Tuesday, Jun. 19th, 2018

MSU research could improve snowpack monitoring and runoff forecasting

As a record snowpack across much of Montana fills streams and floods parts of the state, a Montana State University researcher is exploring ways to improve how forecasters monitor the amount of water contained in snow across the landscape.
Kevin Hammonds, assistant professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, received a $250,000 grant from NASA in March for a study that could have widespread implication for municipalities, farmers and ranchers, and engineers who manage reservoirs.
The research will take advantage of specialized tools in MSU’s Subzero Science and Engineering Research Facility in the Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering to measure how microscopic changes in snow crystals affect how snowpack is quantified remotely by aircraft and satellites.
“It became apparent to me that we’re set up really well at MSU to do this work,” Hammonds said.
Currently, snowpack forecasters rely on a relatively small number of ground-based sensors and must extrapolate across large areas, which can cause inaccuracies. NASA is in the early stages of developing a network of aircraft and satellites for measuring snowpack across entire landscapes using radar. But for that to work, those measurements need to be calibrated to the actual conditions on the ground, according to Hammonds.


Joseph Akers, a materials science doctorate student, left, handles a radar component while calibrating with visiting scientist Alecia Jongward, a physics teacher at Park High School in Livingston, Montana, on June 12, 2018, in the Subzero Lab at Montana State University in Bozeman. Both are collaborating with MSU assistant professor Kevin Hammonds on snowpack research. MSU Photo by Adrian Sanchez-Gonzalez

“Our timing is perfect,” he said.
Other researchers in MSU’s world-renowned snow science program have likened snow to a shape-shifter whose microscopic properties change with the weather. Extended periods of cold can cause a snowpack to take on the consistency of granulated sugar, while a single cold night can frost the surface with feathery ice crystals. Because snow characteristics could change radically in a matter of hours, it’s difficult for researchers to compare aerial observations with ground conditions.

“In the lab here, we can control all those variables,” Hammonds said.
The Subzero facility includes snow-making equipment and a cold room where humidity and other variables, including the temperature of the ceiling and floor, can be precisely controlled to mimic natural conditions. Hammonds’ team will replicate various snowpacks and then measure the snow’s water content with a radar sensor like the one used for NASA’s aerial studies. Hammonds is working with a local company, Flat Earth Inc., to develop the radar tool for the lab.

Hammonds will also use powerful microscopes in the Subzero facility to study the composition of individual snow crystals, providing further clues about how a snowpack’s smallest details could affect how it is measured at a landscape scale.
Ideally, the results would produce algorithms that would be used to calibrate the data from NASA’s aircraft and satellites, Hammonds said. The research could even influence the kinds of sensors that go on future spacecraft, he said.
According to Jerry Stephens, head of the civil engineering department, the research could be very useful in Montana and other western states in predicting annual runoff and associated flood or drought concerns.
“This study takes advantage of MSU’s world-class snow and ice research facilities, as well as Kevin’s extensive background in ice research,” Stephens said, adding that since Hammonds joined the department last year, he has broadened and strengthened MSU’s snow science program.
Hammonds’ research is being funded by NASA’s New (Early Career) Investigator Program in Earth Science. Hammonds was one of 32 researchers selected nationwide from among 141 applicants.

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Monday, Jun. 18th, 2018

“Untold Stories” Art Exhibit at Wild Joe’s in July

“Untold Stories,” works by Bozeman artists Lori Keeling Campbell and Marla Goodman are featured this July at Wild Joe’s. Goodman and Campbell, who share a vibrant aesthetic and an interest in artistic storytelling, collaborated on this exhibit that eulogizes the dead and the living through collage, printmaking and mixed media works.  

Campbell, a printmaker and illustrator, studied at the Kansas City Art Institute before she moved to Bozeman 25 years ago. She has worked at the Community Food Co-op since, where she works in customer service and coordinated art exhibits. Campbell will show experimental, layered relief prints inspired by her ‘Day of the Dead’ style handmade book, which honors loved ones who have passed away. She will also show works from her ongoing participation in the Global Art Project. 

Goodman grew up in a rural area south of Bozeman, where she was influenced by artists Bob and Gennie DeWeese and Dorothy Newton Semple. Her recent acrylic paintings are an experiment in “life history transplantation,” combining embroidery, dolls and iconic images from the lives of friends and family members. Her fascination with pop culture, the mundane and the absurd is evident in both her paintings and her weirdly theatrical paint-embellished collages.    

The “Untold Stories” show will hang at Wild Joe’s, 18 W. Main, throughout July, with a reception during the July 13 Downtown Bozeman art walk. Additional works and information about Campbell and Goodman are published at goodwerks.wordpress.com

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Children's Museum Hosts Women in Engineering Day June 23

The Children’s Museum of Bozeman (CMB) is proud to announce the Women in Engineering Day on Saturday, June 23rd, 2018 from 10am to 2pm. The Children’s Museum of Bozeman is hosting this inaugural event to honor International Women in Engineering Day, recognized as June 23rd each year.

During this time, the museum will feature eight local women engineers who will be leading activities and experiments that represent their field of study. The featured scientists and engineers include five women engineers from local engineering firms including Northwestern Energy; HDR, Inc; and DCI Engineers. CEO of Wavelength Electronics, Mary Johnson will also present an activity. In addition, the STEAMlab at the CMB will be open from 10am to 2pm, featuring local Robotics team students – the same team that recently went to the Worlds competition in Lousiville, KY. Students age seven and above are welcome in the lab for tech activities, 3D printing and more.

CMB’s Executive Director, Abby Turner, states, “Creating gateways for students, particularly females, by introducing them to the extensive topics that encompass STEM, is a driving mission of CMB. We recognize that an introduction to engineering and technology is about much more than just tasks, it’s about creating a lifelong interest in exploring the world with a curious mind. Through our various programs we aim to introduce those students to a wide range of STEM activities in order to spark creativity and critical thinking. It is events like Women in Engineering Day that connect families with local engineers to seize the interest of children at a young age; which allows them to connect lessons learned at the Museum or in class to real world application and the amazing places a STEM career can take them.”

Women in Engineering Day is open to the public and free with admission. Families will be able to explore the museum as well as the displays provided by the guest engineers.

The Children’s Museum is located at 202 S. Willson St. For more information, please contact Abby Turner at (406)522-9087, or see our website at www.cmbozeman.org.

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Thursday, Jun. 7th, 2018

Food Scene 2018

Every restaurant in the Bozeman area is listed by category and location in our one-of-a-kind guide.

Pick one up at one of our key distribution locations or flip thru online.

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Tuesday, Jun. 5th, 2018

Staycations mean less travel and more playtime

Big Sky Resort is the ideal launch pad for families interested in mountain biking, zipline tours, hiking or simply beating the heat. In the heart of the Mountain Village are a number of kids’ activities: climbing wall, bungee trampolines, giant swing, marble run, gemstone mining and more.

The resort opens for the summer season June 8. Stay in one of a number of comfortable hotel accommodations right on the mountain. The kids can play in the pools. Mom and dad have access to the spa and fitness centers.

Mountain biking is scheduled to open June 23. This summer, Big Sky Resort is installing a brand new 8-seat, high-speed chairlift - the first of its kind in North America. Because of the construction of Ramcharger 8, bikers will use Thunder Wolf Chairlift to access the mountain biking trails on Andesite Mountain. Big Sky Resort has more than 40 + miles of biking trails. There are flow trails for bikers of all levels. This year, a new trail, Gambler, will allow intermediate downhill bikers to ride Swift Current Chairlift from top to bottom beginning in mid-July.

Mountain bike season passes are on sale for $125 through the end of June.  

One of the resort’s biggest attractions is the Lone Peak Expedition. Take a tram ride to Lone Peak, Montana’s highest scenic overlook at 11,166 feet. From the top of Lone Peak, guests can see three states and two national parks. No hike required.

Big Sky Resort is also host to a number of summer events. The 5th Annual Vine & Dine Wine and Food Festival offers adventure wine tastings and exquisite food prepared by celebrity chefs. Big Sky Brewfest attracts more than 30 breweries from around the country. The Rut Mountain Runs, a Labor Day weekend running festival, has been called one of the toughest endurance races in the world.

Big Sky is also stepping up its music game this summer. Music in the Mountains, a free community concert every Thursday in the town center, will host Shovel’s & Rope, Mandolin Orange, the Kitchen Dwellers and more. The headliners of the inaugural Moonlight MusicFest in August include Grace Potter and Bruce Hornsby & the Noisemakers.

Below is a breakdown of activities by month:


            June 8             Opening day

            June 23             Mountain biking opens

            June 29             Kids Adventure Games – an adventure obstacle course for kids ages 6 - 14


            July 4               Firecracker Open at the Big Sky Golf Course – golf tournament

            July 20 – 22      Total Archery Challenge

            July 21              15th Annual Big Sky Brewfest

            July 27 – 29      Rut Training Camp – get ready for the Rut Mountain Runs

            July 29              Lone Peak Enduro


            Aug. 15 – 19     Vine & Dine Wine and Food Festival

            Aug. 17 – 18     Moonlight MusicFest

            Aug. 31– Sept. 2The Rut Mountain Runs – an endurance running festival


            Sept. 28            Resort closing day

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Wednesday, May. 30th, 2018

MSU neuroscientist publishes research that opens door for brain disorder therapies

A Montana State University neuroscientist who studies vision and visual attention has published research that reveals how the brain maintains attention on an object even while the eyes are making many rapid, voluntary movements. This research seeks to answer fundamental questions that could eventually lead to new treatments or therapies for some brain disorders.

“Attention is a limited resource in the brain,” said James Mazer, an associate professor in the Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience in MSU’s College of Letters and Science. “Let’s say you have 1 ounce of attention available. The brain can choose to either use all of that at once to pay a lot of attention to one item or spread the ounce around to attend a bit less to two or more items.”

The brain has evolved to be very efficient about how that limited amount of attention is used, he said, which includes circuits for making sure attention is always directed toward exactly the right spot in the field of view.

Mazer said that past studies have shown that the brain can anticipate eye or body movements, readying itself for what is about to occur. He explained that attention acts like a spotlight in the brain’s sensory maps, shining extra light on the scene where it’s needed. This “predictive coding” helps to make sure that light gets to the right place in the map at the right time.

“Like the view through a camera lens, brain maps change each time we move our eyes or body,” Mazer said. “If we’re paying attention to an object on the left and move our gaze to the left, that object actually shifts rightwards in the map. If attention were to stay fixed in the brain, it would no longer shine on the right object, so the spotlight has to be moved each time the eyes move.”

The new study published in Neuron, a leading neuroscience journal, reveals that this “spotlight” anticipates eye movements and shifts before the eye starts to move so that the spotlight is at the right place the instant the eyes stop moving.

“This is the idea of predictive coding; the brain has access to our intentions and uses that information to anticipate changes in body posture or eye position so we’re always prepared for whatever is coming next,” Mazer said.

Mazer and his colleagues are trying to understand the biological circuits that allow this predictive coding to happen and how they prepare the brain to handle what could occur at any given moment. They also want to know what happens biologically when the brain allocates its computational resources to paying attention.

Mazer says this research is basic science that provides a foundation for future development of new therapies or drug treatments for attention-related brain disorders, including conditions like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder or schizophrenia.

“These are all clinical conditions thought to be associated with disruption of the brain’s ‘executive control system’ where sensory processing, memory and cognition come together to determine where and how to deploy attention,” Mazer said.

He said that scientists distinguish between “top-down” attention – what a person consciously chooses to pay attention to – and “bottom-up” attention – those things that involuntarily capture attention, adding that there is a fine balance in responding to the two types of signals.

“If bottom-up signals dominate, then you respond to every little noise or flash of light,” Mazer said. “Conversely, if top-down attention is too strong, you might ignore critical warning signs of danger, or even have difficulty distinguishing between real and imaginary.”

At the very least, he said, he hopes the research will lead to screening technologies for clinical conditions, like autism, that would benefit from early diagnosis.

“In the long-term, we believe that understanding these brain circuits will translate into screening technologies, drug treatments and targeted behavioral therapies that will ameliorate symptoms for some of these clinical conditions,” he said, “but that’s probably years down the road.”

Roger Bradley, head of MSU’s Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience, said the research by Mazer and his colleagues has furthered the understanding visual perception, specifically in how the brain maintains attention on an object even with involuntary constant eye movement, and sets the stage for new discoveries.

“Dr. Mazer's elegant and creative research provides fundamental new insights into understanding how we perceive and navigate our world,” Bradley said. 

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Tuesday, May. 29th, 2018

MSU English major from Belgrade chosen for Fulbright Summer Institute in England

Lauren Adams of Belgrade has become the first Montana State University student to win a place at a Fulbright summer program in England designed to encourage young scholars.
Adams, who has just finished her freshman year majoring in English writing in the College of Letters and Science, will spend four weeks at the University of Sussex in Brighton as part of the Fulbright 2018 U.K. Summer Institute. Adams is also an MSU Presidential Scholar, the university’s most prestigious scholarship, and is enrolled in the Honors College,

Adams said she is looking forward to an opportunity that allows “history, economics and culture to meet imagination and creativity.”
“Ultimately, I hope this work will enable me to establish worldwide friendships and come home a better learner and teacher,” she said.
Adams is one of 60 students selected by the Fulbright Commission to “undertake a demanding academic and cultural summer programs  at (nine) leading institutions in the U.K.”  While at the University of Sussex, Adams will take a course in children’s literature, interact with students throughout the world and travel to destinations throughout England studying British culture. Adams said she plans to hike through South Downs National Park, attend Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” at the Globe Theater and tour London, Brighton, Bath and Stonehenge.

Ilse-Mari Lee, dean of MSU’s Honors College, said the Fulbright Summer Institute is one of the most prestigious and selective summer scholarship programs worldwide for young scholars. She said that the opportunity will allow Adams to immerse herself in the riches of British children’s literature and culture.

“Lauren is an excellent writer and also a tutor in the Writing Center,” Lee said. “We know that upon her return, her Fulbright experience will not only enrich her own writing but also her work with her peers.”
Likewise, the MSU English department is also proud of Adam’s Fulbright, according to Ben Luebner, English professor.
“The opportunity to study under these circumstances for a summer in England will be of inestimable value to Lauren and her education, and we’ve no doubt that it will have a positive effect on the department as a whole upon her return,” he said.
Adams said she learned of the institute from an email sent to Honors College students about scholarships and other opportunities.
“I’ve never been outside of the U.S. so I thought it would be perfect for me,” she said. The rigorous competition included a personal interview, which Adams conducted via Skype.
Adams said she came to MSU interested in English writing and teaching. However, she said her first year studies expanded her horizons. She became fascinated with her studies in government and became deeply immersed in the study of economics, which she now intends to declare as a minor.
“And, I’m very glad that I got involved in the Honors College because it offers so many opportunities to students inside and outside the classroom,” Adams said.
Adams said that when she returns from the institute she will work in the MSU Writing Center with the incoming students in the university’s Hilleman Scholars Program, an enrichment program for incoming Montana freshmen who demonstrate academic and leadership promise.
For more information on the Fulbright 2018 U.K. Summer Institute, go to: http://www.fulbright.org.uk/going-to-the-uk/uk-summer-institutes.

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Museum of the Rockies’ Living History Farm Now Open

The Living History Farm at the Museum of the Rockies will open its 2018 season on Saturday, May 26, and more than 1,000 visitors are expected over the Memorial Day weekend.
The Living History Farm is free and open to the public daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission to the main museum building is separate and costs $14.50 for adults and $9.50 for children ages 5 to 17. Children age 4 and under get in free.
The historically accurate, working, 1890s Montana homestead treats visitors to the sights, smells and activities of Montana's long-ago homesteading era. The Tinsley House, centerpiece of the Living History Farm, is the original home of the Tinsley family. Built in 1889 in Willow Creek, it was moved to the museum's grounds in 1986. Skilled, costumed interpreters will take visitors back in time as they cook over a wood-burning stove, demonstrate cooking skills and recipes from the 1890s, tend to the Heirloom Garden and forge iron in the blacksmith’s shop.

The museum also hosts its adult-focused monthly event, Hops & History, at the Living History Farm. Now in its fifth year, Hops & History takes place the last Tuesday of every month from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Led by MOR’s curator of history, Michael Fox, this year’s programs will be filled with brewing history trivia. Mixed into the talks, participants can answer trivia questions to win prizes from the featured brewery of the month.

Admission to Hops & History is $10 and includes a free beer glass and beer tastings. Montana Ale Works Community Partnership and Sidecar Bar Service sponsor the event. Guests must be age 21 or older to participate. Admission is limited and tickets are pre-sold on the museum’s website.
As part of the Living History Farm's outreach, the museum will offer adult home garden workshops with MSU Extension horticulture specialist Toby Day. The classes are “Maintaining, Restoring and Caring for Garden Tools  ” on Thursday, July 5, and “Introduction to Herb Gardens” on Thursday, Aug. 2. With small class sizes and expert instruction, these workshops will help both new gardeners and experts build healthy and productive gardens. Pre-registration is available through the museum's website, museumoftherockies.org.

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Guitar takes center stage in new Museum of the Rockies exhibition

The Museum of the Rockies invites its visitors to take a journey through a motley crew of legendary guitars in its latest exhibit: “Guitar: The Instrument That Rocked The World,” opening May 26 and running through Sept. 9.
Visitors can explore the history of the world’s most recognized musical instrument, experience diverse genres of music and discover the science of pitch and tone. Crossing over cultural boundaries, the guitar has made a significant impact on a wide variety of groups from cowboys to teenage rebels.
“The guitar is the most enduring icon in American history,” said HP Newquist, executive director and founder of the National Guitar Museum. “It has been around longer than baseball, basketball, soft drinks and sports cars.”
On display will be more than 60 guitars as part of the 100 historical artifacts aimed to immerse visitors in the heart of music with an eye toward the science and history behind the instrument. Visitors will learn how the selection of different materials and strings, fused with electromagnetism and amplification, create an elaborate device that has revolutionized music. Visitors will also be able to play a Guinness World Record-breaking 43 1/2-foot-long guitar.

The exhibition will include “Guitar: Music Monday” events from June 11 to Aug. 20. In the music industry, Bozeman is world-renowned for its acoustic guitars. From the Gibson Guitar factory to individual guitar craftsmen, guitars made in Bozeman are played by famous musicians around the world. This all-ages weekly event will celebrate Montana’s luthiers and local musicians. The schedule each Monday is as follows:

    •    10 a.m.–noon — Make Your Own Recycled Guitar (included with admission)
    •    Noon–1:30 p.m. —Music on the Plaza (free to the public)
    •    1:45–2:45 p.m. — Guided tour of  “Guitar: The Instrument That Rocked The World” (included with admission)
    •    2–4 p.m. — Inside a Guitar (included with admission)
“Guitar: An Evening with an Expert” events will occur on June 18, July 2, July 23 and Aug. 13 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in the museum’s auditorium. Attendees can meet some of the experts, collectors and luthiers that have made Bozeman’s guitar industry what it is today; hear their stories; learn about the nuances that make each guitar unique; and listen to their handmade guitars. Light appetizers will follow the presentations in the museum lobby. Tickets to the evening presentations cost $8 for museum members and $12 for non-members.

The “Guitar” exhibit is included with regular museum admission. Tickets cost $14.50 for adults and $9.50 for children ages 5 to 17. Children age 4 and under get in free.

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Wednesday, May. 23rd, 2018

MSU & Bozeman police departments form joint special victims unit

A new partnership between the Montana State University and Bozeman police departments will form a joint Special Victims Unit that will allow detectives from both agencies to work together to investigate major crimes in the city and on campus, with an emphasis on investigating sex crimes.
According to MSU Police Chief Frank Parrish, detectives in the SVU are specially trained to handle the complex issues that arise when people become victims of violent crime. The team approach will help SVU investigators see patterns and trends, he said, while improving the thoroughness and consistency of investigations across jurisdictions.

“MSU is a safe campus and the development of the SVU will further enhance our ability to protect our students,” Parrish said. “As the largest university in Montana, we have the increasing responsibility and privilege to protect our community, not only today but also in the future. Our students deserve our best, especially when the worst happens.”

Bozeman Police Chief Steve Crawford said his department is excited to partner with MSU.

“This is all done with the intent to continue our victim-centered approach, strengthen our investigative capacities and adopt a best practice approach to conducting these types of investigations,” Crawford said.
Crawford added that the team will continue to work closely with community partners in the Gallatin County Sexual Assault Response Team, the Multi-Disciplinary Team and the Child Advocacy Center.
Working these cases as a team rather than as individual agencies will provide more consistent investigations and help victims recover, Parrish and Crawford said. 

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This is so typical of a sign in, which we should not have to do to check if we or some one in our party got a permit. I have been working or "creating an account" for 30 minutes and just get the same ...

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Sunday, Mar. 10, 2024