2024 Migratory Bird Stamp Unveiled

Stamp to help raise awareness for wetlands conservation

Tuesday Feb. 27th, 2024

HELENA – Gov. Greg Gianforte unveiled the winner of the 2024 Migratory Bird Stamp art contest at the Capitol Rotunda in a small ceremony Monday. The winning work will be on display for a week at the Capitol and then at Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks’ headquarters in Helena.

The winning artwork is by Florida artist John Nelson Harris. His painting of a northern pintail duck was selected from among more than 70 submissions from artists around the United States. Harris is the designer of more than a dozen conservation prints and stamps, including duck stamps for California, Oklahoma and Washington.

FWP launched the art contest this year to help raise additional awareness and appreciation for wetlands conservation and the benefits of intact wetlands to people and wildlife. Artists were invited to submit their work from Nov. 1 through Dec. 31. The Wetlands Protection Advisory Council selected the winner in January.

 “Wetland restoration and conservation is a key part of the work we do at FWP,” said FWP Director Dustin Temple. “Intact wetlands benefit fish and wildlife, as well as landowners and communities.”

Wetlands are critical for many wildlife and aquatic species, as well providing critical ecosystem functions like flood control, groundwater recharge and water purification. FWP’s Migratory Bird Wetland Program helps landowners and other conservation partners develop and fund projects that protect, conserve, enhance or create high-quality wetland habitat.

The 2024 Migratory Bird Stamp will not be required to hunt migratory birds in Montana. But those who purchase a migratory bird license will receive a free collectable sticker showing the winning artwork, information about the Migratory Bird Wetland Program and information about how to make additional contributions.

For winning the 2024 Migratory Bird Stamp contest, Nelson receives a $2,000 prize paid for by contributions from the Montana Outdoor Legacy Foundation, Montana Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, and Montana Audubon.

“We’re grateful for partners like these who step forward in support of conservation,” Temple said.

For more information of the contest and to view the submissions, click here.