Friday, Jun. 10th, 2022

2 people injured in Big Sky moose encounter

BIG SKY – Two people received relatively minor injuries Wednesday in a surprise close encounter with a moose in Big Sky.

A group of seven people were walking between Turkey Leg and Sitting Bull roads at Big Sky Resort at about 10 a.m. when they were charged by a cow moose. Two people in the group, a woman and a man received relatively minor injuries.

A game warden with Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks responded and interviewed several people who had previously seen a cow moose, and a calf in the area recently. It’s likely the moose was acting in defense of the calf, which is normal. FWP staff will monitor moose activity in this area, but no further management action is planned at this time.

Moose are common in southwest Montana and can be defensive and dangerous in surprise close encounters with people or dogs. This is especially true of cow moose with calves. Keep these precautions in mind to avoid negative encounters with moose:

Be aware of your surroundings and be especially careful around creeks and in areas with dense brush.

Travel in groups whenever possible and make noise to alert animals to your presence.
If you encounter a moose, give it lots of space and don’t approach it. Always keep dogs under control.

If a moose charges or chases you, take cover behind something solid, such as a tree.
In some situations, bear spray has been known to be an effective defense tool in moose encounters.

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5 Tips and Tricks for Upgrading Your Academic Writing

Academic writing could be seen as the foundation for all types of writing. You can’t go through school without writing an essay or some report requiring sources.
It usually involves responding to a question posed by another person and having to answer with your opinion backed by facts to bolster your response. However, because academic writing tends to be very rigid, it can be challenging to incorporate flair while maintaining a particular voice.
However, there are a few tricks to help you upgrade your academic writing. Take a look at them below.

1. Manage Your Time Efficiently
Raise your hand if you’ve ever waited until the last minute to submit an assignment (don’t be ashamed). It’s a prominent occurrence in academic writing.
You feel like your best work comes when the pressure is on. However, although you’ve gotten away with it in the past, it might not bode well for higher education like a master's degree or Ph.D.
Writing an excellent academic paper requires you to use your time wisely. To do so, you’ll need to:

● Do diligent research
● Break down the writing task and individual concepts
● Giving yourself internal deadlines to maximize your efficiency

With adequate time management, you won’t have to worry about figuring out how to answer a complex question. You also won’t need to worry about the different ways you can hit the word count. With the help of the Word Counter and your notes, you’ll have a well-structured essay that meets all the requirements.

2. Read, Read, Read
Throughout your academic career, you’ll often hear people say that reading is fundamental to having a solid essay. Besides the fact that you’ll enhance your reading speed, vocabulary, and overall knowledge, it can also benefit your writing by:

● Giving you insight into different writing styles
● Aiding your ability to analyze concepts in academic pieces
● Helping you learn how to communicate with different audiences

Although academic writing follows a specific structure, there’s no limit to the tools you can add to your repertoire to enhance your skills.

3. Differentiate Your Sentence Structure
Yes, academic writing can sound robotic at times. But what you want to avoid is a paper with a monotonous tone all the way through. For example, if you were writing about the distance between the Sun and the Moon, this is how you don’t want your sentences to look:
“The Sun is far from the Moon. It will take you 30 billion light-years to get there. You will need a large supply of oxygen.”
As you can see, those sentences sound boring and won’t entice the reader to continue reading, even if the topic is engaging. Instead, here’s an example of what you could say to add a bit more flair to your essay:
“The Sun is approximately 30 billion light-years from the Moon, meaning you’ll need a large oxygen supply for the journey. However, since you’re in for the long haul, space debris might also be an issue.”
For the second example, the sentences were combined into one thought, and you were able to expand on it a bit further by talking about space debris. The additional details give the sentences more fluidity and make them easier for readers to enjoy.
Now that’s not saying that you should avoid short, choppy phrases all the time. But limit them where possible to make your writing more appealing.
4. Use An Active Voice
A critique you may have heard about your writing in the past is that most sentences are in passive voice. Do you know what that looks like? If not, here’s an example:
“Brenda was helped by the professor.”
It’s seen as a bad writing habit because it can make your writing seem weaker and dull. Instead, you should use an active voice to help it stand out. This is what it would look like:
“The professor helped Brenda.”
As you can see, an active voice makes the sentence more concise. While passive voice can be helpful sometimes, it would be better to use an active voice writing style to keep your reader engaged for the duration of the essay.

5. Proofread and Edit Thoroughly
Editing and proofreading can be quite the task because you’re reading over your work and looking for errors and potential changes. However, these suggestions can help your editing process:

● Use a format that can help you catch mistakes quickly (e.g., digital or print)
● Read your work aloud to find errors your eyes wouldn’t
● Rework sentences that seem too long or short

Upgrade Your Academic Writing With These Tips
Academic writing is challenging because it follows a structure that limits your creativity to an extent. Take extra time to plan your essay, read other academic pieces to get an idea for the flow, and use an active voice throughout to make it more appealing.
By following the suggestions above, you’ll see improvements in your academic writing and impress your teachers.

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Parking lot at Anaconda Smoke Stack State Park to close for construction

ANACONDA – The parking lot at Anaconda Smoke Stack State Park will close for construction starting Monday, June 13.

The park will remain open during the project. Parking will be available along the road leading to the park. Visitors will still be able to access the exhibit, except while the wheelchair ramp is being replaced.

Visitors are encouraged to use caution when visiting the park during construction. The project is expected to be complete in early July.

Anaconda Smoke Stack State Park is about 2 miles southeast of Anaconda. For more information about the park, please visit

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Send FWP your best fishing photo and art

– Going fishing soon? Don’t forget your camera. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks wants to feature your fun on the next fishing regulations booklet. With the recent changes to the fishing regulations process, your art will be in tackle kits and dry boxes for two years instead of one. Winners will see their work on the front and back cover of the 2023-24 fishing regulation booklet.

Think beyond the brag board. We’re looking for families having fun and interesting action shots. Help FWP show what diverse fishing opportunities can be found in Montana.

Photo contest:

  • Photo must be vertical (portrait) mode, or suitable for tight vertical cropping to fit the available space on the regs cover.
  • Photo must be a minimum resolution and size of 6 inches tall at 300 pixels-per-inch.
  • FWP will feature your name on the front cover as credit. Please specify how you would like to be credited.
  • Please include a short description of the photo, so we can provide some caption information.
  • Ownership of the photo is retained by the photographer, who may use his/her image for other purposes.
  • Please do not send photos of fish that have been mounted.
  • Photo must be taken in Montana.

Art contest

  • Kids 12 and younger are invited to submit a colored drawing of a fish that lives in Montana.

Please send in your best photo and drawing today! Email to Deadline is Oct. 15.

Winners will receive their photo on the cover, a subscription to Montana Outdoors Magazine and a Montana Outdoors t-shirt.​

Go fish!

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Thursday, Jun. 9th, 2022

Gallatin Art Crossing Call for Entries deadline June 10

Gallatin Art Crossing (GAC) is pleased to announce Call for Entries for the 2022-23’ show and installation. Creation or contribution for the Gallatin Art Crossing is an opportunity to have your work marketed and on display in downtown Bozeman, Montana for one year and available for sale during that time. Submission fee is $25 per piece and the application deadline is June 10, 2022, with the installation and reception in August. Applications must be submitted electronically through the CaFE platform ( Pieces need to be ready to install and withstand outdoor conditions without maintenance for one year. 

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5 Tips for Digital Out of Home (OOH) Marketing

Are you looking to start a digital out-of-home marketing campaign for your company? Read on for a few tips that will help.

Digital Out-Of-Home Marketing (DOOH): What Is It?

Digital out-of-home media is essentially a more advanced and customizable form of regular out-of-home marketing. It takes advantage of densely populated areas by placing digital ads in locations with high visibility. The digital nature of these ads gives businesses the ability to be more creative and innovative with their ad campaigns than ever before.

How Does It Work?

Companies that wish to run a DOOH ad campaign have their work cut out for them. In the same way that regular OOH ads work, it is all about researching the location and targeting demographics.

While this can seem like a daunting task, it is really not all that difficult. Here are five tips to help get you started on your DOOH marketing campaign.

Tip #1: Choose The Right Type of DOOH for You

You are probably wondering what a digital out-of-home ad might look like. There are essentially three different types that most companies like to use. These are digital billboards, digital advertising trucks, and digital spectaculars.

Digital Billboards

Digital billboards are probably the first thing that popped into your head when you thought about what digital out-of-home marketing might entail. That is simply because this is the most common DOOH platform.

Billboards are everywhere. On the sides of buildings, next to highways and interstates, and even around sports stadiums. Having an ad on a digital billboard can really grab people’s attention if you do it right.

Digital Advertising Trucks

Next up are digital advertising trucks. These are more common in bigger cities and locations that tend to experience heavy traffic. If you have never seen one before, you can think of it as a digital billboard on wheels. These are great because they often get a captive audience during rush hour in cities like New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles.

Digital Spectaculars

Lastly, digital spectaculars are the rarest form of DOOH, but at the same time, potentially the most effective. One primary example of this that everyone knows is Times Square in New York City. Times Square is a large hub of digital ads that has been featured in countless TV shows and movies. It is truly a great way to have your ad seen by thousands of people every day.

Tip #2: Know How To Buy

Once you have determined the platform for your DOOH ads, you will need to know how to buy them. It can be rather complicated as there are four main ways these types of ads are purchased.  
Programmatic Guaranteed

Programmatic guaranteed is a type of private auction that requires an invitation. This model for ad purchasing is often reserved for major corporations and big contenders.

Non-Programmatic Guaranteed

This method is somewhat grueling as it can often take a long time and a lot of effort to put together. Inventory is sold at a fixed CMP (cost-per-mile) rate, so it is usually a more direct route to take.


If you are looking for the most cost-effective form of DOOH platform purchasing, look no further. RTB, or real-time bidding, is auction-based and allows for competition between users and different advertisers. With additional inventory and capabilities, this is often a preferred method of purchasing.

Programmatic Direct  

You could probably tell by the name, but this is the most direct form of DOOH ad purchasing. With the programmatic direct method, the sales representatives and advertisers strike up a deal directly. Prices and inventory are usually on a case-by-case basis, based on a fixed CMP.

Tip #3: Location Is Key

Digital out-of-home media is all about location. If you want your ads to make the highest impact possible, you will need to research demographics that are likely to purchase your products or services and place ads in locations they frequent. This ensures that you use these ads to develop genuine customers who will be loyal.

Tip #4: Design to Target

Once you know your demographic and the location for your ads, it's time to start designing. During this phase, it is critical to not only make the catchiest ad. While you want it to be catchy and memorable, you want it to target your preferred demographics specifically.

Tip #5: Monitor the Success

Lastly, make sure that you monitor the success of your ad or lack thereof. If your ad is doing amazing in a certain location, you may want to place more ads like that in similar locations. If your ad is not doing great in one location, you may want to move it somewhere else. Monitoring your ad's success is tricky, but it can be done. And it ultimately helps you make smarter future decisions.

The Bottom Line

Digital out-of-home marketing is a great way to get your brand in front of the demographics that are likely to follow you. Just follow these tips and enjoy your new and improved DOOH ad campaign!

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FWP seeks public input on local elk management issues

– Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks will be hosting a series of public meetings this summer and fall to gather ideas about local elk management issues and population objectives. Meeting places, times and details are posted on the FWP website.

FWP began developing a revised statewide Elk Management Plan in 2020. The first step in the process was to convene a citizen’s group to develop guiding principles for revising the plan. The next step is to gather input on current elk population objectives and other local challenges that could be addressed in the revised Elk Management Plan.  

“Revising the statewide Elk Management Plan is a critical step for improving elk management to meet both hunter and landowner expectations,” said FWP Wildlife Division Deer/Elk Coordinator Lindsey Parsons. “Public input from the beginning is critical and we’re hoping hunters and landowners alike will provide comment during this scoping period.”

A public comment period will be open from June 20 to Oct. 15. Beginning June 20, comments can be submitted online or emailed to  

Input gathered during the local process will be used with information obtained at the statewide scale to develop a draft Elk Management Plan.

Once the draft Elk Management Plan has been developed and released, there will be additional public comment opportunities offered. 

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HRDC to Begin Summer Lunch Program for Kids on 6/13

BOZEMAN, MT — In its continuing effort to combat food insecurity across our community, HRDC will again provide free, freshly made, nutritious meals to children 18 and under throughout the summers months at numerous locations in Bozeman and Big Sky beginning on Monday, June 13th.

HRDC’s Kids Summer Lunch Program is provided in supervised locations where kids can stay active and spend time with friends while enjoying a delicious lunch. The meals are tasty, are crafted from scratch with local ingredients whenever possible, follow USDA nutrition guidelines, and help all families save money. There is not an application process, and the program does not require proof of income.

Bozeman locations include:

Beall Park – Monday through Friday from 11:30 am – 12:30 pm; Lunch is served next to the pavilion on the corner of East Villard and North Bozeman.
Bozeman Public Library – Monday through Friday from 12:00 - 1:00 pm; Lunch is served by the main entrance at the top of the front circle.
Gallatin Valley Food Bank – Monday - Friday from 1:00-4:00 pm; Meal pick-up is available.
Kirk Park – Monday through Friday from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm; Lunch is served under the trees next to the Beall St parking lot.
MSU Family and Graduate Housing – Monday through Friday from 12:00 - 1:00 pm. Lunch is served at the playground on the corner of W. Garfield and Paisley Court. 
Story Mill Park – Monday through Friday from 12:00 – 1:00 pm. Lunch is served under the pavilion in front of the Learning Garden.
• Wagon Wheel Trailer Park – Fridays only from 12:00 – 1:00 pm. Lunch is served on the green space next to the speed bump on the west loop near the Koch entrance.
Walton Homestead Park – Monday through Friday from 12:00 – 1:00 pm. Lunch is served next to the playground just south of Scrubby’s Car Wash on the corner of 15th and Juniper. 

Those seeking the closest meal site in the Bozeman area can text “LUNCH” or “COMIDA” to 304-304.

Summer lunch serving areas beyond Bozeman include:

Belgrade School District – Monday through Friday from 12:00 – 1 pm at the Middle School East Cafeteria. Hot lunch is served June 13th - August 17th with no meal service available July 4th & 5th.
Belgrade Supper – Thursdays from 4:00 - 7:00 pm. Join the Mighty Spork food truck for free kids meals and pay-what-you-can suppers at the Belgrade Community Market  at Lewis and Clark Park
Big Sky Community Food Bank – Meals available during regular food bank hours, June 13th through August 26th. 
• Livingston – Free lunch will be available; details pending. 
Three Forks School – Monday through Friday; free breakfast from 8:00 – 9:00 am and free lunch from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm. Meals will be served from the Three Forks School’s food trailer located near the football stadium concession stand.

Food insecurity is an income issue, and poverty is one of the strongest predictors of food insecurity. 1 in 7 Gallatin County residents live below the federal poverty level. The USDA estimates that until a family’s income is 185% above the poverty line, they are at risk of experiencing food insecurity. Last year, HRDC’s Kids Summer Lunch Program served 31,848 meals. On average, more of each household’s income in Gallatin County is going toward increased housing costs this year. HRDC’s Gallatin Valley Food Bank, the entity that oversees the Kids Summer Lunch Program, is expecting an increase in demand for summer lunches as a result of the higher cost of living that is impacting our community.

“In addition to paying higher rents and higher prices for gas and other commodities, households are experiencing a dramatic increase in food costs as well,” said Lyra Leigh-Nedbor, HRDC’s Child Nutrition Program Coordinator. “It’s no wonder it has become increasingly difficult to make ends meet. Our Kid’s Summer Lunch Program is a simple way families can substantially save on their monthly food budget. Not only do kids get a great lunch and an opportunity to hang out with friends, parents enjoy a stress-free way to provide nourishing meals while making a dent in their monthly grocery bills. It’s a win-win all the way around!”

HRDC is a private, not-for-profit Community Action Organization focused on building a better community through its nearly 50 initiatives aimed at combatting poverty in southwestern Montana. HRDC’s Gallatin Valley Food Bank believes nobody should go to bed hungry and they work hard to act as the critical link between food and the people who need it, including providing nutritionally balanced lunches for kids throughout the summer months.

More information about HRDC’s Kid’s Summer Lunch Program can be found at

Donors, volunteers, and community members can learn more at

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Administrate Earns First Great Place to Work Certification™

June 9, 2022 — Bozeman, MT
:  Administrate, the premier learning technology platform designed to scale and manage the complexities of enterprise training, announced today that for the first time in the company’s ten-year history, they are officially Certified™ as a Great Place to Work®. The prestigious award is based on a survey of current employees sharing their experience working at Administrate, both in the United States and the United Kingdom. This year, 88% of employees said it’s a great place to work – 29 points higher than the average U.S. company.

Great Place to Work® is the global authority on workplace culture, employee experience, and the leadership behaviors proven to deliver market-leading revenue, employee retention, and increased innovation.

“Building a great work environment is a dream we all share at Administrate, and I couldn’t be more proud of this team and this accolade,” said John Peebles, CEO. “We’re committed to doing better as a company every day. I’m thrilled to become Certified as a Great Place to Work as we innovate in all areas of the organization to ensure our progress continues.”

According to Great Place to Work research, job seekers are 4.5 times more likely to find a great boss at a Certified great workplace. Additionally, employees at Certified workplaces are 93% more likely to look forward to coming to work, are twice as likely to be paid fairly, and enjoy a sustainable work-life balance.  “It’s the only official recognition determined by employees’ real-time reports of their company culture,” said Sarah Lewis-Kulin, Vice President of Global Recognition at Great Place to Work.

“Since Administrate helps businesses scale their training and employee development activities, it’s particularly gratifying for the company to be Certified as a Great Place to Work; recognizing the effort spent developing this dedicated, disruptive and ambitious team,” said Niki McKenzie, Administrate Board Member and Joint Managing Director at Archangels, the oldest continuously operating business angel syndicate in the world. “As a long-term investor in the business, it’s been great to see their growth as enterprise customers further utilize the unique offering of their platform.  I’m excited to watch where Administrate goes from here.”


About Administrate

Administrate is the premier learning technology platform designed to scale and manage the complexities of enterprise training. Organizations such as Royal Caribbean Group, Siemens Healthineers, and Maersk leverage one configurable interface to automate manual processes, manage complex training schedules and logistics, and create robust intelligence reports from previously untapped and siloed data. This leading cloud-based technology helps enterprises uncover insights that drive strategic business decisions and future-proof their learning technology, demonstrating real ROI and the business impact of effective corporate training. The company was founded in 2012 in Edinburgh, Scotland, and has offices in Bozeman, Montana, Beirut, Lebanon, and Dublin, Ireland. Jump into the conversation on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn

We’re Hiring!

Are you looking to grow your career at a company that puts its people first? Visit Administrate’s careers page at

About Great Place to Work Certification™

Great Place to Work® Certification™ is the most definitive “employer-of-choice” recognition that companies aspire to achieve. It is the only recognition based entirely on what employees report about their workplace experience – specifically, how consistently they experience a high-trust workplace. Great Place to Work Certification is recognized worldwide by employees and employers alike and is the global benchmark for identifying and recognizing outstanding employee experience. Every year, more than 10,000 companies across 60 countries apply to get Great Place to Work-Certified. 

About Great Place to Work®

Great Place to Work® is the global authority on workplace culture. Since 1992, they have surveyed more than 100 million employees worldwide and used those deep insights to define what makes a great workplace: trust. Their employee survey platform empowers leaders with the feedback, real-time reporting, and insights they need to make data-driven people decisions. Everything they do is driven by the mission to build a better world by helping every organization become a great place to work For All™.

Learn more at and on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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Wednesday, Jun. 8th, 2022

Are Essay Writers Safe and Trustworthy?

Writing essays is not that easy. That is why many students from different parts of the world use essay writing services to get professional assistance with their written assignments and home tasks. It is an effective way to complete all writings on time and learn to write excellent papers. Apparently, it helps save time, focus on more important things, and balance life, study, and work. Before buying an essay, you may ask yourself: Is it safe and legal to do it, and should I trust these writers? You can find answers to these questions and much more below. 

Are essay writers legit? 

Essay writers are experts who an essay writing firm officially hires. They have the necessary skills and experience to complete different types of written assignments. This educational service is legit because writing services provide support for those who face difficulties with doing their writing tasks and homework. Writers are specialists who do their job and are responsible for the quality and delivery of papers. If you use essays as samples to learn how to write excellent papers and improve your writing skills, you do not violate any rules. The purpose of a free essay writer is to provide a quality paper that you will use to improve your academic performance and learn how to write and submit high-quality writings. The legitimacy of online essay writers depends on the reputation and trustworthiness of the company they work in. If this firm has a strong ethical policy and regulations ensuring you get unique content that is not shared with third parties, you can be completely sure the service and its writers are legit. 

Can I trust essay writers? 

Most essay writing services are safe and trustworthy. It depends on their experience in the industry and feedback from customers. Writers working in these firms are well-prepared and qualified. Essay experts in the best writing services are graduates of top universities and native speakers. They have years of experience in this industry and thousands of written pages. It implies they have advanced competencies in structuring, editing, and proofreading written workers. Legit essay writers also have a solid background in different disciplines such as sociology, management, marketing, and philosophy. An essay writing firm will ensure that the writer with the appropriate background will work on the written task in nursing or psychology. 

When selecting essay writers, good academic writing firms have different stages of control and testing to check the knowledge, background, skills, and experience of a candidate. Writers must prove they can cope with different written assignments and deadlines and show they are stress-resistant and flexible. Writing firms provide extensive training and development support to ensure their writers have relevant knowledge of new versions of writing formats and updated backgrounds in their expert areas. So, you may not hesitate to trust essay writers if you buy a paper from a legitimate writing service. 

How to find the best writer? 

The best writers work in credible and highly-rated essay writing services. It means that you should first find a good firm. The following tips will help you find the best writing services: 

1. Visit the website and find samples of completed essays. Most essay writing firms have official websites and publish samples of finished orders to show the level and quality of writing. These websites also contain different information on prices, deadlines, and disciplines they are experts in. Read available samples and decide whether you are satisfied with the quality of the writing.

2. Check feedback from other customers. Students tend to leave their reviews on writing services. It is especially informative for those who try the service for the first time. Firms that are confident in their reputation and experience have a feedback page where you can find different reviews and learn about the pros and cons of that service. In these comments, students often leave helpful insights. For instance, they may recommend choosing the top ten writers to get a high-quality paper.

3. Learn more information about their services and policies. Diversity of services implies that the writing firm has significant experience in the field. It also increases the chances they have essay writers for hire with diverse backgrounds who can prepare a personalized paper from scratch. Ethical, privacy and intellectual property policies also show whether the service is transparent and professional. The online essay service CustomWritings is a vivid example of a company with strong policies and guarantees of original and quality essays.  

4. Make sure they allow communicating directly with writers. Good essay writing companies allow customers to chat with writers and exchange all necessary information. It shows that they are confident in the professionalism and responsibility of their experts. You may ask writers different questions about the order and essay, specify instructions, and ask for additional assistance as the case may be. 

Will I get caught if I buy an essay?

If you buy an essay from a low-rated essay writing service, you may have no guarantees that you will not be detected. Experienced and reputable companies have strict privacy and intellectual property policies that protect their customers' personal information and ensure the completed papers are plagiarism-free. Remember that buying a written assignment is helpful for you to improve your writing skills, save time, and get high-quality samples for the future. Using the service for self-development and educational purposes, you will not have problems getting caught or detected by your instructors. 

Is it possible to get a plagiarized or poorly written essay? 

Again everything depends on the essay writing firm you choose. Still, most companies prioritize plagiarism and quality because these characteristics impact customer satisfaction and determine the professional level. No one will return to the writing firm providing plagiarized works. Most services are interested in delivering papers of exceptional quality. If you buy an essay from reputable and experienced firms with professional writers, you have minimal chances of getting a low-quality plagiarized paper. These services have strict rules for their experts, and even if they violate any writing principles, they are fined or severely penalized. 

What guarantees will I get after buying an essay? 

To ensure that buying essays written by experienced writers is trustworthy academic writing services provide guarantees for clients. You should check them on the website before placing an order. A good writing firm has separate policies regulating situations when you may not be satisfied with the quality of your order. In this case, companies offer two options. The first one is to request a revision. You may contact the writer directly or support specialists and specify why you need a particular part of your essay revised. It may not follow initial instructions or have a high plagiarism rate. The writer will make the necessary changes shortly and return the updated paper. If your essay does not meet most of the requirements and instructions and you are completely dissatisfied, you can apply for a full or partial refund. Credible writing services respect their clients and approve refund or revision requests if they are valid and fair. 

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This is so typical of a sign in, which we should not have to do to check if we or some one in our party got a permit. I have been working or "creating an account" for 30 minutes and just get the same ...

Smith River permit drawing results available

Sunday, Mar. 10, 2024