Tuesday, Aug. 9th, 2022

Call For Intersection Art

The City of Bozeman is seeking proposals from artists to paint artistic designs within “bulbouts” at the intersections of Mendenhall/Black and Babcock/Black in downtown Bozeman. The purpose of the rainbow intersection art is to create a more vibrant, inclusive, and welcoming experience for all folks in the Bozeman community. The city intends to enter into a contract with the selected firm that will include conceptual designs for review, a written implementation plan for coordinating the painting of the designs on the asphalt, a materials list, and coordination of the painting effort on the day of installation over the course of a day during the first week of September. CLICK HERE to submit your proposal.

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Exposed pipeline creates hazard, leads to closures on portion of Stillwater River

– Fish, Wildlife & Parks has closed the Stillwater River to all watercraft between Absaroka Fishing Access Site (FAS) and the confluence of the Rosebud River, which is just upstream of Jeffreys Landing FAS.

Working closely with Stillwater County commissioners, FWP is providing an emergency closure of the area until further notice. The closure will begin at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9. The closure is for watercraft on the river, not other river access.

An exposed natural gas pipeline has created a dangerous obstacle in the river and is impeding floaters’ ability to safely negotiate around it. Low water levels have reduced the width of the river and is now forcing floaters to go over the pipeline twice and into a debris pile on the lower portion that could potentially cause injury or drowning.

The pipeline company is working on a solution.

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Ross Pass Rescue

On August 7, 2022, at 12:01pm Gallatin County 911 received a call from a mountain biker who had crashed on Ross Pass. The biker injured their shoulder and requested assistance getting down the trail. The biker had plenty of water and was dressed appropriately for the weather.

Gallatin County Sheriff Search and Rescue (GCSSAR) volunteers from the Valley Section responded to Bracket Creek for the rescue. Several OHV teams were able to reach the summit of the pass quickly and then hike to the patient’s location. A medical assessment was conducted and the patient was stabilized by GCSSAR personnel before moving down trail.  The patient was ultimately escorted to the trailhead and released from GCSSAR care.

Sheriff Springer would like to remind everyone recreating in the mountains that accidents can happen to anyone, to bring along plenty of water, a communication/location device, and a first aid kit in case of emergencies.

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Monday, Aug. 8th, 2022

What to Do When Your Car Breaks Down and You Can't Afford Repairs

Cars tend to break down as they get older. You know the car isn't reliable anymore when it gives up on you every other day, and you're tired of paying the repair bills each time. As per an AAA survey, around 25% of Americans couldn't go ahead with their car repairs due to a cash crunch. Moreover, one in eight U.S. citizens wouldn't be able to pay even $1,000 on car repairs. The current financial crisis has only made this situation worse.

So when a car gives up on us in such a dire situation, it's hard not to panic. The fact that you have several other bills to pay means you may have to trim down spending on other more essential needs. But when you have gone through the stream of emotions, take a step back, sit down, and think about how you can get out of this problem.

Car trouble mostly arises with used or older models, and repair costs skyrocket as the necessary parts are unavailable. If you've recently bought a used car, consider getting an extended car warranty from a provider like Endurance. We encourage you to check out Endurance warranty reviews before making up your mind. 

What Should You Do When You Can't Afford Car Repairs?

Try to Negotiate With the Mechanic

Consult your dealer or repair shop about payment options that allow you to be flexible with your finances. Just because you don't have money now doesn't mean you won't have it in the near future. Also consider asking for discounts on repairs. While this may not bear any fruit, it's certainly worth a shot. Lastly, you can explain your financial situation to the repair shop owner, who may empathize with your situation and consider removing a few hundred bucks from your bill.

Speak to Other Repair Shops

If you're seeking an estimate from a car repair shop and feel it's too high, think about getting a second opinion from another repair shop. Keep in mind that this will only work if your car isn't already repaired. So whenever your car breaks down, make sure you get a ballpark figure of how much you need to spend on repairs. Some shops charge based on the type of repairs the car needs, while others charge by the hour. Comparing rates from multiple repair shops could make the decision easier and even help you save some money.

Try Bartering With Friends or Family

If you realize you cannot afford to pay for the repairs, you can try asking your family or friends who are proficient with cars to repair them for you. You can even try asking one of your neighbors to help you out.

Of course, you can't let them do this for free. But instead of cash, you can offer to run errands for them like picking up groceries, housesitting, babysitting, and so on. Or you may have something valuable that could be traded in return for this much-needed repair, like an antique item from your home that you have no use for. 

Pay for Repairs With Your Credit Card

You may find some breathing room for repairs with a monthly credit card billing cycle. It's wiser to choose monthly installment options rather than paying for it in one go. This would be a much smaller blow to your finances than a large one-time payment. While a credit card would let you pay the amount at a later date, make sure you aren't missing monthly payments to avoid paying too much interest over some time. 

Borrow Money From Friends or Family

Nobody understands your financial situation better than your close friends and family. In times of distress, you can always seek the guidance and assistance of your loved ones. Request a short-term personal loan to help repair your car. But remember that you have to chart out a viable plan to pay it back in monthly installments or as a one-time repayment. 

Being unable to pay back the amount in time could irreparably damage your relationship. So stick to your word and make all the promised payments on time, even if they aren't actively asking for it. 

If Nothing Works

In case these solutions don't work, you can take immediate steps like taking public transport like buses or subways to go to work. Commuting this way isn't ideal for everyone, but this could help you keep things steady until you have enough money to pay for the repair. It's important to think of this as a temporary solution. You can even consider carpooling to work with your neighbor until you get back on your feet again. 

If the commute on public transport is taking its toll on you, consider getting a job closer to your home. Although this may not be possible for every profession, it's something you can try discussing with your employer, who may be empathetic to your plight. Alternatively, you could also leave your current job and find something similar close to home. Using public transportation for longer distances can be expensive in the long run, too. 


Take the necessary steps to get your finances back on track, and chart out a plan for your future. If you learn that the repair cost exceeds the value of the car, it's probably better to sell it off. If your car is relatively new, check for its Kelley Blue Book value before speaking to a potential buyer. As for older vehicles, most dealers will buy them for scrap or parts. They could even choose to fix the vehicle and resell it at a profit. 

Being unable to afford a car repair is one of the hardest things to face. But realize that your situation isn't permanent, and if you put your mind to it, financial distress can be overcome. You can even opt for a personal loan to get you out of the rut, provided your credit score is decent. 

While low credit score loans exist, they generally tend to charge steep interest rates. You should always be on the lookout for predatory lending practices that reel you in during your toughest times, only to wreck you later. 

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Cinnamon Area Rescue


On August 6, 2022, at 8:50pm Gallatin County Dispatch received information that a hiker had severely injured their ankle while hiking on a steep game trail. The hiker was in a group of five and hiking near mile marker 41 on Highway 191.

Several teams from Gallatin County Sheriff Search and Rescue Big Sky Section responded. Two teams hiked into the area, located the patient, assessed the injuries, and stabilized the injuries. Due to the terrain, the rescue took multiple hours and involved the use of several rope systems to safely move the hiker both up and back down the mountain.

After a very long rescue, about an hour after daylight, the patient and teams made it back to the road. The patient was turned over to an awaiting Big Sky Fire Department ambulance and ultimately transported to the Big Sky Medical Center for further evaluation.

Sheriff Springer would like to remind recreationalists that even a small outing can take a turn for the worst. Always be prepared for the unexpected by having proper safety gear, a basic first aid kit, plenty of water, and proper clothing for the weather.

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FWP seeks comment on snowmobile grant proposals

HELENA -- Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking public comment on proposed 2022 snowmobile grant proposals. Public comments will be accepted through Monday Sept. 5, at 5 p.m.

Montana’s Snowmobile Program received 25 grant requests and proposes to award $460,000. The program receives funding through snowmobile registrations, gas tax and Snowmobile Trail Pass revenues. Montana’s Snowmobile Program supports projects such as grooming, trail maintenance, signs, ethics education and avalanche safety. Grant awards are allocated by FWP with recommendations from the citizen-based Snowmobile Advisory Committee (SAC).

The public is invited to comment on the funding requests. To submit comments online and see a summary list of the 2022 Snowmobile grant application funding requests, visit  https://fwp.mt.gov/aboutfwp/grant-programs/snowmobile.

The public may send comments to FWP Snowmobile Program manager, Seth McArthur, at  fwpsnowmobile@mt.gov.

Full grant information is available by request in the Parks and Outdoor Recreation Division office at FWP Headquarters, 1420 E. 6th Ave., Helena, MT 59620.

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Friday, Aug. 5th, 2022

Elk management group passes recommendations on to FWP director

HELENA – After 10 meetings and much deliberation, the Elk Management Citizen Advisory Group has forwarded its recommendations to Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Director Hank Worsech.

“I’m very impressed with the work that went into these recommendations,” Worsech said. “I asked the members to bring their own experience and creativity to help us advance potential solutions to issues facing elk management in Montana. Their recommendations are innovative, heartfelt and collaborative – all I could hope for.”

The citizen advisory group was formed this past spring after a call for applications. Nearly 300 people applied. Twelve members from across the state were appointed by Director Worsech and met for the first time on March 22. The remaining applicants served as a sounding board for advisory group members and provided feedback on the group’s work.

Now officially in the department’s hands, the recommendations will be assessed by staff for implementation feasibility, fiscal impacts and legal or other issues before all being released for public comment. Once the public has a chance to provide feedback on the recommendations and staff assessments, Worsech plans to present them to the Environmental Quality Council, an interim legislative committee.

The advisory group is one of three pieces of a larger effort aimed at improving elk management in Montana. The group was specifically tasked with developing a set of recommendations to address elk management issues and improve relationships between hunters and landowners.

The second piece of the process is the Private Lands/Public Wildlife (PLPW)committee, which is currently working on suggestions for the Elk Hunting Access Agreements Program, hunter ethics and education, and public access programs.

The third piece is the ongoing process of scoping for management objectives for the elk plan revision. Currently, FWP is collecting public feedback on what management objectives should be in hunting districts across Montana to inform the upcoming revision to the elk management plan.

The three separate looks at elk management in Montana will provide a variety of perspectives that will be critical moving forward.

“I wanted to get these efforts underway simultaneously because elk management in Montana presents such complex social and biological issues,” Worsech said. “Any similar solutions and ideas from these different efforts will tell me what elements have broader support. Each piece of the process will also raise unique ideas for improving elk management moving forward. That’s exactly the kind of comprehensive approach we need on the complicated task of managing elk in Montana.”

The Elk Management Citizen Advisory Group’s recommendations and staff assessments will come out for public comment in August. The next PLPW meeting is Aug. 24. The elk plan scoping meetings are ongoing with the plan slated to be out for public comment in spring of 2023 and finalized later that summer.

“I’ve insisted since becoming director at FWP that we needed to improve elk management both for hunters and for landowners. We’ve asked the public, and these groups in particular, for help and they’ve stepped forward in a big way,” Worsech said. 

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Thursday, Aug. 4th, 2022

Family Promise, Salvation Army, and Love Inc partner for Tools For School

Bozeman, MT – Family Promise, The Salvation Army, Love INC, are teaming up for Tools for School, a program that collects school supply donations and provides kids with the tools they need to succeed.

The start of a new school year can be exciting for kids and parents, but for many families in the Gallatin Valley that are living paycheck to paycheck or experiencing homelessness, buying school supplies can be highly stressful and even burdensome. Now through August 14, school supplies such as backpacks, lined paper, pencils, pens, scissors, crayons, colored pencils, and glue sticks are being collected. Donation bins are located at Family Promise, Journey Church, Holy Rosary, Grace Bible Church, St. James Episcopal Church, Sotheby’s, ERA Landmark Realty, Bozeman Real Estate Group, Vine Dental, Sayre Orthodontics, Bozeman Public Library, and Staples.

According to the National Center for Homeless Education, homeless children and youth are defined as “individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence,” including those who are living doubled or tripled-up in another household due to the loss of their own. In Montana, the Office of Public Instruction estimates that 4,709 students fit that category during the last school year, 487 of whom were unaccompanied or living without their families.

According to Anna Edwards, Bozeman Public Schools Family-School Services Coordinator and Family Promise Board Member, of those 487 unaccompanied or homeless children and young adults in Montana, 138 were located in Bozeman and attended school in the Bozeman School District.

Family Promise provides holistic support and services to families experiencing homelessness. Family Promise owns or operates three emergency shelter locations and 11 transitional housing locations. In January, Family Promise opened Rising Stars Early Learning Center that provides early learning to 96 kids, regardless of their ability to pay. For more information about Family Promise and Rising Stars visit familypromisegv.org or call (406) 582-7388.

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Warriors & Quiet Waters Announces 4th Annual Warrior Taste Fest Celebration

Bozeman, MT — Warriors & Quiet Waters Foundation will host its annual Warrior Taste Fest fundraiser — an event that will raise over $500,000 to support post-9/11 combat veterans.

Warrior Taste Fest, which will take place at Haynes Pavilion at the Gallatin County Fairgrounds, plans to host up to 700 people on Friday, August 12, who will sample food, beer, and cocktails from over 30 of Montana’s best restaurants, breweries, and distilleries. While guests eat and drink, they can enjoy the work of 10 renowned artists as they quick-finish paintings and sculptures that will be up for bid during the live auction.

Artists Troy Collins, Todd Connor, Jim Dolan, Thomas English, Terry Cooke Hall, Whitney Hall, Jennifer Johnson, Steve Lillegard, Laurie Stevens, and Shirle Wempner will all be quick finishing their art for the live auction.

The event will start with a VIP cocktail hour at 5:30 p.m., where VIP ticket holders can avoid lines, meet the artists, hear live music, and more.

“Not only will you find the greatest exposure to the best food and drink the Gallatin Valley has to offer, but you’ll also get the chance to see and bid on high-end, one-of-a-kind art pieces from the best artists in the Rocky Mountain West – all in a highly-charged, exciting atmosphere,” said Brian Gilman, CEO of Warriors & Quiet Waters. “Attending Warrior Taste Fest is a personal investment in the well-being of our nation’s combat veterans. There are over 1.7 million post-9/11 combat veterans and Warriors & Quiet Waters Foundation exists to help them thrive after their service.”

Warrior Taste Fest will open its doors for General Admission ticket holders at 6 p.m. The live auction and programming will begin at 8 p.m.

Tickets for Warrior Taste Fest are on sale now; ticket prices will increase on Aug. 1. Tickets and more information about Warrior Taste Fest can be found on Warriors & Quiet Waters’ website, wqwf.org. All proceeds will support post-9/11 combat veterans.

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Has the Population of Rodents Increased in 2022?

One question that we keep getting over the past few months here, at A Team Rodent Services, is - are there actually more rodents in 2022, than in previous years? Many people come to us with this query, certain it must be their mind playing a trick on them, but unfortunately, that does not seem to be the case.

So we thought we’d pen this little post, not just to answer that main question, but to also explore the hows and whys of what’s happening to the rats in your city.

First things first, rodents have always been a problem for big city dwellers such as New York city rats. Visit newyorkcityrats.com to learn about rats in the subway. As humanity has grown and come to take up more and more space on this planet, so too have rodents learned to adapt and co-exist alongside us. Both rats and mice are highly versatile and resilient critters - they’ve got smart ways to go around our safe-guards. Where there’s some food, there’s a way, that’s a rodent’s motto.

But are there actually more of them in 2022?

Well, the answer to that is debatable, with arguments on both sides. But since there has been no census to determine the rodent population itself, well, we can’t really say whether there actually are more rodents or if it’s just hearsay.

But there seem to be more.

Yes, we hear that a lot, and we think that could be explained in a number of ways, chief among which… the pandemic.

As Covid-19 restrictions have lifted pretty much all over the world, people have started getting back to the old rhythm of life. More and more of us are going outdoors and enjoying entertainment, dining, and cultural activities like before.

Now, read what we said above again - rats are primarily driven by their need for food (like most of us, actually). This means that the more food there is in a given place, the more rats will come there. Over the past two years, with the pandemic raging across the world, there wasn’t a lot of food available in most outdoor spaces, since there wasn’t a lot of outdoor dining or socializing, in general.

But now, that’s over, and with the end of the pandemic, we’ve seen a surge in social activities and outings. Naturally. Coupled with the “ban” on indoor dining, and an increased number of outdoor dining areas and outings, well, it’s easy to see whence this “surge” of rats around the city. That’s because when no one was going anywhere to grab a bite, there was less food. Not just from you, but also from restaurants and fast foods, many of which were closed or working at limited capacity during the pandemic, and so had less production rates.

People also wore face masks, which meant a decrease in outdoor eating, period. Less food means fewer rodents, and so it’s natural now, as we go out more, and eat out more, to see an increase there.

It might also have to do with climate change.

Another possible explanation for the increased rodent population (this time, assuming there are, indeed, more rodents about) could be related to climate change. As the winters grow more mild across the United States, and the weather, in general, is warmer, this could very well mean there are more rodents. Because rodents, like most other creatures, are dependent on the climate to survive. If it’s an unnaturally cold winter, more rodents than normal will die. Likewise, if it’s a very hot winter, then fewer rodents than normal will die, which effectively translates to more rodents around the city.

So to sum it all up, anything is possible. Yes, there might be more rodents around your city, due to the warmer climate, and thus less extreme temperatures. Or it might just be a trick of the eye, as it were, at the end of a long and exhausting pandemic.

And if you’re wondering about the whole rats vs mice debate, both are rampant in most big cities? How can you tell them apart? Keep in mind that rats are larger, with bulkier bodies. On top of that, mice typically have long, slender tails, covered in fur, whereas rats have short, hairless tails.


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This is so typical of a sign in, which we should not have to do to check if we or some one in our party got a permit. I have been working or "creating an account" for 30 minutes and just get the same ...

Smith River permit drawing results available

Sunday, Mar. 10, 2024