Monday, Mar. 31st, 2014

Bozeman Public Library Foundation Honors Barbara and Jack Kligerman with this year’s Cornerstone Award

Dedicated volunteers Barbara and Jack Kligerman will receive the 6th annual Cornerstone Award from the Bozeman Public Library Foundation for their tireless library volunteerism and generous contribution to promoting literary works. This prestigious award will be presented at the Foundation’s Cornerstone Celebration, April 12, 6:30 pm, at the Bozeman Public Library.

The Cornerstone Celebration will be a big 450th birthday bash for Shakespeare during his birthday month of April. The annual fundraiser is hosted on the Library’s mezzanine, this year transformed into a Shakespearian themed environment.  There will be a special appearance by Montana Shakespeare in the Parks, literary entertainment by Bozeman High School Speech students, a Shakespeare reading by the Kligermans, calligraphy demonstrations, and Elizabethan-period music.  The Bountiful Table will provide food based on recipes from Shakespeare’s time; cider from Lockhorn Cider House will be served by celebrity bartender “Falstaff,” and The Country Bookshelf will be selling Shakespeare themed books with a portion of sales going to the Library Foundation. All funds raised during the evening go directly to support programs and services provided by the Bozeman Public Library.
The Kligermans moved to Bozeman nearly 12 years ago, and have been active in the Library from the get-go. Both are members of the Library Book Club, Jack volunteers in Technical Services and Administration, and was recently voted in as a board member of the Friends of the Library. As a dynamic duo, they have spent hours and hours organizing and participating in readings at the Library featuring literary greats such as Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, and Mark Twain. Through their work, both Barbara and Jack have brought a new appreciation of classic authors to a receptive audience.
Jack’s career as a professor and past Chair of the Department of English at Lehman College in New York, and Barbara’s study at Syracuse in theatre, acting, stage design, and eventually a career in Audiology, brings forth their valued insights, encouragement and promotion of speech and reading. 
“Jack is able to reach people with a warm wit when discussing literary greats,” said Bozeman Library Director Susan Gregory. “This ability allows people of all ages and backgrounds to feel at home during a program.  He is in love with his subject, and it shows.”
Jack has participated in poetry readings, has read excerpts from banned books, and contributes to other local book clubs, as well as writes the notes for Bozeman Symphony Orchestra concerts.  Barbara applies her knowledge of the theatre to enthusiastic readings of poetry and excerpts from various literary works.  The theatre always remained a passion of the Kligermans and when living in London or visiting England, they spent as much time as possible attending performances, particularly of the Royal Shakespeare Company.
“Barbara and Jack are very much a ‘couplet’ and deserve to be recognized jointly for all of their contributions to the Library and our community,” said Foundation Director Paula K. Beswick.
Past Cornerstone winners have been David Quammen, nationally acclaimed science writer; Mary Jane DiSanti, former owner of The Country Bookshelf; George Cole, radio producer and personality; writer Alan Kesselheim for his commitment to the Bozeman Public Library, and Jan Zauha, MSU Professor and Renne Library Reference Librarian.
Tickets for the Cornerstone Celebration are $75/person for $125/for two. For tickets, please call Sarah at 582-2425. The Library Foundation enjoys the generous support of Diana Blank, Merrill Lynch, Big Sky Western Bank, The Bozeman Daily Chronicle, Winegardner’s Wines, and Allegra, allowing all ticket sales and raffle/silent auction items to benefit the Library.
The mission of the Bozeman Public Library Foundation is to enhance the quality of services, programs and community events offered by the Bozeman Public Library, benefitting the residents and communities it serves, while advocating for private and public support of the Library.
For more information, please contact Paula Beswick, Director, Bozeman Public Library Foundation, at 582-2426.
Additional Shakespeare programs in April:
Barbara and Jack have organized two readings in honor of Shakespeare’s birthday:  April 9, Will Shakespeare and Friends: Songs and Sonnets from the English Renaissance, and April 23 Much Ado About Something: Readings from Shakespeare’s Comedies, both at 6:30pm in the Library’s Community Room.

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Sunday, Mar. 30th, 2014

Featured Bozeman Kickstarter Campaign

Starting the Bai food trailer is just the first step in Sreyroth Phon's Cambodian-American plans of domination. My ultimate goal is to bring awareness to America of issues faced by Cambodians, who deal with numerous challenges regarding the environment, health care, social justice, and women's and children's rights. I would like to start an NGO in my home country to bring about positive change for Cambodians.

$9000 goal, 23 days to go

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Feature length horror film shooting in the Billings area April 2014

For all you Theatre majors (and anyone else) out there that would love the chance to be in a feature length film and happen to be a fan of horror movies, check this out!!! Bozeman Magazine got the inside info about this one of a kind opportunity. “The Writer’s Ghost”, a feature length horror film written and produced by Michael Hitchcock, is shooting in the Billings area this month. We have the original press release, and thought it would be interesting to run it with this article.

We got the opportunity to sit down with Michael Hitchcock, the executive producer and screenplay author of “The Writer’s Ghost”, and Omnithex’s John Pavek, to discuss the specifics of this film and the live music event that precedes it. The musical event takes place at the Yellowstone Garage, located at 2123 1st Ave. North on Saturday, April 5th and offers a live musical showcase with Omnithex performing, among other local musical acts, music featured on “The Writer’s Ghost” soundtrack. The event will run until 8:00pm when the brewery closes, so make sure you get there early! It is also open to those of you that are under 21. Come out and support local music!
Michael Hitchcock is the solo writer of the screenplay but expressed that he had a partner to help out and even his daughter, Jackie, had a little input in the storyline. Michael tells us that one day a “key scene popped into his head” and he wrote a movie around it. He also tells us that he “does not believe in ghosts” and that at some point he realized that, in writing this story, the similarities to his childhood fears are astounding. The film will be shot in an old farmhouse turned Bed and Breakfast out toward Shepard on the outskirts of Billings, and that everyone involved in the project has been fantastic to work with so far. This is an amazing opportunity to be involved with a film and it should be an awesome event!


Billings Film Production Company, P210 Productions, to Shoot Full Length Feature Film in April 2014 Billings, MT –  P210 Productions LLC, a Billings based independent film production company announced today that it will begin production in April of 2014 on a full length horror film project entitled "The Writer's Ghost".
The film project will be supported by the Montana Film Office (MFO) and several local Billings businesses. Boston film director Douglas Guarino ( was selected by P210 Productions executive producers Michael J. Hitchcock and David L. Bulkley to direct the film. Earlier this year P210 conducted a national search contest to find a director for their film project, and selected Douglas from a wide and diverse field of candidates across the country.
“We created a director's contest and search because we knew we had a great script and we needed a great director to develop it into a movie,” stated Creative Director and Executive Producer David L. Bulkley. According to writer and Executive Producer Michael J. Hitchcock, “Douglas produced, directed, and edited a teaser/trailer that completely captured the feel of the original script. Landing Douglas was exactly what we intended, as his background and vision are precisely what we need to make this a top-notch, very enjoyable horror movie.”
Los Angeles producer and actress Gia Franzia will also to lend her expertise and talent during production, along with Paul Black, former singer for LA Guns, who will write the musical score. Rebel Syndicate, EndEver, Omnithex, and local Billings singer/actress Rachel Ess will also contribute to the movie soundtrack.
The MFO and the Billings Chamber of Commerce are lending their support in searching for filming locations and generating support from the Billings community. Montana has served as the location for many films in the past, including "The Horse Whisperer" and "The Patriot" and the recently released “Nebraska", which has been nominated for six Academy Awards this year. "The Writer's Ghost" production will take place entirely in Billings, Montana.
“The Writer’s Ghost” is a story about Becky (Bex) Cook, a successful writer with a second book deal and a newly purchased home. She quickly discovers the house comes with a mischievous but seemingly benign spirit. As the spirit gets more aggressive, Bex's new boyfriend, Scott, becomes the target for their ethereal house guest. Bex learns more about the home's previous owners as dramatic events unfold, leading them down a path of terror that neither expected...nor wanted."
For more information, visit

Thanks to Michael Hitchcock for sitting down for an interview with us, and to John Pavek as well. Best of luck on the film endeavor!!!!

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Wednesday, Mar. 26th, 2014
Saturday, Mar. 22nd, 2014

Four Montana teens to attend 4-H Climate and Environmental Change Teen Summit

Four Montana teens will attend the 2014 4-H Climate and Environmental Change Teen Summit at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J., on March 27 to learn how to establish their own Youth Climate Science Program in Montana.
The four Montana 4-H teens are: Rachel Fessenden, Bozeman; Shelbi Fitzpatrick, Cut Bank; Jenny Greger, Bozeman; and Alexandria Schafer, Denton. The youth will be accompanied by Sue Geske, Gallatin County 4-H veterinary science project leader and bio-science team coach. The team will connect with tribal communities with help from Lisa Lone Fight, a researcher at the MSU Spatial Sciences Center and member of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara (Sahnish) Nation. 
The Montana program is organized by Broadwater County Extension in collaboration with the Montana State University Extension Community Development Program, the City of Bozeman and the MSU Weatherization Center.
After attending summit, the four will form a science team to teach climate science learning activities during 4-H Congress, which will be held July 8-11 in Bozeman. Montana 4-H Congress delegates will be invited to attend the team's hands-on workshops and field trips at a city waste water facility tour, a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) building inspection, a greenhouse gas inventory of municipal fleet and buildings, and an energy audit of a local business or ranch. The team will also work to establish a 2015 Youth Climate Summit with the intention of maintaining an annual summit.
“As a direct descendant of the Blackfeet Tribe, I see climate change affecting my home,” Fitzpatrick said.
“The 566 Tribal Nations in the United States must also be part of climate change discussions and solutions.” 
“People need to be educated about global climate change so our nation can face this problem together,” Schafer said. “It is our duty to inform our nation and our world, beginning with youth and hopefully branching out to inform all citizens. My personal goal for a future Montana Climate and Environmental Change Summit is to reach as many people as we can.” 
Youth participant Jenny Greger, who is the winner of the 2014 350-mile Montana Race to the Sky dogsled race applied the summit to her sport.
“While I am relatively new to dogsledding, I am already seeing the effects of climate change on snow conditions in the state,” Greger said. "I’m glad that girls have opportunities to learn and to lead on this issue.”
Funding for the summit was received through the National Science Foundation National Girls Collaborative Project, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) grant and through the MSU Campus Sustainability Advisory Council( with additional support from the Gallatin County 4-H Unlimited Leaders Council and Gallatin County 4-H Foundation.

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MSU named a 'Tree Campus USA' for the second year in a row

For the second year in a row, Montana State University has been designated a Tree Campus USA in honor of its commitment to effective campus forest management and for engaging staff and students in conservation goals.
MSU achieved the designation by meeting Tree Campus USA’s five standards, which include maintaining a tree advisory committee, maintaining a tree care plan, dedicating annual expenditures toward trees, observing Arbor Day and committing to a student service learning project.
“We are honored to be recognized for a second consecutive year for our ongoing stewardship of our tree resources,” said E.J. Hook, MSU environmental services manager.  “Being designated once again as a Tree Campus USA validates our efforts, process and continuing commitment to responsible management of our trees, both now and into the future.”
The designation is from the Arbor Day Foundation, an organization dedicated to inspiring people to plant, nurture and celebrate trees. The Arbor Day Foundation created the Tree Campus USA program in 2008.
More information about the Tree Campus USA program is available at

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Gallatin Valley YMCA Summer Learning

This summer, the Gallatin Valley YMCA will offer a learning loss prevention program for children entering first and second grade who are most at risk of falling behind in their reading skills over the summer. The Summer Learning Loss Prevention pilot program, a national initiative with the Y, will strive to help children read at grade level by the third grade – a key educational milestone that is important to children’s ongoing knowledge retention and academic performance.
Studies show that without access to summer learning activities such as camp, travel, and visits to libraries and museums, children from low-income environments can experience more significant learning loss than their more economically stable peers. Over time, these children continue to lose ground and by the fifth grade, many are two to three school years behind their middle- and high-income peers.
“During summer months, many youth are not as engaged in learning and reading activities as they would be while in school,” said Christel Chvilicek, Child Care Director, Gallatin Valley YMCA. “The Y’s Summer Learning Loss Prevention program will help ensure children stay on track over the summer and read at or above grade level when the new school year begins.”
The new pilot program will be held four days a week for six weeks this summer for 32 children entering into first and second grade. Mornings will be dedicated to literacy work, while afternoons are filled with enrichment activities that include field trips, art, music, science, and physical activity. In addition, there will be parent workshops designed to encourage reading at home. The Y will work with the Bozeman School District to identify students that would benefit from the summer learning loss prevention program. With $30,000 being awarded to the Gallatin Valley YMCA through YUSA, this program will be held at a very low cost to families.  
"Research strongly suggests that for many children, increasing learning opportunities during the summer leads to stronger academic achievement during the school year.  We're excited to be part of this collaboration." Said Dr. Rob Watson, 
-Bozeman Public Schools
Nationally, the Y worked with nearly 1,000 children who participated in the Summer Learning Loss Prevention pilot program last summer. Initial results show strong gains in reading skills: on average, children gained 2.4 months of reading skills in six short weeks. In addition:
• Nearly all parents/caregivers (98 percent) reported that their child was “more excited to learn” and showed “increased self-confidence.”
• 99.7 percent families believed the program would help their child do better in school;
• 98 percent reported that the program helped their family read more books; and
• 97 percent said it helped them get more engaged in their child’s education.
The Y is committed to nurturing the potential of every child and teen and is addressing the academic achievement gap through pilot programs on afterschool, early learning readiness and summer learning loss prevention. The programs, which are underway in nearly 40 states across the country, are designed to not only increase success in school, but to also foster social-emotional development and physical health and well-being. As part of the national initiative, the Gallatin Valley YMCA is one of 15 Y’s selected to pilot the Summer Learning Loss Prevention program for 2014.
For additional questions on Gallatin Valley YMCA’s programming for children 3-14 years of age, please check out

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KGLT Fund Drive 2014

KGLT, Southwest Montana’s alternative public radio station, celebrates 46 years of great music by kicking off their annual fund drive on Sunday, March 23rd.

KGLT 91.9 and 97.1 fm in Bozeman is non-commercial and largely listener-supported, making their annual fund drive a major source of operating revenue. And every year, KGLT’s staff of over 80 volunteer DJs take to the airwaves for two weeks to create one of the most entertaining live on-air fund drives you’ll ever hear.

They’ll be offering a wide assortment of gifts donated by local businesses and organizations to entice their listeners to support this rare breed of radio stations.

A collectable KGLT t-shirt and sticker comes with a minimum $50 pledge, and the deal gets sweeter as your pledge increases with music packages, gift certificates, other t-shirt options, hand-made coffee mugs by Mountain Arts Pottery, canvas tote bags and embroidered fleece vests.

Other incentive gifts this year will include certificates for food from your favorite restaurants and coffee shops, services from local businesses - like yoga classes,  jewelry, massages and bike tune-ups with large-ticket bid items like ski passes from Big Sky Resort and Bridger Bowl and a bicycle from Summit Bike & Ski.

In this age of corporate consolidation of the airwaves, KGLT remains wild and unfettered, offering a broad swath of music from its’ rotating roster of live, volunteer DJs every day from 6am to after midnight. Music offerings vary from the ever-popular Saturday morning bluegrass show with DJs Cathy Ebelke and Jim Albrecht, the zany banter of Keith and Randy on Wednesday afternoon’s ‘Coffee Show’ to Classic Country on ‘Cow Jazz’ with Deb Robiscoe Thursday mornings 9am to noon. Occasionally, you may even hear the crackle of vinyl from KGLT’s extensive 46 -year-old record library.

KGLT has a very entertaining two-week fund drive where DJs and community join forces to support commercial-free radio – and if last year’s record-breaking support is any indication, the listeners think that’s a pretty good deal!

KGLT broadcasts from the MSU campus at 91.9 and 97.1fm in Bozeman, 89.5fm in Livingston, 98.1fm in Helena and in Gardiner/Mammoth at 107.1fm.  Log on to for live streaming and a complete show schedule.  During the fund drive, you can phone in your pledge at (406) 994-4492, or 800-254-5458.

For more information, or to offer incentive gifts to KGLT’s fund drive, contact Ron @ (406) 994-7091.

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Big Sky Snowsports Hiring Clinic

Big Sky Resort has created one of the finest Snowsports Schools in America and is encouraging those who are passionate about the sport to join the team for the 2014-15 season. Big Sky Snowsports will be conducting a hiring clinic April 12-13, 2014 to introduce the program and the mountain to those interested in sharing the sport with others by becoming instructors.

Big Sky Resort will be conducting try outs for both skiing and snowboarding for adult and children’s instructors. Participants must be at least a level seven being able to ski or snowboard blue runs comfortably.

Big Sky Mountain Sports diverse staff of instructors, all certified by Professional Ski Instructors of America, and alpine guides bring a wealth of knowledge and skill with a focus on the enjoyment of skiing or snowboarding. All committed Big Sky Snowsport instructors are offered extensive training and certification opportunities.
Big Sky Snowsports School can be flexible to fit the unique needs of local Montanans, including full time students, by signing up to work weekends, holidays and spring break. Part time instructors qualify for full complimentary Biggest Skiing in America season pass for the 2014-15 season. Other benefits include pay for lessons, discounted food and discounts in retail.

Participants interested in attending the Big Sky Mountain Snow Sport’s School hiring clinic on Saturday and Sunday, April 12-13, 2014 should contact Both days are from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., ready to go on the snow by 9 a.m. Complimentary lift tickets will be provided to all participants.

Big Sky Resort is the Biggest Skiing in America with 5,750 acres, 4,350 vertical drop, 28 chair and surface lifts, and the home of the Lone Peak Tram arriving at 11,166 feet in elevation. Big Sky has over 2,400 acres of beginner/intermediate terrain and over 3.300 acres of advance/expert terrain. Big Sky has plenty of opportunities to grow skill sets and advance careers.

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Friday, Mar. 7th, 2014

Montana Girls STEM Collaborative opens new mini-grant cycle April 1

The Montana Girls STEM Collaborative Project (MGSCP), a statewide initiative to encourage girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math, or STEM, has partnered with the Women's Foundation of Montana to offer a mini-grants program.

Applications will be accepted from April 1 through May 1.

Mini grants are designed to build collaboration between existing programs and organizations in order to encourage girls to pursue STEM-related educational programs and careers. Organizations may apply for funding up to $2,000 and must have at least one partner. Preference is given to applications that are innovative and involve collaboration between two programs or organizations that have not previously collaborated together.

Learn more about the mini-grant program at Montana's online applications will open April 1.

For more information, contact Suzi Taylor at Montana State University:

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This is so typical of a sign in, which we should not have to do to check if we or some one in our party got a permit. I have been working or "creating an account" for 30 minutes and just get the same ...

Smith River permit drawing results available

Sunday, Mar. 10, 2024

Why not leave those cheerful, colorful garlands up longer? What’s the rush?

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