Wednesday, Nov. 8th, 2017

A hunter-killed deer was found to be suspect for chronic wasting disease

A chronic wasting disease sample collected by Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks in late October from a hunter-killed deer was found to be suspect for chronic wasting disease.

The sample was collected from a mule deer buck harvested in hunting district 510 south of Billings. The animal was killed in an area with a mixture of private and public land 10 miles southeast of Bridger. A second sample collected from the animal is being sent to the lab at Colorado State University for further testing, with results expected next week. If the result is positive, it will mark the first time CWD has appeared in wild deer, elk or moose in Montana.

FWP has notified the hunter who submitted the suspect sample and landowners in the area where the deer was harvested. Though typically it takes one sample test to determine whether an animal is positive for CWD, that wasn’t the case here. Though the sample is considered suspect at this point, it is very rare that a suspect sample isn’t ultimately found positive. Therefore, FWP is moving forward as if the deer will ultimately be determined positive for CWD.

“We’ve suspected it wasn’t a matter of if, but when CWD would show up in Montana,” said Ken McDonald, FWP wildlife division administrator. “Fortunately, we’ve done a lot of work to prepare for this, and are hopeful the prevalence will be low as we work toward managing the disease.”

FWP has recently updated its CWD response plan, which was presented to the Fish and Wildlife Commission on Tuesday and is now open for public comment.

In accordance with the response plan, FWP director Martha Williams assembled an incident command team to respond to the detection. The incident command team will define an initial response area (IRA) around where the infected animal was harvested, and may recommend a special CWD hunt. The specifics of this hunt would be determined by the incident command team.

The goal of a special CWD hunt would be to collect enough samples to determine disease prevalence and distribution. CWD can only be effectively detected in samples from dead animals. FWP would rely on hunters to harvest enough animals to make these determinations.

CWD is a progressive, fatal disease affecting the central nervous system of mule deer, white- tailed deer, elk and moose. It is part of a group of diseases called Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs). TSEs are caused by infectious, mis-folded prion proteins, which cause normal prion proteins throughout a healthy animal’s body to mis-fold, resulting in organ damage and eventual death.

CWD is a slow-moving disease. However, left unmanaged, it could result in long-term population declines within affected herds. All the states and provinces that border Montana, other than Idaho and British Columbia, have found CWD in their wild cervids. The closest positive to Montana was in Wyoming, about 8 miles south of the Montana border and less than 50 miles southeast of where Montana’s suspect deer was harvested.

Though there is no evidence CWD is transmissible to humans, it is recommended to never ingest meat from animals that appear to be sick or are known to be CWD positive. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends hunters who have harvested a deer, elk, or moose from a known CWD-infected area have the animal tested prior to consuming it. If hunters harvest an animal that appears to be sick, the best thing to do is contact FWP and have the animal inspected.

Some simple precautions should be taken when field dressing deer, elk or moose:

  • Wear rubber gloves and eye protection when field dressing.

  • Minimize the handling of brain and spinal tissues.

  • Wash hands and instruments thoroughly after field dressing is completed.

  • Avoid consuming brain, spinal cord, eyes, spleen, tonsils and lymph nodes of

    harvested animals. (Normal field dressing coupled with boning out of a carcass will

    essentially remove all of these parts.)
    FWP is currently in year one of a revamped CWD surveillance program. Department staff

    are collecting CWD samples from hunters in this year’s priority area of south central Montana. Most samples are collected from game check stations and cooperating meat processors and taxidermists. Hunters who submit a sample will receive a card with a sample number. That number can be checked online along with the list of results at

Should this suspect sample be determined to be positive, FWP will move quickly to communicate with local landowners, government agencies and the public about plans for a special hunt. The success of any CWD hunt will depend largely on the cooperation from everyone involved.

In the meantime, FWP will be encouraging all hunters harvesting deer within that area (hunting districts 502 and 510) to get them sampled. This can be done by visiting the Laurel check station, which is open on weekends, or by contacting or visiting the FWP regional office in Billings at 406-247-2940.

For more information and to look at test results, go online to

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Belgrade Business Client Wins Miss Montana USA

London Extensions, a Hair Extension company based out of Belgrade, now has a client going to Miss USA. Dani Walker, 27, is a Billings resident and earned the prestigious title of Miss Montana USA on her seventh attempt. Dani will be representing Montana at Miss USA, which is televised nationally sometime late spring or early summer 2018.

London Scott: What went through your mind when you learned Dani won?

Miss Montana's Pageant Coach: When I found out that Dani won, I cried and jumped up and down in the middle of a hotel lobby. I felt like my "favorite team" had won. I was so proud to have her represent my home state of Montana. Dani is one of the most humble titleholders I have ever met, not to mention also smart and incredibly funny!

London: What do you want people to know about your client and the newly crowned Miss Montana, USA?
Coach: It took her seven tries to win the crown, and because of her age, this was the last year for her she was eligible to win. She represents the true Montana woman: We don't give up and we don't accept failure. Please send her love and support as she represents our beautiful state at Miss USA. 

Aside from pageant contestants, who else wears hair extensions?

London: You have seen my clients wearing Extensions by London on the cover of Vogue magazine, in the film Dawn of Justice or on the hit show Real Housewives of Orange County. Worn on more than 300 beauty pageant titleholders around the world including Miss USA 2015, Mrs. USA 2017, and Miss Wyoming Teen 2017.

In fact, I am often called in for those hard to do underwater scenes that require undetectable hair extensions. Owning my factory allows me to create products when I see a need.

Most often though, you'll see my hair extensions on someone who needs it the most. One of my clients has Cerebral Palsy. I created the Pre-curled Clip in Extension Line for her so she could do her hair the way pageant girls like them. She was able to have hair on stage like the other girls. That product has expanded into six countries around the world. I  created it out of compassion and love with no idea how popular it would become.

Hair extensions are more common than ever before with all women. It allows us to have that hair we always dreamed of having. Women who have experienced thinning hair with age can have the hair they used to have in the 20s.

Q: What was your inspiration to start the company?

London: According to a study by Dove, only 4% of women around the world consider themselves beautiful. Huffington Post did an article that states "only 7% of women like their hair." I wanted to change that statistic to double digits after my experience professionally and personally with extensions.

Professional: Twenty-six years ago while working as a modeling agent, I hand sewed hair pieces for my models. I discovered that adding extensions allowed them to stand out against very stiff competition. 

Personal: Years into my career, my long beautiful hair broke off in my hands because of a traumatic event in my life. With sparse hair, I lost my confidence. It was my hair extensions that made me feel beautiful and complete. It was then I knew if my hair extensions could restore my confidence this way. I can only imagine how it would bless those who were in my similar situation. I became obsessed learning over 20 methods of creating hair extensions and then committing seven years to finding the best hair in the world while perfecting my craft. The rest is history.


Q:  What makes Belgrade a great place to be a business owner?
London: People in Belgrade take time to get to know you. Many of the businesses are family owned and have been in Belgrade for generations. There is a commitment to us from the locals that is unprecedented. Yesterday I had the teenager in front of me randomly pay for my coffee. That is the best way to describe why Belgrade is a perfect place to live and own a company. A community of people who genuinely care.

Q: Tell us the process of choosing perfect hair extensions.

London: For Permanent Extensions: Make sure you go to someone who knows more than one or two ways to put them in. If they only know one or two, that may not be the best one for your hair type.
For Clip in Extensions: Pick ones that are "double drawn." That means that they are as thick on the ends as they are on the top.  Double drawn hair will help you to get the best value with the least amount of pieces. Make sure you know the origin of the hair. Many beauty supply stores have a certain amount of Yack and Bore hair in them even though they say human hair. They are not 100% human hair.

Q: You have spoken at Harvard Business School about your success in business. What is your advice for other business owners?

London: Use mentors and business coaches! They will help you get to where you want to go faster and with fewer battle wounds. I would not be where I am now without my coaches and mentors. You would never expect to be a professional ballplayer without a coach teaching you strategic moves and training you for success. Find someone whose life or career you would like to have and ask to meet with them. If they tell you no, keep asking. One person took three years to tell me yes they would teach me. I LOVE her and would not be who I am without her! It was one of my business coaches that pushed, or should I say dragged me into being a Beauty Expert on TV. 

Q: What's next for you?
London: I am passionate about helping other stylists. In January, I will start teaching the Custom Blending methods that lead me to all of my success and took 20 years to perfect. I am in the process of starting a Women In Business group in Belgrade as well. 


The London Extensions warehouse is located at 90 North Kennedy in Belgrade, MT, it is currently being remodeled to make it more visitor friendly. Contact London at 406 451-6263.

More information on Miss Montana USA:
Miss Montana USA is part of the Miss Universe Organization, which is owned by WME | IMG. To follow Dani’s reign as Miss Montana USA, go to Miss Montana USA Facebook page, @missmtusa on Instagram, and @realmissmtusa for Twitter. Visit to learn more about the organization.

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Portions of HD 313 to Close Temporarily to Elk Hunting

Given the recent significant weather event and large migration of elk, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks has issued an emergency closure of elk hunting in portions of Hunting District 313 including Crevice Mountain, Deckard Flats, Eagle Creek, and Little Trail Creek areas* effective Tuesday, Nov. 7 at noon through Sunday, Nov. 12. 

The objective of this closure is to reduce the harvest pressure on elk in cases where large migrations occur during the general season to an area in which they are greatly vulnerable. This is now the case in hunting district 313 with significant snowfall in surrounding areas. Authority to institute this emergency closure in this area was granted by the Fish and Wildlife Commission in 2016. This closure applies to elk only. The legal description of the closure boundary is included below. 

*Deckard - Little Trail Creek Elk Hunting Closure: Those portions of Park County lying within the following-described boundary:  Beginning at the confluence of the Yellowstone River and Little Trail Creek northwest of Gardiner, then northeasterly along Little Trail Creek up to its headwaters, then easterly to the USFS Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Boundary, then easterly along said boundary to the North Fork of Bear Creek, then southeasterly along said creek to its confluence with Bear Creek, then northerly along said creek to the confluence of Pine Creek, then easterly along said Creek to the intersection with the USFS Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Boundary, then southerly along said boundary to the boundary with Yellowstone National Park, then westerly along said boundary to the confluence of the Yellowstone River and Reese Creek west of the town of Gardiner, then westerly along the Yellowstone River to its confluence with Little Trail Creek, the point of beginning (see attached map). 

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MSU seeks geocachers for statewide outreach project

Montana State University’s Extended University and the Montana Institute on Ecosystems have launched a statewide geocaching project linked to the publication of the Montana Climate Assessment. Through a series of trackable game pieces hidden around the state of Montana and discoverable by GPS coordinates, participants can learn about Montana’s climate zones and the MCA, a statewide scientific report on Montana’s past and future climate trends. The MCA was published in September.

One MCA Geocoin – a special trackable game piece – will be placed in each of Montana’s 56 counties. Each geocoin has a unique tracking code, and geocachers who discover a geocoin can log it online and then move it to another geocache. A map of each coin’s movements can be found on Each MCA Geocoin also has an educational moment built into its online description so those who find it can learn about Montana’s climate. All geocachers can join in on the search.

Project organizers are looking for one geocacher in each Montana county who is able to hide an MCA Geocoin in their area. Other geocachers can then discover the coins and move them from geocache to geocache. It’s free to sign up for an account and start playing.

Geocachers who are interested in hiding a coin should visit to access the sign-up form. A user name is required, and experience hiding a trackable is recommended.

Geocaching is an outdoor activity in which participants use the Geocaching® app and GPS-enabled devices (which includes smartphones) to find geocaches, which are containers cleverly hidden around the globe. Millions of people around the world are active geocachers, and more than 1 million geocaches are hidden in the United States alone.

Other partners include MSU Extension, the U.S. Geological Survey Glacier Field Station, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Gallatin Valley Geocachers and the University of Montana Department of Mathematical Sciences.

To learn more about geocaching, visit or download the free Geocaching® app. To participate in the MCA Geocaching Outreach Project, visit

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Tuesday, Oct. 31st, 2017

Old Gallagator Trail Bridges Get a Facelift

The three bridges along the Gallagator Trail in Bozeman received much needed upgrades in October.  The Gallagator Trail is an old railway line that carried passengers, mail and cargo from Bozeman to Salesville, now Gallatin Gateway, starting in the early 1900’s. The fare was fifty cents and the 21.8 mile trip took about an hour each way. The train was slow, moving at an alligator’s pace, and was dubbed the ‘Gallagator’ line by locals. The last freight train rumbled by on this bed in 1978 and the name stuck when it was converted into a trail and linear park in 1988.

After years as a railway, and decades of heavy trail use, the decking and railings on the three bridges along the Gallagator Trail were in serious need of repair. While the structure was solid (they were engineered to carry trains!) the decking was pitted, splintered, and created safety concerns for bicyclists. The Gallatin Valley Land Trust (GVLT) partnered with the City of Bozeman to replace the decking in a perpendicular orientation which is much safer for bicyclists. New, more secure railings were also installed to allow for safe viewing of the stream below. Recently GVLT installed trail counters on the Gallagator Trail to see just how much traffic the trail receives and the numbers are astonishing. With 800-1,000 users per day in the summer along this stretch of trail, the safety improvements are important for our community. One day during Sweet Pea Festival weekend totaled over 2,000 users!

GVLT secured grant funding for this project from the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy and the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Recreational Trails Program. The overall cost of this important trail improvement was around $40,000.

Portions of the trail were closed while contractors made the bridge improvements. The public’s patience and respect of the process was appreciated. GVLT and partners will be hosting a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Gallagator Trail bridges on November 2nd at 5pm at the northern bridge, closest to Peets Hill. The public is welcome to join us to celebrate the completion of the project.

About Gallatin Valley Land Trust
Gallatin Valley Land Trust connects people, communities, and open lands through conservation of working farms and ranches, healthy rivers, and wildlife habitat, and the creation of trails in the Montana headwaters of the Missouri and Upper Yellowstone Rivers. For more information, visit

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Mustang commemorates 20 years of fresh food with a 20 day celebration

Carole and Dan Sullivan would like to invite you to come help commemorate 20 years of serving up fresh food for Livingston with a 20 day celebration at Mustang.

The 20th customer each day that dines at Mustang for lunch or dinner between November 1st and November 20th will win a $20 gift card.

A Grand Prize drawing will take place on the 20th day of the celebration. Join Mustang for lunch or dinner on November 20th and be entered for a chance to win Dinner and a Show for 2! Dinner is valued at $100 plus 2 tickets to any show at the Shane Center for the 2017-2018 season.  

There will also be social giveaways, so be sure to like their Facebook page and follow them on Instagram for a chance to win some other great prizes throughout the 20 day celebration.

Founded in 1997 by Carole Sullivan, Mustang Fresh Food (then Mustang Catering) specialized in providing Paradise Valley and Livingston with distinctive menus custom designed to fit each client’s wishes.

In 2001, along with her husband Dan, they opened a restaurant serving uniquely prepared sandwiches, soups, salads and warm entrees using the freshest ingredients.
In 2014, Carole released her cookbook New Frontier Cooking and Mustang moved into their final home in downtown Livingston at 112 North Main Street.

Carole and her team continue to innovate and bring fresh new foods and experiences to downtown Livingston. This past spring, Mustang expanded their offering to include casual but elegant dinners as well as a thoughtful variety of beer and wine selections. The dinner menu, which changes seasonally, includes contemporary cuisine with flavors from around the world.

 “I’m really grateful to the Livingston community for allowing me to do what I love these past 20 years.” said Carole. “We are thrilled to have you share in the celebration.”

Mustang Fresh Food is located at 112 Main Street and is open 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for lunch and 5 to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

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Thursday, Oct. 26th, 2017

Call for 2017 Christmas Stroll poster art

The Emerson Center for the Arts & Culture and the Downtown Bozeman Association are looking for the artist to create the
2017 Christmas Stroll poster!
Please email a high resolution (300 dpi or greater). tiff or .jpeg image of 2-D art work in 18" X 24" format by 5:00 pm on Monday, November 6.
2016 Christmas Stroll poster by Melissa Summerfield
These posters are distributed to all downtown businesses. In addition, the poster will be featured on the cover of the "Official" Christmas Stroll special issue of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle the week prior to the Stroll. The issue will also include an article featuring the Christmas Stroll poster artist.
As a thank you, the winning artist will receive $200 in cash funded by the Emerson Center for the Arts & Culture and the Downtown Bozeman Association. The artist will also be recognized on these organizations' websites, social media and press releases several times building up to the event. Finally, the artist will receive 15 Christmas Stroll buttons to give to family and friends to enjoy the spirit of the Christmas Stroll on Saturday, December 2. 
Please note: The chosen artist must be present at the Emerson during the Christmas Stroll to sign posters on December 2 from 1-2 pm.
To submit your piece, please email
For questions, please call 587-9797 (ext 104).

For more information about how you can utilize these emails for your DBA member business, please contact Ellie Staley, Program Director at the Downtown Bozeman Partnership at or at 406-586-4008. 


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Tuesday, Oct. 24th, 2017

Bozeman artist Kara Tripp will exhibit recent oil paintings in the Atrium Gallery at the Bozeman Public Library November 1 through December 31, 2017

The Bozeman Public Library Foundation, sponsors of the exhibit, will host an artist’s reception on Friday, November 3, 2017, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m., free and open to the public. Tripp is a palette-knife oil painter and Montana native.  Her work is recognizable by the blend of traditional subjects and bold technique. 

Kara’s favorite subjects include pheasants and bison.  Her sole use of a palette knife adds a fresh, contemporary twist to her paintings, often resembling mosaic or collage.  Her work was chosen as the 2014 Sweet Pea Poster and she won Best in Show at the Sweet Pea art show in 2013, ‘14, and ‘15.   Tripp earned an AA at Cottey College in Missouri and a BA in Chemical Engineering at Montana State University.  In 2014 she opened Tripp Studio at the Emerson Center in Bozeman. 

Her work is represented in galleries in Montana, Arizona, and Vermont and can be seen online at  The exhibition will be on display during Library hours.  A percentage of sales will go to the Bozeman Public Library Foundation to ensure continuation of cultural programs at the Library for public benefit. 

For more information about the exhibit or opening reception, please call Sarah DeOpsomer at 582-2425 or email

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3rd Annual Spread the Warmth Winter Clothing Drive Kicks off Next Week

Clean out those closets and donate your gently used or new winter clothing. Montana Matriarch’s 3rd Annual Spread the Warmth Winter Clothing Drive is kicking off November 3rd and runs through December 1st at locations throughout Park County.

Donations of winter clothing for infants, children, youth and adults are being accepted to help spread the warmth in our community.  Items for infants and children are in high demand and have run out very quickly in previous years. If you have children’s items to spare, please consider donating them this year.

Donation Items Needed:
Coats and jackets
Hats, ear warmers and ear muffs
Mittens and gloves
Snow pants and bibs
Sweaters, fleece and sweatshirts
Long underwear

Donations will be collected November 3rd through December 1st at the following locations throughout Park County.

Donation Locations:
Ace Hardware
Katabatic Brewing Co.
Livingston HealthCare's Cafe Fresh
Livingston Home Outfitters
Montessori Island School
Opportunity Bank
The Office Lounge & Liquor Store
The Shane Center
The Spur Line
Town and Country Foods

The Old Saloon

Ace Roofing

Sunnyside Pizza

Wild Joe's Coffee

Look for the big boxes wrapped in holiday wrapping paper with the Spread the Warmth sign on them. Donation site collection hours are regular business hours for each location. Additional incentives from some of these businesses will be posted on the Spread the Warmth Facebook page to encourage donations.

Distribution of the donations will take place on December 9th from 9:30am-12:30pm at the Livingston Civic Center. Organizations that serve members of our community that may be in need of these donations are encouraged to contact Montana Matriarch to help promote the distribution to ensure that these items get in the hands of the people who need them most.

More information can be found online at or on Facebook at

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Thursday, Oct. 19th, 2017

Blackstone LaunchPad at MSU hosts international female entrepreneurs

The Blackstone LaunchPad at Montana State University recently hosted 16 female entrepreneurs who were visiting Montana as part of World Montana, an organization that partners with the U.S. Department of State to build stronger ties with international business leaders. The 16 hailed from Bolivia, Cuba, Spain, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Egypt, Cote d’Ivoire, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia.

The Blackstone LaunchPad at MSU, which is housed under the Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship, is an entrepreneur resource for students, alumni and faculty across the university and community that offers coaching, ideation and venture creation support.

“As an AmeriCorps VISTA serving with Montana Campus Compact, it’s important to me to bring in the type of diversity World Montana represents,” said Connor Harbison. “At the Blackstone LaunchPad, we know that people from diverse backgrounds bring new ideas to the table and make the team stronger as a result. I am always looking for new opportunities to work with groups like World Montana.”

World Montana, which operates out of Helena, brings groups of international leaders in business and academics to Montana in order to highlight the state’s economic development and programs.  

As part of their campus visit, the visiting entrepreneurs heard from Suzi Berget-White, a representative of Prospera and the Women’s Business Network, who highlighted the role Bozeman women have taken in business.

In addition, two female entrepreneurs – who are also current MSU students – spoke: Kathy Rolin, founder and CEO of Cowboy Cricket Farms, a sustainable food company focusing on edible insects, and Jessie Madeson of Farmented Foods, a business that offers a line of fermented foods in order to reduce food waste on local farms.

Finally, Kregg Aytes, dean of the Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship, spoke about the work of the college in fostering entrepreneurial skills among the student body. The event concluded with members of the MSU community speaking with the visiting entrepreneurs.

"The visit to MSU was one of the most relevant visits in Montana,” said Jasna Trengoska, president and co-founder of Startup Zone in Macedonia. “Some of the key learnings are related to empowering students to start their businesses, and I look forward to further collaboration with Blackstone LaunchPad."

"MSU is one of the best resources for our international exchange programs for professionals,” said Sasha Fendrick, executive director of World Montana. “Blackstone LaunchPad team is a real treasure for MSU and Bozeman. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with this great group of women entrepreneurs."

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This is so typical of a sign in, which we should not have to do to check if we or some one in our party got a permit. I have been working or "creating an account" for 30 minutes and just get the same ...

Smith River permit drawing results available

Sunday, Mar. 10, 2024