In Your Hands Montana Traditional Healing Arts Practice Now Open in Billings

Wednesday Sep. 18th, 2024

Billings, MT 
– Traditional healing arts and Chinese herbs have been used for thousands of years and offer significant health benefits including encouraging the body’s natural healing processes, reducing stress and anxiety, improving circulation and energy flow, addressing root causes of illness, and restoring balance to the body’s systems.

Finding an expert though, can be hard. Thankfully Billings resident, Sophia Writesel took up the challenge to delve deeply into the study of these ancient healing arts and has now opened her clinical herbalist practice, In Your Hands, located in Billings, Montana. Sophia completed Jade Forest School of Herbology's professional clinical herbology program as well as their professional apprentice program in clinical herbology in Billings, Montana. Sophia studied traditional Chinese medicine and formulation, western herbal sciences, anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, and nutrition.

“We are committed to developing personalized herbal, lifestyle, and nutritional strategies tailored to your unique needs,” Sophia explained. “We take the time to thoroughly educate you and address any questions, ensuring you feel empowered and confident throughout your healing journey."

Since the world of Chinese herbs and holistic health may be new to many people, In Your Hands offers free 15-minute consultations to provide an overview of how the practice works. Precision 20-minute consultations start at $20, so cost is not a barrier to achieving your health goals. The practice provides unique custom herbal formulations, nutrition, and lifestyle strategies to bring balance to all aspects of your life.

“We are also looking forward to teaching classes on how to make your own essential oil sprays, roll ons, and herbal bath soaks for the holiday season,” Sophia said. “With a fun combination of holistic health education, samples of scents and herbal concoctions, it’s a great way to check off the holiday gift list and expand your understanding of health and well being.”

With a full list of frequently asked questions on the website, and the 15 minute consultation, you can finally put your health back IN YOUR HANDS.