City of Bozeman Overhauls Pet Licensing

Friday Dec. 29th, 2023

BOZEMAN, Montana (Dec. 27, 2023) — Bozeman’s many animal owners now have an easier way to keep their pets healthy and safe. The City of Bozeman recently overhauled the pet licensing program to increase efficiency and access by launching an online way to register animals.

“Our new pet licensing software makes it much easier for owners to stay in compliance with the law and to keep their licenses up to date,” Laurae Clark, City Treasurer explained. “There are also tons of benefits to licensing, from keeping animals safe and healthy to managing stray populations to supporting dog waste bags in parks.”

Bozeman Municipal Code requires pet owners residing in the city to register any dog or cat over six months old annually. Until recently, all licensing renewals were done manually at City Hall, and payments could only be taken in person or by mail. The new software allows residents to apply for and renew their pet licenses online.

Through this process, the Finance Department also analyzed the pet licensing fees, which have not been evaluated or changed for more than 30 years. Staff identified a need to increase fees to support the new software and staffing costs. City Commission approved the proposed increases on Dec. 12.

There are several benefits associated with licensing. First, it promotes health and safety, as proof of vaccination is required which helps prevent rabies from spreading to both pets and humans. Pets also have a better chance of returning home if lost as the license has contact information associated with it. Additionally, spaying and neutering are encouraged through the program, which helps keep stray dog/cat populations low.

The program also funds pet services in the community, including funding for local shelters and animal control and dog waste bags in parks and public areas.

More information on pet licensing, including how to register, can be found at