Help Center, Inc. Leaders Announce Intention to Purchase, Renovate and Occupy 5.1 Acre Mental Health Campus from Western Montana Mental Health

Special “Answering the Call” Campaign Launched to Raise Required Funds

Friday Sep. 15th, 2023

BOZEMAN – On Wednesday, Help Center, Inc.’s (HCI) CEO and Board of Directors joined with leaders from key project partners at Community Health Partners, HRDC and the Gallatin Behavioral Health Coalition to announce HCI’s intention to purchase, renovate and relocate its key mental health and community-based services to the 5.1 acre Mental Health Campus at 699 Farmhouse Lane in Bozeman. The campus, with five buildings totaling more than 15,000 developed square feet, was recently valued at more than $4.7 million and is currently owned by Western Montana Mental Health.

The two organizations have agreed upon a reduced $3.1 million purchase price and a deferred closing date of March 1, 2024, allowing the Help Center to mount a special fundraising campaign to raise necessary funds. That campaign, “Answering the Call,” seeks to raise as much as $4.5 million in charitable multi-year pledges and contributions to support property acquisition, basic renovations and Help Center program support and expansion, made possible by the prospect of having more space for essential services and staff.

Help Center, Inc.’s board chair, Stacey Lyons, began her remarks by acknowledging leaders at Western Montana Mental Health and Bozeman Health for their roles in helping to make Wednesday’s announcements possible. “First, to Western Montana Mental Health, thank you for the years of service you provided to our county and region from this campus,” she said. “Your willingness to partner with us to make this a win-win has been so appreciated and admirable.”

“For those who may not know, leadership at Western and Bozeman Health have come together to provide the Help Center with a $1.6 million ‘land credit,’ dramatically reducing what we’ll need to purchase this remarkable campus” she continued. Lyons acknowledged Bozeman Health for their original donation of this property in 2008 and Western Montana Mental Health for “paying that generosity forward” to HCI.

Once purchased and renovated by the Help Center, the 52 year old non-profit organization will be able to move its programs to the campus:

  • -  Help Center - the 24/7 crisis and suicide intervention and prevention programs and 988 and 211 call centers.

  • -  The Sexual Assault Counseling Center and GallaGn County Child Advocacy Center – sexual assault counseling, outreach and multidisciplinary forensic response services for adults and children.

    • - Hearts and Homes - onsite family visitation, custody child exchange, and parent coaching services to the campus.

HRDC will manage ten occupied affordable housing units on the campus and Community Health Partners intends to rent space on the campus to help expand locally available clinical behavioral health services.

In launching the Help Center’s $4.5 million fundraising campaign, board member Bruce Copeland shared that individual donors, corporate sponsors and area foundations had already come together to provide $2 million in early support for “Answering the Call,” leaving $2.5 million still to be raised. Targeted fundraising will continue into 2024, with HCI accelerating its efforts to secure the $3.1 million required to purchase the property, $900,000 to provide for basic renovations and furnishings and $500,000 to allow to support its programs as local needs continue to grow.

“When we first started discussing the possibility and plans to expand and improve our space to do what is right for our clients, team members, and community, our intention was to build at our Peach St. property,” shared Palmer, HCI secretary and treasurer. “As most of you know, that ‘well loved’ 1925 facility that we’ve called home since 1992 was ready to be retired and replaced. Now, we have an opportunity to better provide our clients with a wonderful place in which to be served and support our heroic team members and partners with dramatically improved spaces in which to do their vital work.”

“This campaign’s success will come from the generosity of every supporter,” Copeland shared. “Whether someone can make a $5,000 or $5 gift or can offer an hour of time to support this project, all will be welcomed with nothing but gratitude.”

Immediately Andrea and Michael Manship, announced that - over and above the initial $500,000 gift they had already made to Answering the Call - they are ready to provide an additional $500,000, matching dollar for dollar the next half million dollars raised through this campaign. Their faith in our work, desire to see us succeed and hope that others will join them in rallying behind Help Center, Inc.

For more information about Help Center, Inc., its plans to purchase and renovate the Mental Health Campus or the “Answering the Call” Campaign, visit or contact Mandy St. Aubyn at


About Help Center, Inc.

Help Center, Inc. (HCI) is a 501c (3) non-profit organization that was founded in 1971. It is based in Bozeman, MT and provides services that cover 13 counties in Southwest Montana. HCI provides crisis counseling, advocacy, information, outreach, support, and services to clientele in a safe, confidential environment. In 2022, HCI served approximately 8,000 individuals through its five core programs:

  • 24/7 crisis and suicide intervention and prevention services including screening, assessment and follow- up. As 988 and 211 call centers, they also provide statewide and national leadership for these services and systems.

  • Trauma-informed advocacy, outreach, and counseling for sexual assault and abuse survivors, including multidisciplinary coordination of forensic medical exams and interviews, for both adults and children.

  • Onsite and in-home family visitation, custody child exchange, and parent coaching services.

  • Free long- and short-term ongoing trauma-informed, individual and family mental health services to clients across all social service programs.

  • Voucher program and community service site via its Sacks Thrift Store.