous soul to travel to so many. They state that they are intrigued by the strength and courage of a little girl that only wants to use her role as Miss West Yellowstone to help and inspire other children with cancer and tumors. Shortly after the magazines reached out, Alayna got her very own professional photographer, Mary Peters. She does photos for the PBR and the NFR. She also takes photos for many magazines such as the Western Horseman Magazine, the Cowgirl Magazine and many others. There have been multiple calls from people wanting to know how they could help and sponsor her. Danny has been in contact with multiple children's hospitals for Alayna to visit other kids that have tumors and cancer; for her to visit them and get a picture with her in her Miss West Yellowstone outfit and be able to give them a stuffed animal, and an autographed picture. But ultimately Alayna wants to show that no matter what you’re going through, you can always achieve your dreams and wishes. And to show that she is just an ordinary girl chasing her dreams, you don’t have to be any more special to achieve your goals, you just have to find your dream and believe in it, and follow it.

So what's next in Alayna's story? Danny said, "Alayna‘s goal is to travel to all states and visit one children’s hospital in each state. She wants to give them hope and to encourage them to find a dream and follow it and not to give up. Another one of her dreams is to be Miss All American Rodeo Queen. As all parents should, we are supporting our child, encouraging her, and letting her know that nothing is impossible. As of right now, our goal is to help our daughter to complete her goals in life. We as parents have concerns about our children’s lives every day, but in this situation, we felt there wasn’t a right or wrong way other than letting her live her life to the fullest. And as a parent, you only get one chance to raise your kids and you try not to make very many mistakes."

"As of right now, Alayna has a busy rest of the summer attending rodeos, parades and children's hospitals and getting photos for magazines and sponsors. Thanks to all of her sponsors, Cinch, All American Ropes, Herring Custom Hats, Lithia Dodge, the main Dodge manufacturers, Cowboy Parables, Prairie Leather Designs, Tiffany Glove Company and Big Sky Printwear and Deaton Chaps. If anyone would like to donate to Alayna‘s cause, it is much appreciated. If you purchase any of her merchandise, a percentage goes back to children with cancer or tumors or other life-changing illnesses. That is what Alayna wants to do."

"I think Alayna‘s life is inspired by two of her favorite songs: 'This Is My Fight Song,' by Rachel Platton, and 'Unstoppable,' by Sia. She hopes one day she can meet them and listen to them sing. Another one of her favorite songs is 'Roar,' by Katy Perry. No one knows what Alayna‘s future is going to be, or when it’s going to be over. But we do know that her story isn't over yet; she has not roared loud enough for the whole world to hear her yet."

The go fund me purpose is to help with traveling expenses and bills

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Friday, Sep. 22nd, 2023

6 of the Best Cafes and Restaurants to Visit in Bozeman With Your Dog

Dog owners who live in Bozeman or are just passing through the area with their pooch in tow have a lot of options if they’re looking to fill their bellies or just stop for a quick coffee.

With lots of eateries catering to canines and their humans, you can be sure of a warm reception. Here are just a few of the top options to add to your itinerary next time you’re in town.

Starting the Day Right at Wild Crumb Bakery

If you're wandering around Bozeman early in the day with your furry friend, make a beeline for the Wild Crumb Bakery. Renowned for their delightful pastries and inviting ambiance, this artisan bakery has become a morning favorite among both locals and tourists alike.

There's plenty of outdoor seating where you can relish your carefully crafted coffee while keeping your dog comfortable too. The establishment prides itself on using farm-fresh ingredients in all their offerings - from flaky croissants to wholesome loaves of freshly baked bread!

Bringing loveable dogs along definitely adds to the warm and cozy atmosphere here. So whether you're looking for a quiet corner to read or a space to meet friends (four-legged ones included), start your day right at Wild Crumb. It’s one of the top local activities for dog owners to enjoy!

Cappuccinos & Canine Companionship at Treeline Coffee Roasters

Coffee connoisseurs and dog owners rejoice! Your love of joe doesn't have to be separate from your affection for your four-legged friend.

At Treeline Coffee Roasters, the cozy space is perfectly inviting for you and your pet. They offer a quaint outdoor seating area with splendid mountain views where both humans and dogs can unwind comfortably.

If we are talking about coffee, they roast their beans in-house, which translates into each cup being served with unparalleled freshness, ensuring an extraordinary java experience every time you visit.

Their staff also show genuine love for dogs, making visits with furry friends even more pleasant.

And it’s also just around the corner from Wild Crumb, so you could add it to your walking route if you’re in the area without needing to take a major detour.

A Touch of Elegance for You and Your Pooch at Plonk

There are places that take dog-friendly to next-level chic, and Plonk is one such spot. This upscale wine bar located in the heart of downtown offers an array of unique wines from across the globe and mouth watering cuisine.

Don’t be fooled by its sophisticated ambiance, as they warmly welcome dogs in their outdoor seating area. With great care paid to every detail, from lighting to the music selection, it's a spot where you can enjoy top-notch food paired with exquisite vintages amidst elegant surroundings while keeping your pooch by your side.

Get Brunch with Your Dog at Feed Cafe

For health-conscious dog owners, the Feed Cafe is a must-visit. Nestled in an inviting barn-like building, this place offers an array of breakfast and lunch options that are as healthy as they are mouth-watering.

They have a well-shaded outdoor seating area where your dog is not only welcome but will also be provided with a fresh bowl of water to sip on during sunny days.

Their commitment to ingredients sourced from local farmers enhances their flavorful offerings. Notably, the cafe's rustic environment sets it apart, and everyone in Bozeman knows Feed Cafe for its welcoming vibe and dog-friendly ethos.

While you enjoy a breakfast sandwich or hearty sourdough pancake stack, your canine companion can relax right next to you! And speaking of relaxing, it’s worth pointing out that if your pet does get nervous in public spaces, you can help it stay calm even in a busy cafe environment thanks to the availability of organic CBD oil for dogs. Just be sure to check with your vet before adding this type of supplement to their diet.

Enjoy a Hearty Meal Together at Nova Cafe

When it comes to pet-friendly eateries in Bozeman, the Nova Cafe is on every foodie's lips. Known for amazing breakfast and lunch dishes made with locally sourced ingredients, this place has cemented its reputation as a must-visit spot over the years.

Apart from being loved by humans thanks to their delectable dishes including a variety of hash bowls and breakfast burritos, dogs also have good reasons to be excited about visiting Nova! This cafe offers outdoor seating where your furry friends are more than welcome.

Sunset Sipping With Furry Friends At The Bunkhouse Brewery

If you're both a craft beer aficionado and a dog lover, it's time to head over to the Bunkhouse Brewery’s Tap Room.

This local gem has become one of Bozeman’s most atmospheric spots over the years thanks to the amazing beers they offer. With top-notch options for every palate brewed on-site, and food trucks regularly pulling up to keep hungry customers happy, it’s a killer combo for any occasion.

Their outdoor seating area openly welcomes your four-legged companion, and you can watch the world go by in harmony.

Final Thoughts

The last point to make is that if you’re going to visit any restaurant with your dog, even those we’ve listed which promise to be canine-friendly, it’s always worth giving them a call or dropping them an email to double-check this, as policies can change. With that, you can take a trip around Bozeman’s best eateries with confidence.

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Volunteers needed for cave maintenance at Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park

WHITEHALL – Staff at Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park are seeking volunteers to help with a post-season cleaning of the caverns.

Volunteers in this event will get the chance to see the park up close as they work to reduce some of the impacts from visitors in the cave and on outdoor trails. This includes removing lint and dust from the cave formations, steps and pathways. Trail work will involve pulling noxious weeds and repairing rutted trails.

The event will be Saturday, Oct. 7, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Volunteers will meet at the Main Visitor Center for a brief orientation before the work begins.

Those interested in volunteering are asked to email before Oct. 1 to indicate their preferred area of work.

Park staff will provide knee pads, cotton gloves, headlamps, cleaning supplies and trail tools. Volunteers are welcome to bring a hat, long-sleeved shirt, water, sunscreen, gardening gloves and a shovel. If you plan to work in the cave, please use clothing and equipment that has not been worn in another cave or mine to help prevent the spread of white-nose syndrome in bats.

Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park is about 15 miles southeast of Whitehall, along Montana Highway 2. For more information about the park, please visit or call 406-287-3541.

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New Paved Parking Lot, Walkway Open at Gallatin County Regional Park

The new paved parking lot and walkway near the dog park at the Gallatin County Regional Park are officially open for use!  

The 43-spot lot was built to serve visitors of the Anderson Dog Park, located off Ferguson Ave. on the west side of the Gallatin County Regional Park in Bozeman.  

The project also includes a new 10-foot-wide paved walkway that runs along Ferguson Ave. between Baxter Lane and Oak Street, and landscaping and irrigation around the lot and the walkway. The walkway connects from Ferguson Ave. to the park’s interior trails. This was requested by the Gallatin Valley Land Trust through a Montana Trail Stewardship Program.

“The parking lot and paved walkway will provide safe public access to this extremely popular part of our park,” said Nick Borzak, Gallatin County Chief of Operations. 

Gallatin County contracted with C K May Excavating in Belgrade for the project. The total cost was about $671,000. The county received a $150,000 Land and Water Conservation Fund grant through Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks to help pay for a portion of the project. Construction took roughly three months to complete. 

While the new parking lot is in the same general area as the Nordic ski trails in the winter, county parks staff are working on creating another connecting route to accommodate.  

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Thursday, Sep. 21st, 2023

Gallatin County Officials Urge Residents to Return District Court Jury Summons Questionnaires

About 3,600 jury summons questionnaires sent from Gallatin County District Court have yet to be returned and officials are urging residents who received these questionnaires to complete them and send them in. 

In early May, Gallatin County District Court sent out 9,600 initial notices to residents who were randomly selected to be in the District Court July pool. The term runs from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. These are not a summons for a specific trial, but simply a notification that these residents could be called to jury duty anytime during that term. 

Gallatin County District Court handles criminal cases (primarily felonies), civil matters in excess of $12,000 in damages, domestic relations, juvenile, probate, mental health, water cases, and appeals from Justice Court, Municipal Court and administrative agencies. 

Residents who received this notice were required to respond to the questionnaire within 10 days. They were provided options to receive paper or digital copies of the questionnaire to fill out. 

As of this week, approximately 3,600 questionnaires have gone unreturned.  

When a questionnaire is not returned, a Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office deputy is required to personally serve these to get them completed. Sheriff’s deputies have already begun that process. 

However, you can help by submitting your unreturned questionnaire as soon as possible. 

Gallatin County Sheriff Dan Springer said that our community’s service expectations continue to increase and his deputies’ limited resources are focused on meeting those needs.  

“We need your help in performing your civic duty by filling out your questionnaire so we don’t have to use those resources to physically serve these on you,” Springer said. 

Gallatin County Attorney Audrey Cromwell said that trial by jury is a fundamental constitutional right for all of us.  

“Your participation as a juror ensures your neighbor’s right to a jury trial is protected,” Cromwell said. “I cannot overstate how important it is to return your jury questionnaire so that our judges can hold trials and we can continue to keep our community as safe as possible.”   

If you received a postcard, please follow the directions to complete the questionnaire.  

If you are unsure of whether you received a postcard, or you need your juror number, please email or call 406-582-3670. 

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Continental Divide Trail Coalition to Visit Montana Communities

— The Continental Divide Trail Coalition (CDTC) will visit Montana communities along the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail (CDT) in late September. The community-centered tour will consist of events to support communities in the northern portion of the Continental Divide landscape.

The events will take place in official CDT Gateway Communities and encourage businesses to learn more about the potential benefit of their proximity to the world-renowned National Scenic Trail. Events are scheduled from September 25 - 29. 

CDTC provides support through the Gateway Community program for towns and counties that promote awareness and stewardship of the 3,100-mile-long trail. These communities are also known for creating a welcoming environment for CDT travelers. Montana currently has four designated CDT Gateway Communities– Lincoln, Anaconda, Butte, and Helena.

“Trail towns and Gateway Communities are a rich part of the Continental Divide experience,” said Liz Schmit, the CDTC Community and Outreach Program manager who is spearheading the tour.

“Our goal is to provide support for these communities and to work together to promote all the CDT has to offer,” Schmit added.

As part of the tour, CDTC will host Small Business Roundtable events in Helena and Butte. The Helena Roundtable will take place on Tuesday, September 26 from 4:30 - 6:00 PM at 10 Mile Creek Brewery. The Butte Roundtable will take place on Thursday, September 28 from 6:00 - 7:00 PM at Butte Brewery. 

Participants at each roundtable will learn about the Continental Divide Trail and the CDTC Small Business Program. The program is designed to help local businesses embrace and benefit from their proximity to the Continental Divide Trail. CDTC will be providing food at each event and there will be discounts on attendees’ first beverage. 

On Wednesday, September 27 from 5:30 - 7:00 PM, the CDTC will be hosting an evening of discussions about outdoor recreation in Anaconda in collaboration with the Anaconda Trail Society, Discover Anaconda, and Pintler’s Portal Hostel. The event will include presentations about recreation as an economic driver, building a healthy outdoor community, and Continental Divide Trail Gateway Communities. Complimentary food will be provided from Jordi’s Cantina. 

The CDTC is also conducting a Small Business Survey in communities along the Continental Divide Trail from September 17 to November 17. 

For more information, visit or contact Liz Schmit:, 708-738-3469.




About the Continental Divide Trail 

Established by Congress in 1978, the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail (CDT) is one of the world’s premier long-distance hiking trails, stretching 3,100 miles from Mexico to Canada along the Continental Divide. The CDT is the highest, most challenging, and most remote of the United States’ 11 National Scenic Trails. Thousands of visitors enjoy outdoor recreation activities on the CDT each year. 


About the Continental Divide Trail Coalition 

Founded in 2012, the mission of the Continental Divide Trail Coalition is to complete, promote, and protect the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail. The CDTC will do this by building a strong and diverse trail community, providing up-to-date information to the public, and encouraging conservation and stewardship of the trail, its corridor, and surrounding landscapes.

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This is so typical of a sign in, which we should not have to do to check if we or some one in our party got a permit. I have been working or "creating an account" for 30 minutes and just get the same ...

Smith River permit drawing results available

Sunday, Mar. 10, 2024